All recent comments on applications from Wyndham City Council, VIC

75 Market Road Werribee VIC 3030
Three (3) Lot Subdivision

Let's face fact.

Council will rubber stamp most of these development over-developments because they align with the State Governments high density planning framework, and heritage control is tepid especially north of the railway line.

There would not even be a railway line above ground in Werribee, if the council was doing its job and not laying down to the whims of state government single mindedly implementing third best eyesore overpasses in fraudulent promise to get you home from work earlier.

Now Covid has you home most of the time, but wait till you see what the traffic will be like if we ever get out of lockdown. Who will ride train if they have a choice?

Bicycles back big time but not welcome on the overpasses.

People need to turn up at face to face council meetings to have their voices heard, and in the gallery and on the steps of parliament. Peacefully and respectfully articulate your concerns knowing that numbers matter.

You can attend VCAT hearings too.

Geoff R
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
75 Market Road Werribee VIC 3030
Three (3) Lot Subdivision

There are far too many multi-unit re-development permits being granted.
Do any of the town planners actually live in Wyndham?
It seems they allow these multi-unit re-developments without a care for those that have to live with the consequences of their decisions.

Geoff Ayres
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
165-167 Greaves Street North Werribee VIC 3030
Buildings and Works Associated with the Construction of Two Additional Dwellings and a Three Lot Subdivision

Please no more
There are two schools on this road the traffic on this road is already too much and this road and area were meant for single dwellings
There is so much land already available to build on ,you are ruining the area with all these units because that’s what they are going in
Please revisit two now three come on be realistic
We moved away from over crowding

Jane smith
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

As many have already commented above.
When I bought the land in Allura from Stockland we were promised Woolworth, now I have heard Foodworks is coming which she similar but there was no mention of high rise.

I highly object on High rise apartment construction in the vicinity. There are two schools, a kindergarten and a child care surrounding this complex. It will be very chaotic if high rise is built here but traffic problems.


Navneel Sharma
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

When we bought the land from stocklands back in 2014, they have promised the above area was sold to Woolworth and it will build a shopping center. According to their plan, it half for car parks and half for shopping areas. Unfortunately, Woolworth was designed to pull off the plan.
They sold the above land to iga awhile ago which the old permits still valid. And the land are marked “commercial purposes only”. The new developer should beware of these occurs.
The new development have been waited for a years till the old permit expired and applied a new plan. I have understand the mix of rental, commercial and entertainment are acceptable in above land, but our whole estate residentials are believe the above land are mainly for commercial only.
According to the new development plans, there are above 65% of areas are residential purposes, 25% of areas are 2 storages of car parks and only 10% of areas are commercial and entertainment purposes.
We are objecting this plans base on traffics, crimes and safety, growing pollution, and environmental protection.
The shopping and others retails are the need of the 1.5km surrounding residential.

Douglas Chok
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

As many have already commented above.
When I bought the land in Allura from Stockland we were promised Woolworth, now I have heard Foodworks is coming which she similar but there was no mention of high rise.

I highly object on High rise apartment construction in the vicinity. There are two schools, a kindergarten and a child care surrounding this complex. It will be very chaotic if high rise is built here but traffic problems.


Navneel Sharma
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
111 Synnot Street Werribee VIC 3030
Use of the land for accommodation (Seasonal Farm Workers)

This is the second multi site for farm workers on the wrong side of the highway
This means more traffic congestion for the areas that are already congested. It means drivers coming and going at all times disturbing their neighbours and decreases the value of the properties around that area
Surely it’s better placed to be built on existing Werribee south land which would in all reality make it a much greener proposition for all
They could walk to their work or just have a local pick up point and not disturb other families and add to the traffic congestion we already suffer in Werribee
Put it where it needs to be put

Jane smith
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

How did you appprove this council???
This land was planned for a town center with a proper supermarket not townhouses & 4 storey apartments??? Why give in to greedy developers!

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
22 Synnot Street Werribee VIC 3030
Liquor licence and internally illuminated business identification signs

I am ok with signs- it's a dull streetscape presently. I object to yet another liquor licence in a city that has serious problem with substance abuse.

Is the next move a drug injecting room?

Here's suggestion. Oppose liquor licence applications unless there are reductions overall in the number of licences on issue.

There may be case for maintaining status quo, but a shift to on premises service and away from takeaway liquor would be good on many counts. Drinking in the home, or inevitably the public park, is a serious problem, especially in a multicultural, multifaith community, where even atheists are mostly against domestic and public violence or substance abuse.

Geoff R
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
53 Baggott Drive Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029
Removal of single dwelling covenant from the land

I am in support of this application

Zoranco Josevski
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
1 Maltby Bypass Werribee VIC 3030
Section 72 Amendment - Buildings and works and signage associated with the expanded operations of the existing Freeway service centre to accommodate a KFC restaurant with a drive-through

I would love and appreciate a KFC so close by in a convenient location. Please, please make this happen.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

Need shipping centre and restaurants as per initial master plan. No more apartments please.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

I see you have already approved the permit Wyndham council. Thankyou for listening to us when we all said we don't want townhouses or apartments in the area. We need shops and restaurants and are awaiting the arrival of a SUPERMARKET. Will let us know what is happening or do we need to all empire builders and start protest against this.

