All recent comments on applications from Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission, VIC

40 Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

This application has been rejected 3 times. Why are we here again? The practices of Endeavour by repeatedly applying should speak volumes of the immoral and unethical approach by this organisation that peddles in alcohol sales, sending the wrong message to minors is this family friendly community, not to mention the social and economic impact that alcohol has on family's.

Surely it does NOT need to be continuously repeated as to why residents of Black Rock keep saying no. Have you seen Black Rock shops or comparable villages in Victoria? What other examples are there of a national big box alcohol retailer operating in such a village that is already being serviced by 3 alcohol retailers, when Endeavour (Dan Murphy's) already has a super-store less than 4km's away? There is no reason those that want a Dan Murphy's will not travel less than 5 minutes away to attend this outlet.

Enough is enough with this lunacy of continual applications and put in a business or service that promotes something positive, not drunkenness and negative behaviour which communities are sick of.

Paul Scagliotti
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
40 Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

There are three bottle shops in Black Rock shopping village. There are no grounds in any town planning regulations to justify a fourth.
Inconsistent with small village with coffee culture. Would convey wrong impression and will not serve needs of community.

Ken Manners
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
13 Wyralla Crescent, Gisborne 3437, VIC
Remote Seller's Licence

Hi, We have 5 bottle shops in the small town of Gisborne in commercial zones . Running an online business. Out of a house opposite a park and asking for curb side pickup from 11am - 11pm is extremely detrimental to the area. The risk of alcohol selling to the underage community is huge and the disruption to the residents in the streets.

Also displaying the sign below your letter box and covering with your car on a daily basis so other residents can’t see it is a very sneaky. This is a residential area in a regional town.. seriously leave this to the commercial zones and industrial estate. (Pictures available)
Thank you.

Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
87-89 Swan St, Richmond 3121, VIC
App.Online - Transfer of licence to Company

The application information available to the public does not publish the names of the company's ultimate beneficial owner/s (UBO) nor provide information about any other premises nearby in which the ultimate beneficial owner/s (UBO) have any interest.

The community is entitled to know this information.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
16 Prince St, Gisborne 3437, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

Would really like to know what ‘company’ this is referring to. The litter we now find in our streets c /- personnel who visit the fast food ‘cafe’ around the corner from this location is frustrating. The increasingly demoralising feelings residents face when voicing their concerns about loss of town character, unmanaged business litter in the town centre & traffic congestion to our local MP & MRSC is disrespectful. These issues are slow to be addressed (if at all) & we’ve had enough of ‘company’ profiteering at the expense of community well being. So, would appreciate more information, please.

Annette Papax
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
1/63 Mcleod Road, Carrum 3197, VIC
App.Online - Transfer of licence to Company

I just moved out of Bonbeach because of the overcrowding have fun everyone it’s gonna end up an absolute shit show, What once was a beautiful suburb is overrun and overcrowded

Rebecca Margaret Hines
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
946 Heidelberg-kinglake Rd, Hurstbridge 3099, VIC
Variation of Licence

Totally agree with their request in their application.

Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
1/116 Main Rd, Hepburn Springs 3461, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

Excellent, glad to have another restaurant down this end of town.

Lynette Hyde
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
82 Newcomb Street, Portarlington 3223, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

The amount of licensed venues in Portarlington already within 300 metres of each other is staggering

Rebecca Bride
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
82 Newcomb Street, Portarlington 3223, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

Kudos to anyone game to open a hospitality venue in this climate. Will support it totally.

Sue holland
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
82 Newcomb Street, Portarlington 3223, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

More businesses the better and it does state a restaurant with cafe licence. So it is not just a grog shop. Support small business no matter what it is.

Geoff Evans
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
82 Newcomb Street, Portarlington 3223, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

I believe it will be a restaurant and or cafe. If so I would prefer BYO as there are already four businesses in the Portarlinton shopping strip that sell over the counter alcohol aready.
Please no more 'grog' shops.

Fern Smith
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
355 Bay Street, Port Melbourne 3207, VIC
Transfer of Licence

We do not need more hotels with pokies etc
This hotel used to be a great venue for live music
We have quite a few hotels in Bay St with gambling licences
Also this is a good hotel to watch football as it is family friendly
Please do not encourage more gambling as a revenue raiser when it is affecting and destroying peoples lives

Marina Kirby
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
315 Uniting Lane, Bulla 3428, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Person

Such a fantastic idea. We need a cafe in Bulla. Would be great for the community. Many people pass through the area.

Joanna Uva
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
9 Riverside Quay, Cnr Southgate Avenue, Southbank 3006, VIC
Transfer of Licence

Please make this a happening place.
Make the HMAS look lived in.

Donna Paul
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
2080 Frankston-flinders Road, Hastings 3915, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

I believe this applicant has an excellent record of providing a vast eclectic range of products at highly competitive prices. The competition this retailer will bring to this area can only be of benefit to all local consumers.
I therefore fully support and approve of this application.

