Heavy equipment and Trucks etc. conducting works, travelling to and from sites will impact the surrounding area by creating noise and dust
The digging of the area may impact endangered species of flora & fauna .
The works may also have ties to a broader application for a heavy industry precinct which is under review by the state planning minister. Until a decision is reached on the larger application, it's unsuitable for any activities to begin at this location.
All recent comments on applications from Wyndham City Council, VIC
I am concerned that a reduction of car parking requirements will impact the accessibility to neighboring properties, hence obstruct the of use of neighboring properties and affect the amenity of the area. It is evident that street parking is already difficult to find and drivers frequently resort to parking illegally on the nature strips, and increasing the demand for street parking will make those issues worse.
This is an inappropriate and unsuitable use of this land.
The proposed budget is a fraction of the budget for the nearby place of worship, that provides enough on-site parking to fully accommodate ALL patrons.
This is sited on a major, busy road with a 70kmh limit and NO roadside parking.
Any overflow will create a significant safety risk for all motorists and severely impact the safety and amenity of nearby residents.
I strongly urge council to reject this application.
I strongly oppose this development. It will simply ruin Treson Court. There are no apartments in this street so why didn’t you take any notice of all the complaints you received years ago by the residents in both Melanie Drive and Treson Court
The council doesn’t really care what the rate payers think and how it will affect their lifestyle. Unfortunately the developers have all the say these days
This Court is small and parking will be a disaster for the residents getting in and out of the street. I sincerely hope that this has been taken into consideration
The extent of the works involved in this submission are unspecified and ambiguous. Any removal of native vegetation is potentially harmful in this protected area. The works may also have ties to a broader application under review by the state planning minister. Until a decision is reached on the larger application, it's unsuitable for any activities to begin at this location.
This application is unclear on scope & cost, & is potentially linked to a larger application that is currently before the state planning minister. Before the Minister has made a decision on the larger application, it is inappropriate for any works to commence at this site.
Correction to my objection.
The first line should read:
"an INappropriate use".
This is an appropriate use for a property of this size and location.
The block is already subdivided so it is very likely that overflow parking will spill out onto the 70km/hr roadway at the front of the property. This will create significant safety hazards for the parkers, passers by and, most importantly, nearby residents. The existing residents amenity will suffer and their safety will be compromised by parked vehicles shielding their drive way when they are attempting to enter / leave.
Following the Pacific National proposal to concrete over 350ha of land in that immediate area, I would like to enquire why geotechnical testing is being conducted please?
Thank you,
Emma Sutcliffe
I agree 100% with Mr Mcinerney’s comments regarding traffic congestion that will occur in Tower road for vehicles wanting to access the Princes Hwy. I felt there was little thought given to local traffic flow once the overpass was completed. Since the right hand turn onto Princes Hwy from Tower road was shut, all local traffic must now access Sins Ave, Slattery st and Wattle ave to gain access onto the Princes Hwy. These roads simply can’t handle the increased traffic. A simple fix would have been new lights at The intersection of Tower road and Princes Hwy. With the extra 59 townhouse proposed at 1 Tower road, traffic will become chaotic.
I note that since council has made parking in Salisbury St on both sides of the road has essentially made this a one-way street. Many vehicles are using this road to avoid the lights at Cherry St, and Duncan’s Road..I hope council can see the light and come up with workable road traffic control.
If this is allowed, There should not be access via Derrimut road as currently, the houses near Derrimut road are causing issues as they tend to slow down without warning with potential to crashes. There are numerous times, the cars are parked on the path blocking pedestrian access.
The council needs to ensure that either separate access is created or another lane is created to access these lots.
Why is the ONLY information supplied "Removal of covenant"?
Why should I have to come into council offices to get the details of a publicly available document that should have FULL disclosure online?
This is a main intersection and a very busy entrance to an ESTATE. Parking is not sufficient, street parking is not sufficient or safe.
We already have a swimming center and a major school on this corner which is already over saturated with cars, trucks, buses and pedestrians.
Manor lakes does not need a medical center at its entrance, we already have one at the shopping center a couple of 100 meters away and one up and down ballan road.
Signage and making this property into a medical facility devalues the properties around it.
There are enough bottle shops around the area and one literally about 1km walk down the road! No!
we have enough places selling alcohol around here we don't need any more
As a resident of Bindowan drive for over 35 years this proposal for a "place of worship" has been attempted before with a property on the other side of the street and was rejected outright by the council.
Bindowan drive is zoned residential and should remain so.
The single lane bitumen road is maintained by vicroads. There is no footpath or concrete curbing and no nature strip which we believe is maintained by Wyndham City. And this is the way residents like it.
Parking on either side of the single lane bitumen road is a problem and if the road becomes congested could become a safety issue.
In planning studies conducted by Wyndham some years ago Bindowan Drive was identified as an area within the Wyndham region as of significant importance and that it should be preserved.
We strongly recommend this application be rejected.
This is disgraceful this application, the property was sold because apparently this "childcare centre" is in the bag...months before this was made public, this is a lovely quiet area and it will be absolutely ruined by having a commercial operation here...There is zero parking and parking cannot be pulled from a hat..ie a median strip no one can park on Ballan Road (because this centre will be on the corner) and zero parking in Mambourin Street. Also what awful traffic this will bring to a very quiet safe service road on Ballan Road that services 2 blocks of houses from No 2 - No 14. As parents will use this as a rat run because Ballan Road is carpark now during peak hour...Unfortunately people in the general area can no longer be fairly heard, my experience with council has been no matter even if you lodge an appeal, it goes nowhere...This area is one of the few remaining pockets in Werribee of nice larger homes that have not been ruined by too many flats, poor traffic management etc...and they have the gall to completely ruin this lovely area with a commercial enterprise that will cause traffic chaos...You know there are already 2 child centres down the road...How about you put in in commercial area...no smack dab into a quiet residential area...I am so angry with the lack of foresight of anyone in council nowadays...do any professionals work for the residents anymore or only developers or greedy dodgy councillors
I think the council needs to look at the traffic created by the multiple number of churches along this strip already and what they can do to improve traffic flow. Some nights it is downright dangerous with people parking in the supermarket carport and trying to cross the road in the traffic. Also the amount of cars trying to go in and out of the parking also needs to be considered. This area used to be a quiet area where the large house blocks were. Sayers Rd here is not designed for the increased traffic.
This is not fair and deceptive. We bought houses in this area because of the promises made and now finding out that its going to be government housing. This is so unfair and downright fraudulent.
This is an inappropriate use for this site. There will be a finite amount of on-site parking with very little scope for accommodating overflow parking in the surrounding area.
It is a busy two lane road with a bicycle lane, not a parking lane.
Any vehicles parked in the bicycle lane will force cyclists into the vehicle lane.
Re the proposal to build 59 residences on the parcel of land at 3 Tower Road; The only available exit from that property is directly into Tower Road. Sadly, this will create a vehicle bottleneck for anyone wishing to head into Werribee township from Tower Road. For those living along Tower Road and its environs, they will experience a substantial increase in road traffic from the new residents heading towards Melbourne. The blocking off of the Tower Road/Princes Highway exit for vehicles wishing to travel towards Melbourne was a great idea safety wise, but unfortunately it meant quite a detour for folk who live in Tower Road and all the streets that run off or into it. It would have been far wiser to leave the exit as it was and move the traffic lights and intersection at Kelly Park back to the Tower Road exit. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen. Doubly unfortunate is that this happened at the same time that the railway overpass replacing the Cherry Street crossing occurred. This generated extra traffic down Wattle Avenue which is now the safest exit for Tower Road and environs users heading towards Melbourne or Derrimut Road. For residents of Wattle Avenue and Slattery Street they will also experience an additional increase in road traffic from those new residents coming from the city or Derrimut Road.
These streets were not designed for such traffic. It was only 11 years ago that Tower Road was narrowed to ensure it remained a residential street. As for the narrow Slattery Street, which is the new thoroughfare for Tower Road residents travelling home from the East, there are no footpaths. Cars often park in the street resulting in pedestrians having to venture further onto the road and frequently blindly! Increased traffic due to the changes made by Vic Roads will surely result in an accident soon enough and yet our voices go unnoticed; and now Wyndham Council is considering a development that adds even more traffic to this area?
I appreciate that Wyndham Council must be quite delighted in not only finding a use for this prime parcel of land that once belonged to the State Rivers, but also the revenue that 59 new residences will provide by way of rates. However, it would be really conscionable if Council could examine the proposal objectively, recognise the critical traffic problems it will add to and seek out an alternative solution that is a win for all.
I have no choice but to consciously object to the proposal as I see no community benefit from it and only traffic problems and potential traffic accidents down the track. With limited accessibility /access /egress there is also the possibility of a ghetto being created. For Tower Road residents I see only increased traffic, noise and bottlenecks.
By way of offering an alternative, please consider the aforementioned proposal of moving the lights and crossing currently at Kelly Park and repositioning these at Tower Road. This would solve many problems; allow the proposal to go ahead safely, reduce the traffic on Wattle Avenue and Slattery Street, remove the dog’s breakfast intersection for Jellicoe Street, reduce the traffic and noise on Tower Road and basically make everyone’s life easier and happier! Then again, I am no traffic designer, but maybe it can be looked into?
Please share plans
Without seeing any plans, I am against yet more crowding off dwellings & blocks of land at the entrance of Jacqueline Close.
Talk about flooding an area of approximate 40metres with 4 sets of double dwellings in the one space. It's already overcrowded and takes away from the street appeal of such a beautiful south Werribee location.
There is already 2 x units/townhouses right next door to this block of land at 7 Jacqueline Close.
Then there is also another 2 x units/townhouses straight across the road at 6 Jacqueline Close.
And, finally there is also another 2 x units/townhouses across the road at 4 Jacqueline Close.
And there is also 2 x units/townhouses around the corner at 17 Jacqueline Close.
Enough is enough!!
I think a service station would be great, but I think that it should include at least two quick power stations for electric vehicles if not more. As we move towards a future with less fossil fuels an outer suburb like Manor Lakes should be at the forefront of enabling new technologies. Any additional electric stations would be benficial.I am a little confused about what the rest of this application describes. If it is for a council/roadworks depot then I think that it should not become an eyesore and mud and debris etc on the road from this site should be limited. As well as some plantings to beautify it. If it is to widen Ballan road then go for it, but please don't take the pressure off for the Ison Road completion from the freeway to Tarneit. Access to Heaths Road is a nightmare as is connection to the free way. For improved feedback from the community perhaps you could consider how you write these descriptions.
We need a bridge on ison road to connect tarneit. That will reduce traffic on heath road specially school time and weekends.
Wyndham council take this seriously and start asap.