All recent comments on applications from Shellharbour City Council, NSW

141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

The idea of a McDonald's on this small site is absolutely wrong on so many levels. Think of the traffic nightmare during the daytime let alone at school start/finish times, as well as the morning and afternoon peak hours. Already, KFC customers block traffic on the rear lane into Woolworths and the hotel, so the last thing Albion Park needs is another junk food outlet.
There are plenty of food outlets in Albion Park who will definitely feel the downturn in trade with a McDonald's close by.
The RMS and Council need to seriously consider traffic flow as it stands now, without the detrimental effect of extra traffic so close to the traffic lights intersection.
The needs of the residents, especially those nearby to this site, should be well and truly considered and should come before any decision is made.
The existing McDonald's at Albion Park Rail is only 3.1 klms down the road, and they're worried that with the opening of the bypass, the trade will reduce during peak holiday times and normal trading hours, so why not make extra money by building on a too small site and create traffic chaos as well !!
Albion Park does not need a multi-millionaire company in town.
This site has been an eyesore for years but it would definitely benefit from something better than a junk food outlet.

Lynne Mulcahy
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Fantastic idea. More opportunities for the young kids. That block has been a eyesore

Stephen Boyd
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

This is a stupid idea.
Imagine what this will do to traffic in the area! Especially on a Friday afternoon.
With the new set of lights on Tongarra road along with the one lane each way, adding McDonald's to it will be a nightmare!
Its already a nightmare to get to Woolworths car park when the KFC drive through is busy.
What's a McDonald's going to do to the traffic!!!
It will certainly stop me from going anywhere near albion park! Ide rather drive to Stoney Range than to put up with that!
Unlike the people who live in Albion Park/Calderwood!
Ridiculous idea!
Keep McDonald's where it is in Albion Park Rail. Its worked for years!

Natalie McDonald
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

This block has been an eyesore in Albion Park for to long, multiple development attempts have failed, this will give a bit of life to the main intersection and badly needed employment to younger Albion park residents, the traffic issues in Albion Park need to be solved by building the Tripoli Way Extension Project, missing out on a good development like this because of people no in my backyard or anti corporate attitudes will leave a dirty vacant weed filled block in the heart of Albion Park for another 20 years.

Troy Galbraith
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

This development should not go ahead. The reason we have so many unhealthy Adults and Children in our society, can be blamed on fast food outlets. Do not need a another, particularly on such a site such as this.

Rob McCammon
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Please consider, not only the socio effects of another fast food establishment in Albion Park , especially when there is one only 5 minutes down the road in Albion Park Rail. It would be preferred that we see something that promotes healthy eating and well being be put into the area. Perhaps a high quality cafe with outdoor seating, where community can come together over coffee and long lunches. Even a licenced premises that caters for dinner. A McDonald's does nothing for the appeal of the town. It does not promote community connectedness and surely does not promote healthy eating. McDonald's are put in to low socio eeconomical areas.... it is sad enough that we have to tolerate a KFC... adding a McDonalds into the culture is like rubbing salt into the wounds or should I say... adding salt to the high blood pressure or fat to the arteries and waist lines of our residents. With all that we know about health and nutrition in today's society it is criminal of council to promote this sort of development. It promotes laziness, rather than a healthy home cooked meal... quick availability and often pester power become a convenience. There's an old saying... what the eye don't see the heart don't grieve for! This is especially true of children. So.... Please dont let this happen to our town. Shellharbour Council do the right thing for once!

Natalie Battersby
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Awesome can’t wait for my late night McFlurry lol at least I don’t have to go to the other maccas they are hopeless.

Maxi D
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

This is not a suitable location for McDonalds or any fast food out let. The site is not large enough to hold the building as well as off street parking. Safe access to the site is restricted due to the close proximity of traffic lights. You would only be able to enter or exit in one direction due to traffic flow. Due to this there would be a significant increase in the chances of traffic accidents. Another McDonalds is not required in the area as there is one situated just 5 minutes up the road in a much better location. Also the increase in litter as uncaring people like to just drop their left over packaging where ever.

