This application has been rejected 3 times. Why are we here again? The practices of Endeavour by repeatedly applying should speak volumes of the immoral and unethical approach by this organisation that peddles in alcohol sales, sending the wrong message to minors is this family friendly community, not to mention the social and economic impact that alcohol has on family's.
Surely it does NOT need to be continuously repeated as to why residents of Black Rock keep saying no. Have you seen Black Rock shops or comparable villages in Victoria? What other examples are there of a national big box alcohol retailer operating in such a village that is already being serviced by 3 alcohol retailers, when Endeavour (Dan Murphy's) already has a super-store less than 4km's away? There is no reason those that want a Dan Murphy's will not travel less than 5 minutes away to attend this outlet.
Enough is enough with this lunacy of continual applications and put in a business or service that promotes something positive, not drunkenness and negative behaviour which communities are sick of.