David Johnson
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
2080 Frankston-flinders Road, Hastings 3915, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

@Cheryl Moulton
The old commonwealth bank one is the Main Street one moving due to their lease ending.
Where’s the evidence of booze related calls from the police? First I’ve heard anything about it, we’re all adults so what’s the issue with it, if it’s a larger retail we as consumers should be available to cheaper products and more variety especially with inflation, you choose your own choices so I approve of this permit. Also Mornington has 14 outlets and Frankston have 20, so you’re incorrect about no other town having as many bottle shops. I think you should get your facts straight before voicing incorrect information.

Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
2080 Frankston-flinders Road, Hastings 3915, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

@Cheryl Moultin - alcohol isn’t the issue in Hastings. It’s inter generational poverty and drug abuse. We are all adults and can shoulder the responsibility to consume alcohol accordingly. I support a big box liquor store that saves me money and more imports delivers diversity of choice.

James Goodchap
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
2080 Frankston-flinders Road, Hastings 3915, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

I am opposed to this Liquor Licence, due to the fact we already have 8 LIquor outlets in Hastings being
1 Safeway,
2 Coles
3 Aldi,
4 IGA,
5 Westernport Hotel
6 Kings Creek Hotel
7 One Huge outlet approved by you where the old Commonwealth Bank was
8 Main Street LIqour Shop in High Street Hastings
9 and now this one....
Is Hastings going to be known as the Capital of Booze outlets, surely the capita of people in the area , does not warrant another one.
Constant callouts for police to attend Alcohol incidents in the area already.
It is soul and community destroying and I know of no other town in the Mornington Peninsula with as many Alcohol outlets as Hastings. Enouth is enough for this kind of retail.

Cheryl Moulton
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
86-90 Errol Street, North Melbourne 3051, VIC
Endorsed Person - s80/81

We would like to endorse this application - it would be great to see the Court House Hotel reopen as it is in a Mixed Used Zone.

Management of this venue should consider existing residents and how to address concerns regarding noise, security, rubbish, etc. However, this should not be a deterrent as it is an opportunity to activate this area and improve the facilities/amenities in North Melbourne.

They are applying for a General Licence to supply liquor to customers on premises during ordinary trading hours for consumption which is reasonable if they are to serve food at this venue.

Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
86-90 Errol Street, North Melbourne 3051, VIC
Endorsed Person - s80/81

We strongly object to this application due to the existing high density of housing and the resultant issues when operating with a liquor license in the immediate area of this establishment. When the previous tenant was operating with a liquor license (even with limited opening hours) there was an increase of persons loitering which has resulted in increased noise, rubbish (smashed bottles) and urination in the adjacent streets and lane ways. We have observed that since the property has been vacant these incidents have decreased significantly. There is already an abundance of liquor licenses already operating in Errol St. There are just too many homes near this particular establishment. Additionally, council has never addressed the ongoing problem of adequate security and lighting in Lancashire Lane (directly behind the property) which is home to many rate payers.

Deborah Fisher
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
86-90 Errol Street, North Melbourne 3051, VIC
Endorsed Person - s80/81

We strongly object to this application due to the existing high density of housing and the resultant issues when operating with a liquor license in the immediate area of this establishment. When the previous tenant was operating with a liquor license (even with limited opening hours) there was an increase of persons loitering which has resulted in increased noise, rubbish (smashed bottles) and urination in the adjacent streets and lane ways. We have observed that since the property has been vacant these incidents have decreased significantly. There is already an abundance of liquor licenses already operating in Errol St. There are just too many homes near this particular establishment. Additionally, council has never addressed the ongoing problem of adequate security and lighting in Lancashire Lane (directly behind the property) which is home to many rate payers.

Deborah Fisher
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
40 Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

We object another liquor store in our little village. To directly impact the other 3 already there is a horrendous move, especially given the struggle over the pandemic.
3 is enough - give another business a go.

B Minio
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
315 Uniting Lane, Bulla 3428, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Person

As a resident of Bulla I think it's a great idea. I have said for a long time that would make a great place for a Cafe/restaurant. I thinknit would be great for the area.

Steven Rankin
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
85 Great Ocean Rd, Anglesea 3230, VIC
General Licence

I oppose the permit application for a Cellarbrations / large corporate bottle shop to be added to Anglesea in this prime location on the little village strip. It does not make any sense to roll into this tiny coastal town and be greeted by a Cellabrations store smack bang in the middle of the village. It would only encourage the notion of a “party town”, which does not align with or promote community and SC council values of health and wellbeing. It is a small community with a small population that is well serviced already by the local IGA and local Klein’s hotel drive-thru. To encourage drinking and staying at home rather than spending time and money in our already recovering / struggling small local businesses is not in the interests of the town or our economy. Surely this site can better service the community with a more positive and inspiring concept

Ella Dean
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission