590 Main St, Mordialloc 3195, VIC

Variation of Licence
Planning Authority
Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
162 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission. Add your own comment.

This venue displays inappropriate behaviour as to serving liquor.
At all hours of the evening there are very loud patronage, very loud music, such that it is impossible to sleep, let alone have any windows open.
We reside adjacent to a car park, and many patrons later spill into the parking area, revving cars, urinating, swearing and fighting.
We do not want to extend any more liquor service in Mordialloc.
Rather Council should be looking at minimising liquor service and hours to make it a more family friendly hub.
The piazza which is almost our backyard, also attacts late night dwellers, with drunks attempting to move the furniture and littering the premises - including our own home.
Enough is enough!!!!

Mary Dickson
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission

Mordialloc is about hospitality, take away that and it would be a strip of empty shops. This particular building used to be a really awful ugly blight, a 2 Dollar shop. It brought the strip down badly. Now it's a thriving business that the owners / tenants have obviously spent notable amounts on to improve the building and it's offerings. Businesses such as this have made Mordialloc a real jewel , a destination. This is a professionally run operation with excellent security, enforced restrictions on numbers etc ,as it should be. We only have to look at Fitzroy St and Acland St to see what can go wrong when too many barriers are put in the way of conducting bona fide ventures in a business precinct. Noting firmly that this is just that , a business precinct. As a local, I strongly support this application

Paul G
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission

Our household objects to 590 Main Street licence being 'varied' to expand the use for several reasons:

a) As Mary says, rowdy, boozy, nuisance behaviour is on display around this venue, which shop-top and nearby residents and some shop proprietors have previously objected to.

b) As Paul suggests, the operators of 590 'may' control patron behaviour on the premises, but they do not control patron behaviour near the premises, leaving this to the community or police if called to monitor behaviour. And spending alot on building renovations does not give the operators a social 'licence' for 590 patrons to be a nuisance to the local community.

c) We again reiterate that the combination of alcohol and online betting is a well-proven 'recipe' for social harm, that also indoctrinates childen into this pastime.

d) Varying 590's licence to expand their use would trigger licence extension applications from other similar liquor venues to compete with 590 Main Street.

e) Regardless of objections and anti-social behaviour from such venues, this application is likely to be approved. Nevertheless, Kingston City and VLGA ought to know some in the community do not support this application.

f) Mordialloc coastal village ought to remain an all ages and abilities community-friendly place for both local people and for visitors who can respect this friendly vibe. Mordialloc venues and attractions can be enjoyed without making it unliveable for residents or spoiling it for visitors wanting to dine or socialise in a community-friendly way.

Nina Earl
Delivered to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission

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