2080 Frankston-flinders Road, Hastings 3915, VIC

Packaged Liquor Licence
Planning Authority
Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
48 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission. Add your own comment.

I am opposed to this Liquor Licence, due to the fact we already have 8 LIquor outlets in Hastings being
1 Safeway,
2 Coles
3 Aldi,
4 IGA,
5 Westernport Hotel
6 Kings Creek Hotel
7 One Huge outlet approved by you where the old Commonwealth Bank was
8 Main Street LIqour Shop in High Street Hastings
9 and now this one....
Is Hastings going to be known as the Capital of Booze outlets, surely the capita of people in the area , does not warrant another one.
Constant callouts for police to attend Alcohol incidents in the area already.
It is soul and community destroying and I know of no other town in the Mornington Peninsula with as many Alcohol outlets as Hastings. Enouth is enough for this kind of retail.

Cheryl Moulton
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission

@Cheryl Moultin - alcohol isn’t the issue in Hastings. It’s inter generational poverty and drug abuse. We are all adults and can shoulder the responsibility to consume alcohol accordingly. I support a big box liquor store that saves me money and more imports delivers diversity of choice.

James Goodchap
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission

@Cheryl Moulton
The old commonwealth bank one is the Main Street one moving due to their lease ending.
Where’s the evidence of booze related calls from the police? First I’ve heard anything about it, we’re all adults so what’s the issue with it, if it’s a larger retail we as consumers should be available to cheaper products and more variety especially with inflation, you choose your own choices so I approve of this permit. Also Mornington has 14 outlets and Frankston have 20, so you’re incorrect about no other town having as many bottle shops. I think you should get your facts straight before voicing incorrect information.

Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission

I believe this applicant has an excellent record of providing a vast eclectic range of products at highly competitive prices. The competition this retailer will bring to this area can only be of benefit to all local consumers.
I therefore fully support and approve of this application.

David Johnson
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission

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