All recent comments on applications from Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission, VIC

Shop 2 280 King St, Melbourne 3000, VIC
Variation of Licence

I am against approving this type of business near my community. I am concerned that such a business will disrupt the tranquility of the community. This is a large residential community, there is already a train station nearby, there is a lot of people and traffic, and there have been unsafe incidents. If such a business is added in the future and is so close to these large communities, then I am concerned that it will bring potential threats to the safety and tranquility of the community.

Li Shen
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
9 Retreat Rd, Newtown 3220, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

Great addition to the area. Walking distance for local community. No unsavoury behaviour from similar businesses in the area. Looking forward to ongoing business in this little commercial hub and heritage building.

S lean
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
9 Retreat Rd, Newtown 3220, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

this will be a good addition to the area. Tucked away from the noisy hubs in the cbd.
Was always a site for commercial use as is next door.
Despite obectors decrying it people will turn up and patronise it

A holmes
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
512 Whitehorse Road, Surrey Hills 3127, VIC
App.Online - Transfer of licence to Company

What business is applying for this licence?
Is it a licence for Gambling or
Selling/serving Alcohol??

Lynette Joy
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
Shop 7, 14 Balmoral Street, Frankston 3199, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

This application for a off premises licence should not be approved.

Package liquor leads to domestic violence which puts women and children in danger.

Less alcohol going to family homes the better and alcohol is one of the major causes of domestic violence.

The issue of domestic violence should be taken into account in every application for take away and alcohol being delivered to family homes.

Russell Morse
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
11 Rutland Street, Newtown 3220, VIC
BYO Permit - Restaurant

This will be an excellent addition to this area, as it compliments surrounding developments ,such as the Barwon office park in Riversdale Road 300 m away that will be looking for this type of facility in the area.

Megan Holmes
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
1/594-596 Main Street, Mordialloc 3195, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

No more liquor licences too many already and carparking and the general area is far too congested and loud.

Lyndal Guterres
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
622 Main Street, Mordialloc 3195, VIC
Variation of category to General Licence

Does the Variation of Category to General Licence mean extended hours for service of alcohol. If so I strongly oppose as there are more than enough venues in Mordialloc which operate late into the evening offering alcohol - when will the drinking culture in Mordialloc change?

Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
590 Main St, Mordialloc 3195, VIC
Variation of Licence

Our household objects to 590 Main Street licence being 'varied' to expand the use for several reasons:

a) As Mary says, rowdy, boozy, nuisance behaviour is on display around this venue, which shop-top and nearby residents and some shop proprietors have previously objected to.

b) As Paul suggests, the operators of 590 'may' control patron behaviour on the premises, but they do not control patron behaviour near the premises, leaving this to the community or police if called to monitor behaviour. And spending alot on building renovations does not give the operators a social 'licence' for 590 patrons to be a nuisance to the local community.

c) We again reiterate that the combination of alcohol and online betting is a well-proven 'recipe' for social harm, that also indoctrinates childen into this pastime.

d) Varying 590's licence to expand their use would trigger licence extension applications from other similar liquor venues to compete with 590 Main Street.

e) Regardless of objections and anti-social behaviour from such venues, this application is likely to be approved. Nevertheless, Kingston City and VLGA ought to know some in the community do not support this application.

f) Mordialloc coastal village ought to remain an all ages and abilities community-friendly place for both local people and for visitors who can respect this friendly vibe. Mordialloc venues and attractions can be enjoyed without making it unliveable for residents or spoiling it for visitors wanting to dine or socialise in a community-friendly way.

Nina Earl
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
590 Main St, Mordialloc 3195, VIC
Variation of Licence

Mordialloc is about hospitality, take away that and it would be a strip of empty shops. This particular building used to be a really awful ugly blight, a 2 Dollar shop. It brought the strip down badly. Now it's a thriving business that the owners / tenants have obviously spent notable amounts on to improve the building and it's offerings. Businesses such as this have made Mordialloc a real jewel , a destination. This is a professionally run operation with excellent security, enforced restrictions on numbers etc ,as it should be. We only have to look at Fitzroy St and Acland St to see what can go wrong when too many barriers are put in the way of conducting bona fide ventures in a business precinct. Noting firmly that this is just that , a business precinct. As a local, I strongly support this application

Paul G
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
590 Main St, Mordialloc 3195, VIC
Variation of Licence

This venue displays inappropriate behaviour as to serving liquor.
At all hours of the evening there are very loud patronage, very loud music, such that it is impossible to sleep, let alone have any windows open.
We reside adjacent to a car park, and many patrons later spill into the parking area, revving cars, urinating, swearing and fighting.
We do not want to extend any more liquor service in Mordialloc.
Rather Council should be looking at minimising liquor service and hours to make it a more family friendly hub.
The piazza which is almost our backyard, also attacts late night dwellers, with drunks attempting to move the furniture and littering the premises - including our own home.
Enough is enough!!!!

Mary Dickson
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
276 Neerim Road, Carnegie 3163, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

There’s no notification or notice displayed about this application on the actual premises. Is a Notice supposed to be displayed?

