50 Mainview Boulevard Truganina VIC 3029

Subdivision of Land - Allura Village - Fifty Three (53) Lots
Planning Authority
Wyndham City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
78 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
15 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Wyndham City Council. Add your own comment.

We strongly object to the proposed high density apartment blocks, especially the proposed 4 storey apartment buildings.

Reducing the size of the much-needed shopping centre to accommodate high density apartments is of no benefit to the community.

The current infrastructure (Mainview Boulevard and surrounding streets) is not designed to support the traffic that will come with this high-density living space. There are already 2 schools, a childcare centre and a child and maternal health centre in this small area.

The area is busy during peak hours, with local and outside traffic trying to access freeways and the above facilities. The proposed apartments will no doubt lead to further traffic congestion and noise levels.

Additionally, the four-storey building will disrupt the skyline, be unsightly and result in the shadowing of the existing homes / area, result in privacy concerns and ruin the natural appeal of the area.

Marcus and Jo
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

There is no need for additional housing, the residents of Allura deserve the promised retail precinct. The closest supermarket/shopping village is at least a 5-10 minute drive, nothing to meet the everyday needs of residents within walking distance. There are numerous supermarkets in Tarneit and not one in Truganina.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

There is no need for additional housing, the residents of Allura deserve the promised retail precinct. The closest supermarket/shopping village is at least a 5-10 minute drive, nothing to meet the everyday needs of residents within walking distance. There are numerous supermarkets in Tarneit and not one in Truganina.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Please stop these townhouse development.We need a coles or wollies there as promised for Allura estate.

Jase Hoggard
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

We don't need more traffic congestion due to build this new high density apartments. We need coles/aldis/woolies if possible. Even lots of local Allura residents has written against this development but wydham council ignor the more than 100 residents petition. How many times and what number of comments the wyndham councils want to see to declined this apartment project and downsize the supermarket, reduce the size of shops ????

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Our family also strongly object as we have done with the developer when he came to present his plan at the Doherty's Creek school.
This will get congestion to the existing area with construction of so many townhouses and units in the area next to the school.

The traffic will impact the school kids

Arveen & Meenakshi
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Please no more high density residential in the area. We need a retail precinct as promised for this area. We paid premium prices for land here, as a little cal shopping precinct was promised to us.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

My family strongly objects to this proposed plan specially the town houses and apartments. We have conveyed our objection to developer as well as council at multiple forums.It is disappointing that it is still going ahead.We paid premium price to purchase land in Alura as we were promised a town centre with Woolworths.It’s a cruel joke to see 4 storey sky rise apartment instead with small retail space

Nidhi & Rajeev
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Please no more high density residential in the area. We need a retail precinct as promised for this area. We paid premium prices for land here, as a little cal shopping precinct was promised to us.

Ravi kiran & santhi
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

My family and I didn’t pay premium price to get a bunch of apartments here. We paid premium price to get a bunch of shops. This is not fair to the residents of Allura. Not only will it cause more congestion. But it also cuts down the supermarket size as well as the surrounding shops that were initially being proposed because of the added apartments. Me and my family oppose this development from going through. The residence of Allura should have the right to decide what will be built in our estate. As it will have a affect on us.

Tanya Pearce
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

I and my family are against bulding residential building in this site. This site was promised to be meant for shopping area(Woolworths). Though any other supermarket is appreciated, residential buildings will furether increase the congestion in this area.

Vijay Venkataraman
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

My family strongly objects to this proposed plan specially the town houses and apartments.
The area is already busy in peak hours and thus will just only lead to more congestion.
Town centre was promised with a supermarket not with 4 story townhouses.
This development should stan down.

Rahul Sharma
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

My family and I strongly object the townhouse and apartment next to the school and child care. These apartments were not in original plan, the shopping center with a woolie was. We need more shops in that area to serve Allura and other near by communities. We have waited for 5+ year.

Varun Verma
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

The infrastructure cannot support this type of high density accommodation.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

This is not fair and deceptive. We bought houses in this area because of the promises made and now finding out that its going to be government housing. This is so unfair and downright fraudulent.

shambleen qamar
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

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