Jane Hope
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
Subdivision of Land - Allura Village - Fifty Three (53) Lots

My family strongly objects to this proposed plan specially the town houses and apartments.
The area is already busy in peak hours and thus will just only lead to more congestion.
Town centre was promised with a supermarket not with 4 story townhouses.
This development should stan down.

Rahul Sharma
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
Subdivision of Land - Allura Village - Fifty Three (53) Lots

I and my family are against bulding residential building in this site. This site was promised to be meant for shopping area(Woolworths). Though any other supermarket is appreciated, residential buildings will furether increase the congestion in this area.

Vijay Venkataraman
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

I completely against the proposed plan and want Stockland/New developer to stick to the original plan which was promised to residents of Allura at the time of property purchased, All of us are in dire need of town centre with local facilities to residents. Adjacent school this year was P-6 and at peak hours residents don't find a car parking space and very crowded which is leading to dangerous traffic situations and next year this school will open for P-9 which means lots more students and lot of traffic. Adding to this dense resident in place of shops and car park will add misery to local resident and put residents of Allura in harms way. We expect to have through consultation with local.

Sikander Azam
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
Subdivision of Land - Allura Village - Fifty Three (53) Lots

My family and I didn’t pay premium price to get a bunch of apartments here. We paid premium price to get a bunch of shops. This is not fair to the residents of Allura. Not only will it cause more congestion. But it also cuts down the supermarket size as well as the surrounding shops that were initially being proposed because of the added apartments. Me and my family oppose this development from going through. The residence of Allura should have the right to decide what will be built in our estate. As it will have a affect on us.

Tanya Pearce
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

We need promised town centre/shopping centre. Not townhouses or apartments.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

We bought in Allura back in 2013 due to the promise of the town center and a quiet lifestyle where we could raise a young family(one of main selling campaigns of Stockland.) So to density housing instead of a proper supermarket is a big NO from us. Please realise that the roads and infrastructure don't allow for this type of development to be viable. Don't turn our estate into a shemozzle just because the greedy developer wants larger return for his investment, this IS NOT in the best interest of the community. Parking will definitely become an issue if you approve this development. Where will these 4 story townhouse residents park their cars?. The area should remain family and child friendly with existing two primary schools, a community center & a couple of childcare. What the residents need is a decent supermarket as promised by Stockland when they sold the lands here at a premium. As a reminder too, Truganina is the only suburb WITHOUT a supermarket so it's about time, we have one. Please do everything in your power to STOP this "density" housing.

Matthew and Stephanie James
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
Subdivision of Land - Allura Village - Fifty Three (53) Lots

Please no more high density residential in the area. We need a retail precinct as promised for this area. We paid premium prices for land here, as a little cal shopping precinct was promised to us.

Ravi kiran & santhi
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

Please big no to Town houses.

We have paid extra due to super market promise made by developer not for the town houses.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
Subdivision of Land - Allura Village - Fifty Three (53) Lots

My family strongly objects to this proposed plan specially the town houses and apartments. We have conveyed our objection to developer as well as council at multiple forums.It is disappointing that it is still going ahead.We paid premium price to purchase land in Alura as we were promised a town centre with Woolworths.It’s a cruel joke to see 4 storey sky rise apartment instead with small retail space

Nidhi & Rajeev
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
The use and development of a local Town Centre comprising of three (3) mixed used buildings for retail, dining, medical and recreation uses, apartment dwellings with associated open space and carparking; the use and development of townhouse dwellings and home office dwellings; and a reduction in the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5

I bought in Allura back in 2013 mainly because of the town center (one of main selling campaigns of Stockland) so it's A BIG NO to density housing instead of a proper supermarket. Please don't allow our estate to turn into a ghetto just because the greedy developer wants BIG return for his investment, ie. building apartments/townhouses more than anything will 'fatten' his pocket but IS NOT in the best interest of the community. Parking will definitely become an issue if you approve this development. Where will these 4 story townhouse residents park their cars???? We alsi already have issues of litter everywhere in the estate so this will become worst. The area should remain family and child friendly >>> with existing two primary schools, a community center & a couple of childcare. What the residents need is a decent supermarket as promised by Stockland when they sold the lands here at a premium but never deliver. They only profited. As a reminder too, Truganina is the only suburb WITHOUT a supermarket so it's about time, we have one. Please do everything in your power to STOP this "density" housing.

Evy Son
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
Subdivision of Land - Allura Village - Fifty Three (53) Lots

Please no more high density residential in the area. We need a retail precinct as promised for this area. We paid premium prices for land here, as a little cal shopping precinct was promised to us.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029
Subdivision of Land - Allura Village - Fifty Three (53) Lots

Our family also strongly object as we have done with the developer when he came to present his plan at the Doherty's Creek school.
This will get congestion to the existing area with construction of so many townhouses and units in the area next to the school.

The traffic will impact the school kids

Arveen & Meenakshi
Delivered to Wyndham City Council