Will approval if a liquor licence mean an additional bin on the street for recycling/bottles etc? Currently only a general waste bin is collected seemingly daily based on bins being out daily. If this generates a recycling bin being used will collection times be considerate of residential apartments directly above & opposite? The noise of bottles being tipped out of a bin into a waste collection truck is noisy. Our residential bin collection for 276 Neerim Road (private contractor) does not occur until after 8am to restrict noise for this reason. The ramifications of a liquor licence being granted need to consider the volume of glass & how it is moved off the property & the noise that will be generated which affects residents. Only one 240Lt recycling bin was delivered to David’s Hot Pot.

Susan McKenna
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
222 Broadway, Reservoir 3073, VIC
On-Premises Licence

Strongly support this application.

Would be great to have a decent bar along this strip. Can’t open soon enough!

Lachlan Hurst
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
222 Broadway, Reservoir 3073, VIC
On-Premises Licence

I agree with Steven and I strongly support this application!

Matt Cowgill
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
222 Broadway, Reservoir 3073, VIC
On-Premises Licence

Hello fellow Residents

Can we please encourage any business to feel confident to invest in the strip shops on both sides of the Reservoir station ,
It would be wonderful if they were successful traders that enhance the area with diverse restuarants and Bars rather than derelict empty shops or even worse "tobacco / massage

Steven Beach
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
40 Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

I am opposed to this proposed development. We already have several liquor outlets that are strongly supported by the local community. There is another Dan Murphy liquor store close by already & so we don’t need another one. This is greed & monopolisation by a corporate giant who is only interested in serving their shareholders and not the needs of the Black Rock community.

Kathryn Wallis
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
40 Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

I STRONGLY oppose this application. Black Rock village does not need a large liquor outlet such as Dan Murphys because
1. There is a local Dan Murphys within 5km’s on Bay Rd, Cheltenham.
2. Black Rock village already has 3 other businesses that sell liquor.
3. There is not adequate parking for a Dan Murphy’s and the Woolworths Metro opposite.
Please consider the above and the impact this large liquor store will have on our Black Rock Village and it’s small, popular businesses.

Claire Ellis
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
40 Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

I strongly oppose this application. Black Rock village does not need a large liquor outlet such as Dan Murphys. There is a local Dan Murphys within 5km’s on Bay Rd, Cheltenham. Black Rock village already has 3 other businesses that sell liquor. There is not adequate parking for a Dan Murphy’s and the Woolworths Metro opposite. At the northern entrance to the village from Bluff Rd, this 40km zone is already an extremely risky area with 2 crossing zones for pedestrians, a bus stop and cars turning into the car park. We have recently had one death of a motorcyclist in front of the proposed site due to traffic turning out of the car park, and in my opinion it a Dan Murphys is approved, it with increase the already extremely dangerous area for traffic and pedestrians.

D Golden
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
128 Lygon Street, Brunswick East 3057, VIC
App.Online - Transfer of licence to Company

To the previous commenter Gabriel Edwards: this looks like a normal liquor license application to me, nothing to do with gambling.

The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) was previously the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR), but in 2022 its responsibility for liquor licensing and regulation matters have transferred to Liquor Control Victoria (LCV). That split was due to the Royal Commission into the Casino Operator and Licence. The liquor applications are still listed on a website even though VCGLR has become VGCCC — presumably they haven't had someone develop a new website yet.

Charles Gutjahr
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
128 Lygon Street, Brunswick East 3057, VIC
App.Online - Transfer of licence to Company

Hello. I thought this application was for a liquor license however the source is listed as (Source: Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission, reference 24092A06) and comments will be sent to VGCCC. Can anyone confirm the nature of the permit please - is it a pub with Kino/other gambling facilities etc..??
Thank you

Gabriel Edwards
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
68 Gertz Avenue, Reservoir 3073, VIC
App.Online - Transfer of licence to Person

Gertz Shops are so sad and tired
please any capital that is being invested should be applauded

so yes do anything to bring some life to that area

Steven Beach
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
28 Albion St, Essendon 3040, VIC
Restaurant and cafe Licence for a Company

This application seems to be morphing into something different over a period of time. It was originally advertised as a takeaway pizza shop which we had no problem with but has now changed to a restaurant (what type of food is not clear) with a liquor licence which is a completely different entity. This is a residential area with a smattering of coffee shops. We already have parking reductions granted for these shops. There is very limited parking outside this location which means people will spill into the residential area. Alcohol in this location is not what the neighbourhood needs.
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
44-48 Toorak Road, South Yarra 3141, VIC
Variation of Licence

What is the variation?

Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
40 Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

I am disappointed. The community has spoken. Having access to local strip shops that meet community needs is important to those members who cannot travel far and to the community in general if we are to reduce food km and shop more sustainably.

We have 3 bottle shops already and that in itself is more than adequate. What message do we want to send the local youth? There is already a Dan murphy within the broader neighbourhood.

This shop would better serve our community is it sold bulk ingredients or some other product/business that would serve the community well.

Kathryn Wallis
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
40 Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193, VIC
Packaged Liquor Licence

This application has already been rejected 3 times. Why are we seeing this again?? Surely council has heard by now the locals’ objections and reasons…. We are a small village with 3 existing liquor shops. This brings no value to our village and there is no need for this large company to move in and damage our local businesses. This is also sending the wrong message to our young people in this family friendly community, not to mention the social and economic impact that alcohol has on families.
Please reject this application and allow more valuable use of this space.

Claire Ellis
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission