All recent comments on applications from Wyndham City Council, VIC

28 Scotsburn Grove Werribee VIC 3030
Development of the land for retail and the construction of sixty-two (62) apartments

this application is absolutely inappropriate for the area. We strongly object to this application based on the following:

- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Overlooking/loss of privacy
- Visual bulk
- Adequacy of parking
- Traffic generation.
- Noise and disturbance resulting from use
- it it totally NOT in keeping with the existing streetscape

its totally inappropriate.

Jo W
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
28 Scotsburn Grove Werribee VIC 3030
Development of the land for retail and the construction of sixty-two (62) apartments

I completely agree with Jane and the other comments. How about preserving the old charm that we have left and heritage these streets offer not many of these older pockets left untouched as best we can. 62 apartments in such a tight street should not even be thought of to be considered. This will be extremely disappointing if Wyndham City Council approve this. How about council think about, how the dwelling will impact us all in the future and how we would like our city to function safely and properly for today and tomorrow’s generation for the years ahead.
Shops and offices would be better and utilise the nearby public transport instead of clogging the street and neighbouring streets up.
Please think about keeping and respecting our older pockets of Werribee.

Gordon John
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
28 Scotsburn Grove Werribee VIC 3030
Development of the land for retail and the construction of sixty-two (62) apartments

Agree Jane and Geoff. This astronomic rate of growth in Wyndham's population is unsustainable. I moved to Werribee 15 years ago for the peace, quiet and space and looks like now I am getting none of those in the name of "progress".

Up the road from where this 62 apartment is proposed, along Cottrell Street, you are aware that work has already begun on a 72 unit slum, sorry apartment tower?

The writing was on the wall when council approved the rezoning of this land for multi-storey development. I am hoping to find a greedy developer to buy my existing house so that I can move somewhere else out of this rapidly deteriorating suburb.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
28 Scotsburn Grove Werribee VIC 3030
Development of the land for retail and the construction of sixty-two (62) apartments


the single biggest issue I see holding back council and state governments is a lack of understanding, or perhaps deliberate strategy of deceptively denying the mathematical fact of compound growth.

The population of what is now Wyndham City has been doubling every 10 years of my life since I grew up in Bacchus Marsh, reliably taught (in early 60's) that Werribee population was 2000 vs Bacchus Marsh's then 3000. I have had conversations with senior Council Bureaucrats, and the then mayor on this simple but logically inescapable fact. The modelling company that advises council where to put bus shelters and kindergartens admitted to me that their models unsuited to long term projections.

The Wyndham CBD can only grow up in height and density, not out. Whether we want that is not being asked. The missed opportunity to create an underground train service will seem even more tragic when/if people are forced due to traffic congestion to use public transport vs individual cars for a good portion of their travel. West Gate Tunnel is going nowhere fast, as boring machines sink into mud.

At some point you need an industry or resource base for a healthy city economy. Education City was shunned by Council because it did not suit present governments agenda. So Fishermens Bend will get what Wyndham could have had.

What use are tourist destinations when there are no tourists? Hospitality is an outcome, not an input. The masses of food delivery vehicles plying our streets in evening are indicative of the low paid, menial jobs that Council is bent on attracting.

These people need to live somewhere, so high rise cramped apartments fill readily. But is that desirable and what the rest of the people of Wyndham really want? I don't think so.

Geoff R
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
28 Scotsburn Grove Werribee VIC 3030
Development of the land for retail and the construction of sixty-two (62) apartments

Is this seriously being considered
To say I’m shocked is an understatement
62 apartments which obviously aren't all single bedroom which means at the least 124 or should that be 248 extra cars to make their way onto our already overcrowded roads
To register with our already over subscribed to GP clinics and hospital system
To try and gain access to our schools that can barely cope
And then our roads and in amongst that access to the freeway ,which no doubt you will have taken into consideration during your future proofing of Werribee and Wyndham
Isn’t this where you sit down with local government as in state government e.g the treasurer and look at what’s required to keep Werribee and Wyndham going , where environmental impacts are taken into account ?.
Because perhaps if you did we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now always playing catch up .Our roads at the moment are quiet due to a pandemic , speaking of which is spread much more quickly in apartment settings why are you helping it.
The apartments that back onto the river on Watton street were auctioned off at an executor auction ,( not due to a death either )
This is purely a profit making exercise that will destroy this area even more.
We are still no doubt the richest council in Victoria yet our rates still remains the highest
Do we seriously need this in Werribee my answer would be No
Please do not consider this as a viable opportunity please knock it back , as after all this was future planned back then as a single dwelling site.
The roads in that area that feed onto Sayers and market road were future proofed then for a one car dwelling .Why not future proof us now for the next 10 years at least so we can get to work or access our GPS or hospitals when we need to.
Thank you .

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
73 Synnot Street Werribee VIC 3030
Buildings and Works for the construction of a Food and Drinks Premises and the display of Business Identification Signage

Wherever these food vans pop up, it leads to poor sanitation (people relieving themselves in public), rubbish littering the nearby streets and disruption of nearby food businesses in proper accommodation. This should be rejected.

Laura Dunk
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

The space & area is not sufficient to accommodate high density housing, and it’s already evident. I object to this as it’s not the right solution for the area

Nev Howard
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

I am putting in an objection as the Saratoga Estate already has over 100 townhomes built within the estate, and anymore would over congest both the estate and the roads around the town houses due to cars parking all over the street. The estate is not as large as other estates in point cook however is overly populated with townhouses

Haiping Wang
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

This area is already over populated and putting another 23 townhouses / apartment in such a small area right at the entrance/exit of Saratoga will increase the chance of traffic accident.

HaiPing Wang
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

I object to these townhouses as it will over populate the rec center and roads.
This estate should be a nice tranquil slice of the west, instead it is quickly becoming over populated with rundown streets, homes and parks. We need more qaulity homes being built where people care about the upkeep and the area of which they live.

Jade baker
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

I oppose this developement as that area will be across another townhouse section, on one of the main roads getting in and out of the Saratoga Estate. With bicycle lanes and walking paths around, plus an exit to a main road Hacketts Rd. The visibility will be impacted for traffic, a safety concern.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

We put in an objection as the Saratoga Estate is currently over populated with 100 townhouses. We will consider selling if more are going to be built. We feel that the area is already over populated with too many townhouses and do not want the value of our townhouse to decrease as resale value could go down. Also due to a safety and security aspect with congested car parking.

Lynette Killoran
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

I am putting in an objection as the Saratoga Estate already has over 100 townhomes built within the estate, and anymore would over congest both the estate and the roads around the town houses due to cars parking all over the street. The estate is not as large as other estates in point cook however is overly populated with townhouses.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

I’m objecting to this, there are too many town houses in the estate and as you can see the ones on Umbrella Way are already congesting the road with parked cars despite their garages. Please do not build more town houses in the area!

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

In addition to my comment before, these town houses are death traps!! That poor young family that perished at 22 Totem Drive didn’t have a chance given the fire was started at the front door. Please don’t build more!

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

I am putting in an objection as the Saratoga Estate already has over 100 townhomes built within the estate, and anymore would over congest both the estate and the roads around the town houses due to cars parking all over the street. The estate is not as large as other estates in point cook however is overly populated with townhouses

Colin Robertson
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
200 Featherbrook Drive Point Cook VIC 3030
Development of 23 dwellings and associated subdivision

I am putting in an objection as the Saratoga Estate already has over 100 townhomes built within the estate, and anymore would over congest both the estate and the roads around the town houses due to cars parking all over the street. The estate is not as large as other estates in point cook however is overly populated with townhouses

Ian jones
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
Wedge Street South Werribee VIC 3030
Use and Development for a Bar and Restaurant; Liquor Licence; Variation to car parking requirement

We are residents of central Werribee (the village) and object to the public notice for Planning Application WYP12935/21. This space has seen a big financial injection over the years to provide a utilised space for the local community to enjoy while improving access to one of the most critical natural assets of the West - the Werribee River. This area already provides many options for restaurants and cafes and adding another eatery to will increase traffic congestion which is already a problem. The Werribee Piazza embraces a significant natural asset to the central Werribee area and allows an opportunity for the community to embrace this. By removing this open space you will be removing the natural integrity of the Werribee town centre.

