48 Mambourin Street Werribee VIC 3030

Use and development of land for a childcare centre
Planning Authority
Wyndham City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
108 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Wyndham City Council. Add your own comment.

This is disgraceful this application, the property was sold because apparently this "childcare centre" is in the bag...months before this was made public, this is a lovely quiet area and it will be absolutely ruined by having a commercial operation here...There is zero parking and parking cannot be pulled from a hat..ie a median strip no one can park on Ballan Road (because this centre will be on the corner) and zero parking in Mambourin Street. Also what awful traffic this will bring to a very quiet safe service road on Ballan Road that services 2 blocks of houses from No 2 - No 14. As parents will use this as a rat run because Ballan Road is carpark now during peak hour...Unfortunately people in the general area can no longer be fairly heard, my experience with council has been no matter even if you lodge an appeal, it goes nowhere...This area is one of the few remaining pockets in Werribee of nice larger homes that have not been ruined by too many flats, poor traffic management etc...and they have the gall to completely ruin this lovely area with a commercial enterprise that will cause traffic chaos...You know there are already 2 child centres down the road...How about you put in in commercial area...no smack dab into a quiet residential area...I am so angry with the lack of foresight of anyone in council nowadays...do any professionals work for the residents anymore or only developers or greedy dodgy councillors

L Moloney
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

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