Dave Pallas
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

We do not need one there in 5 mins we can be at one. This postion would cause traffic chaos and the amount of rubbish will increase. The one at apr is perfect postion lots of parking easy to get to.
We need something more useful and practical that isn't fast food or that will impact the traffic situation.
Maccas in albion park is a terrible idea and we do not need it.

Jess f
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Something more functional like a 7-11 would have been preferable in this location. No petrol stations on any main roads in Albion Park for so many residents is a major inconvenience. The poor residents on the boundary of this site will have their homes stunk out and I can’t stand the thought of how much McDonalds litter will be around. There are many more preferable options other than McDonalds. We have one 5 minutes away: that’s enough

Michelle Thompson
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

This will cause a nightmare for congestion in the centre of Albion Park township, it is already hard enough to get home via Terry Street, the town planner, council and RMS will have to review how to further improve traffic flow through this intersection. It will also negatively affect many small businesses that operate in Albion Park as they will be struggling to compete with a large international franchise.

There is already a McDonald’s only a 5 minute drive away from the proposed location which has ease of access and enough parking facilities to cater for the surrounding area. I don’t believe a McDonald’s is what Albion Park needs to further improve and cater for the town

Kyle Coffee
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Traffic Management would need to be addressed for this application. Access and egress locations have to be planned to reduce traffic congestion on both Tongarra Road and Terry Streets. Access would be feasible from both Tongarra Road and Terry Street but egress would only work on Terry Street due to the closeness of the site to the road intersection. Also vehicles travelling south and trying to turn into the site across Terry Street would cause traffic buildup and congestion so concrete barriers should be installed to prevent this. To assist traffic flow you should review the intersection lights to allow a right hand turn off Tongarra Road into Terry Street at all times, this would alleviate the previous traffic issue.

Mark Cross
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Being that the traffic is already at capacity at the Tongarra Rd and Terry St traffic lights and was before the lack of forward planning on Councils behalf when approving the residential development in Calderwood. This development would add significantly to congestion which is unnecessary being that a McDonalds is located a short distance away. I am sincerely concerned with the additional impact to the surrounding streets that will have to cope with additional traffic using their streets to get in and out of the restaurant and back into the highway. The decision to approve this development would not be in the public interest and would only cater to corporate greed. PLEASE DO NOT APPROVE THIS DEVELOPMENT!

Sonia Cameron
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Albion park does not need another big chain restaurant. This will have major traffic issues unless a vital change to traffic plans/flow is implemented. The amount of rubbish and pollution that McDonalds restaurants generates into the surroundings and the impact of this can be seen worldwide.. can’t go out in the public without seeing discarded McDonald’s packaging within waterways, parks or on the side of roads.
We already have such a high obesity problem in the world, why not make it easier for the small buisness’ to get the opportunity instead of only making it in reach for a multi millionaire company.
As a council, you should be thinking about the essentials that are needed within the Albion Park community and surrounding new suburbs such as Tullimbar and Calderwood.
Another petrol station or supermarket for example would be more appropriate seeing as it is essential to every day life and is evidently needed. (Only one supermarket to provide for 3 suburbs and people/housing numbers are still expanding and growing)
I’m conclusion, better options available that are more necessary and would still be providing opportunities for employment and stimulating the economy.
No to McDonalds in Albion Park.

Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Traffic congestion is already an issue, the shops across the street is a shambles, when a semi-trailer tanker refills the service station it drives through the car park to get to the servo. Looking at the plan I’m wondering how the delivery truck, especially the semi, will be able to reverse in the loading area, or reverse out without causing major traffic problems, and we are led to believe staff will assist with traffic control, is McDonald’s going to used trained qualified staff for such events.

Antonio Papallo
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

I express concern of this from a traffic and parking management perspective and also that of a pedestrian impact. This is an incredibly busy intersection with a great deal of foot traffic and this seems to be a very small lot to build a McDonald’s on. Not opposed to McDonald’s being in Albion Park, just concerned with it being on this particular lot.

