All recent comments on applications from Shellharbour City Council, NSW

36 Malin Road Oak Flats NSW 2529
PC CC - Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of Four Townhouses (Multi Dwelling Housing) - CR-2021-50469

Enough is enough Council. The population density of the area will become too high for this lovely little jewel, in the Illawarra. The locality will loose it’s caring & pretty nature. No more units please! Build another subdivision out the back of Calderwood where the current new highway can cope with more traffic. The land value for the OakFlats area will deteriorate with the increase of boxy, little cheap quality builds. In less than a decade these builds will look shabby! Disappointed Council, don’t compromise our community for the easy $$& gained now.

Kim Baker
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
36 Malin Road Oak Flats NSW 2529
PC CC - Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of Four Townhouses (Multi Dwelling Housing) - CR-2021-50469

“JUNK” unit build BOOM is over. Do your research.
Of 16 junk units available in the street only six 6 are sold and occupied by own or tenant the rest are vacant .
2 x 3 brm 12 sq LIVING area EXCL. garage , patio etc. WIN
3 x 2 brm < 9 sq LIVING area …………. Junk unit = LOSS
4 x 2 brm …………….. Junk unit = BIGGER LOSS
Good Luck !

Keit Lopuszynski
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
74 Lake Entrance Road Oak Flats NSW 2529
PC CC - Two Storey Dwelling - CR-2021-47269

Great. NOT another multiple low grade aesthetic block of units deficient in every aspect of design, quality, ecology , making the views a valued aspect . NOT small windows and sliding doors facing blank sunless walls . Investment wise . Excellent. These others who sell out to developers of units - have bad advisors = realestate agents
Well done !

Keith lopuszynski
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
36 Malin Road Oak Flats NSW 2529
PC CC - Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of Four Townhouses (Multi Dwelling Housing) - CR-2021-50469

Too many units for the area - not family suited . Doesn’t follow street scape . Will effect s- light exposure due to dramatically increased shading - keeping people out of access to sunlight , causing buildings to be colder - increasing heating costs . 90 % of block diffident of trees and lawns …. Massively damaging the drainage of surrounding blocks .look like prison blocks adding nothing to the preference of living there or the area . They are fire risks , not suitable for age or disabled …. Lowers the quality of the area

Keith lopuszynski
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Love it, keep the upgrades coming.

Petar Gocevski
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

So a bypass is being built for traffic to avoid Albion Park, but there's now a proposal for a McDonalds to be built in the middle of it which would attract more traffic again and make it just as busy. And if it's a drive thru, where will the entrance and exit be? The junction of Terry Street and Tongarra road is always busy. Not a good idea at all.

Paul Ferdy
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

I must say surely Traffic congestion in Albion Park should be addressed firstly before even considering this development. Traffic around Tongarra Rd and Terry Street is already at breaking point. This will not improve with the addition of a McDonald's with easy access to and from the new motorway will only make this intersection worse.

Christopher Owers
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

Traffic concerns as freeway nth bound traffic will want Macca's stop. That set of lights is busy enough with just local traffic let alone added inbound/outbound traffic from that one spot.
I'm not against progress but the location is poorly thought out when considering rate paying residents current traffic concerns.
Surely we can consider a better location inside albion park?

Lisa Whitchurch
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

I feel this development will create more congestion on our very busy crossroad intersection. I have nothing against McDonald's but feel would creat excess unessary congestion on our streets. I live in O'Gorman st which is used as a shortcut, the majority of our residence are over 65
My concerns are where are they going to drive in and out as I could not see any plans on the council site

Sylvia Lucas
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
141 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527
Demolition Of Existing Structures And Construction Of Food And Drink Premises (McDonald's)

I feel this development will create more congestion on our very busy crossroad intersection. I have nothing against McDonald's but feel would creat excess unessary congestion on our streets. I live in O'Gorman st which is used as a shortcut, the majority of our residence are over 65
My concerns are where are they going to drive in and out as I could not see any plans on the council site

Sylvia Lucas
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
Boollwarroo Parade Shell Cove NSW 2529
Use Of Shellharbour South Beach And Pioneer Park For Skydiving (PAN-74443)

I am strongly for having this dropzone at Shellharbour, as a Shellharbour local my whole life this will be a great attraction for the local area. Taking in the views of Shellharbour, Marina, Lake Illawarra, Windang and The Farm Beachside Skydive is a great way to take in the local area. This will creates work in the local area. After the 2020 bushfires and COVID-19 this will increase tourism for the local area.

Debra Clay
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
Boollwarroo Parade Shell Cove NSW 2529
Use Of Shellharbour South Beach And Pioneer Park For Skydiving (PAN-74443)

I am strongly for having this dropzone at Shellharbour, as a Shellharbour local my whole life this will be a great attraction for the local area. Taking in the views of Shellharbour, Marina, Lake Illawarra, Windang and The Farm Beachside Skydive is a great way to take in the local area. This will creates work in the local area. After the 2020 bushfires and COVID-19 this will increase tourism for the local area.

Debra Clay
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
Cove Boulevard Shell Cove NSW 2529
PC CC - Construction Of Marina Services Building - CR-2021-43868

My understanding regarding this land is it was set aside for a future car park. With the increased height of some future apartment buildings that will create the need for more parking spaces, I'm objecting to this development taking over a parking area unless it has parking incorporated in the proposed development.