Carolyn and Frank Camilleri
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
14 Salisbury Street Werribee VIC 3030
Buildings and works associated with the construction of a mixed use development comprising six residential dwellings and an office

I object to this application. As a resident of the street, I and other residents have already raised concerns regarding the traffic and parking conditions on the street. Such a development would only add further traffic and parking congestion on the street. Until council develops plans to address these fundamental infrastructure issues these types of applications should be paused.
In addition, the requirements to have commercial premises as part of the development on the north side of the street should be scrapped. There are already commercial premises on the street that are unable to be leased.
I also have concerns regarding the number of developments where single homes are being demolished and developed into cheap, poorly constructed units and apartments damaging the street scapes and unique character of old Werribee.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council
880 Duncans Road Werribee South VIC 3030
Construction of a Dwelling

To whom it may concern,
I am seeking advice with respect to Duncan's road, C108 from the Princess Freeway to Wyndham Harbour, Diggers Road and O'Connor's Road.
As a Health and Safety professional, I am keen to understand the risk profile on these Roads and how council manage the risk.
1. The roads are frequented by Farming vehicles in which at most occasions are not registered
2. Do not meet Chain of responsibility Load / mass and dimension's requirement's.
3. Farm Vehicles (Tractor, utes, light bed trucks failed there CoR obligations with respect to load restrain! (Loads are not secured at all)
4. Farming vehicles displace excessive amounts of clay / mud on the road, which presents obstacle for other road users to avoid (emergency evasion) which subsequently heightens the risk profile to a significant event / damage/ loss and death.
5. Clay mud deposits (in excessive amounts) significantly reduce road visibility , present immediate loss of traction events and risks, high potential event lead indicator.

Now, there is a solution or control:

1. Place a Farm vehicle access lane adjacent to the Duncans road (there is ample room to do so which will remove these vehicles/ plant and equipment from the main road.
2. By undertaking point one this will remove large excess deposits of clay, mud from the road and increase visibility, vehicle traction, and reduce the risk profile significantly.
2. Dept of TPT/ NHVR and Vic Pol; Monitor The road for compliance to CoR obligations
(Mass/ dimension/ load restraint)

The council is allowing this portion of community and many others to be at significant risk to severe accident/ injury leading to death if these issues are not addressed

This is not an argument ref "farmers were here first" or slow down etc... this is about the complete lack of Compliance to Chain of responsibility, placing other road users at significant risk, making road conditions so poor that you the Council are and will be liable and responsible)

Jason Eaton
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
Wedge Street South Werribee VIC 3030
Use and Development for a Bar and Restaurant; Liquor Licence; Variation to car parking requirement

We strongly object to this application.
The area is designated as public open space. Its currently a meeting spot for many, including families, friends catching up over a coffee; young people relaxing with an ice cream, dog walkers and the like. The area is actually being used for its intended purpose.
Serving of alcohol, even if only during the evenings, would be a disturbance. There are enough places down Watton St to grab a drink.
For these reasons, it should be deemed. inappropriate.

Joanne W
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
Wedge Street South Werribee VIC 3030
Use and Development for a Bar and Restaurant; Liquor Licence; Variation to car parking requirement

Where are we supposed to go if this is taken away from us?

This area is just what was needed in Werribee for family and friends to meet up on a regular basis for a chat and coffee. I personally use this area at least 3 times a week, together with many other residents.

It will be absolutely ruined if a liquor license is granted. We have more than enough problems in Werribee without adding to the situation.

Marilyn Welch
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
Wedge Street South Werribee VIC 3030
Use and Development for a Bar and Restaurant; Liquor Licence; Variation to car parking requirement

For myself, and I'm sure other Wyndham residents.
The Piazzo is a peaceful retreat to meet and sit quietly,, enjoying this amazing public place .
To clutter this space with venues, temporary or otherwise, would spoil the area that it was originally intended for.

Jill Taugge
Delivered to Wyndham City Council
Wedge Street South Werribee VIC 3030
Use and Development for a Bar and Restaurant; Liquor Licence; Variation to car parking requirement

objection to the proposed venue in the open public space. This proposed is a commercial business on public property for all residents . Taking up space with an associated liqueur licence will no doubt become a no go for family meeting and relax area in Watton st? Other licenced venues are via door entry with conditions . The cost to establish the proposed is not a low key venture and unlikely to be a portable business. This open public space in the centre of the shopping strip is an asset to Werribee and not intended to be an opportunity for commercial purposes. Cultural events in this space would be greatly effected.

norm taugge
Delivered to Wyndham City Council