485 Ballan Road Manor Lakes VIC 3024

Mixed-use development associated with the Manor Lakes Town Centre (Northern Mixed Use Precinct), including use of land for a service station, buildings and works, display of signs and creation of access to a road in a Transport Zone 2
Planning Authority
Wyndham City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
58 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Wyndham City Council. Add your own comment.

Please construct this along with...
Ison road bridge over the train tracks connecting to the freeway.
Urgent urgent bridge connection north of Armstrong road over the Werribee river. This is the most important infrustructure project required for our area.
Duplication on Ballan road would be nice.

Gerald Buda
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

We need a bridge on ison road to connect tarneit. That will reduce traffic on heath road specially school time and weekends.
Wyndham council take this seriously and start asap.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

I think a service station would be great, but I think that it should include at least two quick power stations for electric vehicles if not more. As we move towards a future with less fossil fuels an outer suburb like Manor Lakes should be at the forefront of enabling new technologies. Any additional electric stations would be benficial.I am a little confused about what the rest of this application describes. If it is for a council/roadworks depot then I think that it should not become an eyesore and mud and debris etc on the road from this site should be limited. As well as some plantings to beautify it. If it is to widen Ballan road then go for it, but please don't take the pressure off for the Ison Road completion from the freeway to Tarneit. Access to Heaths Road is a nightmare as is connection to the free way. For improved feedback from the community perhaps you could consider how you write these descriptions.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

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