Alana Wood
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

KFC already generates traffic issues and alot of garbage being dumped. Another junk food place is not needed here and I am strongly opposed to this application.
This is a terrible idea and will only target high school kids to continue eating junk food
the traffic is already congested through Albion park and with the illawarra highway closed, entry to albion park for those not able to get on and off via the bypass is going to be through station road and down tongarra road. it is already very congested!!
in the interest of the health and well being of the young people in our town and the environment and traffic and safety, this application should not be approved.

sarah H
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Traffic Management would need to be addressed for this application. Access and egress locations have to be planned to reduce traffic congestion on both Tongarra Road and Terry Streets. Access would be feasible from both Tongarra Road and Terry Street but egress would only work on Terry Street due to the closeness of the site to the road intersection. Also vehicles travelling south and trying to turn into the site across Terry Street would cause traffic buildup and congestion so concrete barriers should be installed to prevent this. To assist traffic flow you should review the intersection lights to allow a right hand turn off Tongarra Road into Terry Street at all times, this would alleviate the previous traffic issue.

Mark Cross
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

1. There is already major traffic issues on tongarra road and Terry street. But having a popular fast food restaurant on the corner will increase congestion on both Terry street and tongarra road.
2. If it's a 24/7 maccas this will bring unwanted behaviour from people that will hang at at the carpark late at night or intoxicated persons walking to and from the restaurant. This will cause issues for the surrounding residents.
3. This will have a dangerous impact on local business such as Joe's milk Bar, three flamingoes and other small take away food and coffee stores. Many businesses will close down.
4. Rubbish will litter the streets. There's already a problem with the shopping precinct and large amounts of rubbish blowing into neighbour residents properties.

The only good thing will be it will bring jobs for the young people of Albion park but most of those should be from the businesses that are forced to close due to loosing business.

Michael Goodridge
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Why do we need another McDonalds when there is one in Albion Park Rail? It's not necessary. You could use this real estate for so many other things. This area is already so busy especially during school pick up and early evening, this is going to create even more traffic to annoy the locals with. The bypass was meant to lessen the traffic through this area and now you countering that by adding in a macca's? Stupid. I really hope you don't go through with it.

Catherine Krajewski
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

The intersection is already congested. We are in need of much more in this town other than a fast food outlet. There is already a Mcdonald’s 2km down the road. We need more infrastructure in this small town. A town that is rapidly growing and still only have one service station and one supermarket.
As a local small business owner i am continually cleaning vip rubbish from outside my business every morning from the current takeaways we have.We do not need more.

Nicola Hanson
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Go for it!!!

Katelyn B
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

A service station is what we desperately need. Not another junk food outlet. C'mon let's be serious here and think about it. Really?

John pacion
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

a) Traffic – the traffic report is understated. It will create chaos at peak hours.
b) Increased traffic will be drawn off the Highway impacting Terry, Tongarra, O’Gorman & Russell Streets.
c) Pedestrians and people on mobility scooters crossing the exit and entrance on Terry Street cannot access the CBD safely as the western side has three busy exits and entrances. There are school and Warrigal Care Retirement Village close by.
d) Rubbish will litter our CBD and beyond
e) Negative impact on small business food and coffee outlets.
f) Community will break down
g) Heritage of Albion Park not preserved
h) We will turn into a “Drive through town”
i) Flooding at the corner of Tongarra and Terry Streets

Bronwyn Fackender
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

a) Traffic – the traffic report is understated. It will create chaos at peak hours.
b) Increased traffic will be drawn off the Highway impacting Terry, Tongarra, O’Gorman & Russell Streets.
c) Pedestrians and people on mobility scooters crossing the exit and entrance on Terry Street cannot access the CBD safely as the western side has three busy exits and entrances. There are school and Warrigal Care Retirement Village close by.
d) Rubbish will litter our CBD and beyond
e) Negative impact on small business food and coffee outlets.
f) Community will break down
g) Heritage of Albion Park not preserved
h) We will turn into a “Drive through town”
i) Flooding at the corner of Tongarra and Terry Streets

Bronwyn Fackender
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council