Dennis Johnstone
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
65 Farmgate Crescent Calderwood NSW 2527
Two Storey Dwelling

I am looking for the owner of 65 Farmgate Cre to discuss shared fencing for this block. I am the owner of 61 Farmgate Crs

Robert charter
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
43 Reddall Parade Lake Illawarra NSW 2528
Demolition Of Existing Dwelling And Outbuildings And Construction Of Residential Flat Building Comprised Of Six Apartments With Basement Car Parking And Pool

As a resident at the back of the property our concern would be with this development that the back balconys should have privacy screens for obvious reasons. As we have kids playing in the backyard and an entertaining area.
Also we have noticed with the height it's above regulation (7.5m) with the addition of a roof top balcony which also breaks another regulation of being more than two stories. This will make it look out of place being higher than any other building in the near vicinity and not appealing to the street scape and will cause possible noise and safety issues.
As we're not against development the biggest problem we are seeing these days is that the developers are building with the interest of making the most money they can and don't even live in buildings or area therefore pushing the guidelines and building things that don't consider the residents and fits the surroundings.
This is where council need to have a long hard think of the future and have a bit of common sense for a change.

Lee and Hayley Speirs
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
15 Robertson Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Demolition Of Existing Dwelling And Ancillary Structures And Construction Of Three Townhouses (Multi Dwelling Housing)

I was of the opinion council would let all neighbours know what was going to happen in our street as you do when anyone wants to renovate. Seems that isn’t the case as this DA has already been approved for 3 town houses so our comment won’t matter at all whether we agree or disagree. The house was sold prior to a for sale sign being erected and when it was it took another few weeks before a sold sign was put on it. I think this is very deceptive. Is there rules for some and rules for others?????

Julie McLean
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
9 Entrance Street Lake Illawarra NSW 2528
Two Storey Dwelling & Pool

I would like the swimming pool pumps etc to be far right of property as I already have the next door neighbour's noisy pool pumps next to my property.
I can not have 2 lots near me or it will be too noisy. Thank you for your consideration.

Sigrid Williams
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
13 Darley Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Boarding House (PAN-67306)

This is the first step, it will eventually become a back packers hostel, this is exactly what happened in Byron Bay, I strongly oppose this development,

doug james
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
13 Darley Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Boarding House (PAN-67306)

I strongly oppose the construction of the boarding house.

A boarding house is not suited to this region with respect to the history Shellharbour village has. From the tourist park near South beach, the recent multilevel apartments on the Main Street of Addison, this prime real estate should be developed with homage to the village foundation. I would much love to see a beautiful home & family living there.

Natasha B
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
13 Darley Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Boarding House (PAN-67306)

I am in opposition to this development, I would love to see the foundations of Shellharbour village kept within a wholesome community and the opportunity for a beautiful home in place of a boarding house in the heart of the village.

Julie D
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
13 Darley Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Boarding House (PAN-67306)

This is definitely not the right spot for this sort of development. Once you start allowing one of these boarding houses in the Village they will start popping up everywhere, and the government departments that run these boarding houses do not have true capacity to maintain them. It will change the “village feel” that Shellharbour is known for. Also Shellharbour village doesn’t have the infrastructure to support these types of developments, there is no train station nearbye and certainly not enough parking etc It also affects the value of those properties surrounding this location. I would be disappointed as a rate payer if I had a property in Darley street or the surrounds and my property was devalued due to this development being approved here.

Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
13 Darley Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Boarding House (PAN-67306)

This is something our village can go without.
A 500sqm block housing 11 bedrooms how is this even possible. What a joke.

Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
13 Darley Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Boarding House (PAN-67306)

I strongly oppose the construction of the boarding house.

A boarding house is not suited to this region with respect to the history Shellharbour village has. From the tourist park near South beach, the recent multilevel apartments on the Main Street of Addison, this prime real estate should be developed with homage to the village foundation. I would much love to see a beautiful home & family living there.

Natasha B
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
13 Darley Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Boarding House (PAN-67306)

I strongly oppose this development on one of the main streets of Shellharbour Village. There is insufficient parking, we don't need the congestion on Darley Street (there's enough already), the development lacks open green space & this is over development of a residential block. With the lack of legislation around these boarding houses this is another example of an extremely poor application that is unsuitable for a village community that is trying to retain it's heritage.

Boarding houses lack reliable management & occupants may be left to their own accord; depending on the calibre of occupants within this boarding house it may become another external eye sore 'department of housing tenancy' ie run down exterior, junk left everywhere & lack of maintenance etc. There is no need for this service/option within the village.

Sarah Cremona
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council
13 Darley Street Shellharbour NSW 2529
Boarding House (PAN-67306)

I oppose the idea of Building a boarding house in Darley Street Shellharbour Village.

We are trying to display the area as a village by the sea, this will get tourists and holiday makers into the area and will improve the economy plus create jobs for the locals.

The building of a Boarding House is completely out of character with the surrounding neighborhood plus public transport services are almost non existent.

Council should look at Albion Park Rail or Dapto as those suburbs have a very good rail/bus system and Dapto also has a good shopping Mail. All this would be better suited to the needs, and provide safe affordable housing to the most vulnerable people in the community and improving the homelessness situation in our area.

Delivered to Shellharbour City Council