When is this going to stop. There is plenty of land released for building homes in the Shellharbour City Council area without choking up an already built up area.
Developers and some home owners are the ones that are benefiting without considering the overcrowding that is happening in Oak Flats.
The multi dwelling housing in Oak Flats is beginning to become out of control.
This submission for example of 4 Townhouses on the one block means the average family size of 2.58 people (OECD) would populate by 10.32 on this site let alone 1-2 cars each unit.
Since these DA's have been sanctioned by Council there has been no infrastructure impovements to compensate in this town.
Future outlook, slums, increase in crimes, lower standards of living ???
All recent comments on applications from Shellharbour City Council, NSW
This submission will result in at least another 8 vehicles using already limited road parking & accessing Government Road. Should the vehicles wish to turn right to head towards the shopping centres, they will face heavy traffic on this road, plus school students running/riding/scootering across the roads. Surely it is time to stop the medium density housing scramble for the quick dollar. In addition it feeds more traffic into a quickly rising tide of traffic congestion around Oak Flats. Please stop passing these DA’s without thought to the local traffic flow, culture of the lovely little suburb & the impact upon families living near these sun blocking/light blocking developments.
Appalling! There’s no room in that lane for 16 cars. The poor homeowners on Hopetoun St will be inundated with a huge influx of traffic as there are already 3 sets of multi level units on their street! And there’s a designated pedestrian track alongside the one way Hopetoun Lane. Heaven help any walker with cars parking/entering/exiting this address. Someone will be killed, record this now! It will happen, particularly with height of 4W drives & poor visibility for all cars past parked cars & multi user driveways.
"Become isolated and a mushroom due to adequate sunlight and open communal green spaces"
Become ISOLATED and a MUSHROOM due to INADEQUATE SUNLIGHT (3 hrs through the day) and NO OPEN (6-8hrs a day natural shade )GREEN grass & treed spaces.
So much for 7 Dwellings - "7 Multi Dwelling Housing ???Housing ??? Two level - JUNK UNITS - brick veneer, fibro, chipboard flooring and kitchens, and tin roof (our parents wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.)(of which we already have 50+units unsold & vacant in 2529 postcode.(money pits). Modification to Roof Levels in units 6 and 8. My maths tells me tha'ts 8 units. Hopetoun Lane is a LANE - what the hell???? - The area will be ghetto central . 16 cars RVx4 clogging up surrounding streets and area. CRAZY . They must provide at least 8 off street parking places for the now normal vehicles. They don't . ????? Garages too small . The characteristics of JUNK UNITS - small garages used for storage because no space in the units except for minimalist furniture, Step narrow timber stairs conducive to falling with no fire proofing. Jump from the first floor is only escape. No fire doors on internal entry from garages - storing flammable paints solvents oils cleaning products floors chipboard Nice! Become isolated and a mushroom due to adequate sunlight and open communal green spaces. IS THIS THE OAK FLATS CURRENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS WANT NO thats why there are so many unsold vacant JUNK UNITS . The developer need to raise their game or they will FAIL. Overpriced even @ $350K, Good luck to the developer. to prospective buyers/renter - BEWARE
Please can council advise residents on Yellow Rock Road how and when the road itself will be upgraded to support the additional traffic and impact of compounded further construction projects and the transport of heavy machinery to access and further develop this new subdivision.
Current development works as well as severe weather events have degraded and eroded road quality, condition and curb sides, this may impact immediate and future safety and egress of residents.
Most families now have 2cars.With the growing popularity of SUV, garages are to small to accommodate the larger vehicle. This is the case from observations around our local area. In the Boulevarde, a car parked on both sides of the street, reduce the passage way on the street to one way traffic at a time. Do the planners take this into consideration when reviewing these application?All streets apart from Central Ave. Are narrow like this in our area.
My understanding is the Boulevarde is zoned R2, why on such a small block of land 5 units are being allowed to be built.
This is on a very tight corner and most units only allow one garage meaning 5 car's parked on the street which is going to create congestion on a tight corner.
I think this is too many units on such a small block
Must have ample off-street parking. This street and particularly this concern is often blocked by vehicles already and this congestion makes seeing oncoming traffic very difficult and dangerous.
That’s fantastic news. A knockdown being replaced with a single dwelling, well done landowner. So impressed with your choice to not fill our beautiful suburb with townhouses. I love it. Kudos to you.
That’s fantastic news. A knockdown being replaced with a single dwelling, well done landowner. So impressed with your choice to not fill our beautiful suburb with townhouses. I love it. Kudos to you.
not much I have discovered under the state government zoning (believe this description) R2 Low Density Multiple dwelling housing which complies with Shellharbour Local Environment Plan 2013. So any block larger than 600 sqm can have block totally covered by these junk units. Council as I undertstand it has not gone against the zoning because its a state government directive. Says a lot about local government for local people. The council should have objected and only allowed a doubling of construction thus 1 house to 2 units . Two flats/units to 3 flats units.
DEFINITELY lodge an objection. In this case - street parking is a huge issue , secondly the design of the units does nothing to improve the presentation of the area . they actually distract from existing surrounding buildings. They would not win any architect awards or energy awards . These are units with chipboard floors, fibro walls and tin roofs. Most I've seen don't comply with building codes but are allowed to get by because they are privately certified and council cannot intervene. They raise it with the assessor , they put together some bs line and passed nothing to see here. I've just watched a driveway being poured. Retaining walls that don't meet any code , angles on the drive are excessive, no appropriate ground fill - in fact non to allow for ground water drainage , no retaining wall against actual buildings which sit on a concrete footings where the slab is not attached .... so what can I say ..... Go for safety of motorists , children and the elderly or incapacited. None of these builds make allowances for these . Thus the high vacancy rate.
I’ve started to send a copy to the Shell Harbour council for each townhouse “application “. Anything else we can do ?
Kim, Totally agree. By responding on this site the comments are sent to Council BUT TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT from what responses I have got from council is YOU MUST FILL IN AN OBJECTION FORM, Its ridiculous as by commenting here contains the same information as is required on the FORMAL OBJECTION form.
These vacant little, poor quality, poor aesthetically same same, poor energy rating - which are not confirmed by independant testing on completion , not suitable for parking or garaging now "regular" cars, not suitable for families, (oh they have private court yards - what a joke) no green areas , concrete and more concrete , little natural light , little or no insulation, stairs which are narrow steep and not fireproofed, no fireproof doors internal to garage , stairs only escape route ...... I could go on ....... junk build little boxes ..... note they never declare sqm of living space. .... because they are VERY tiny
Are you serious, these dwellings have already been done & are a nightmare for local traffic. There will be 16 cars to park in that street, travel on the topside, due a u turn around then try & squeeze into the tiny driveways! They are an eye saw and sadly are lowering the tone of a lovely little community.
It’s a waste of time replying however, I’m really sad that nothing will change.
The point made by Ian Squires is extremely relevant.
Go down any street that has these junk units after 6 pm or weekend evenings and see the number of cars left on the street.
Open your eyes - more and bigger parking spaces on all sites required. Yer Yer the State Government stipulates !!!!!! Face the reality and get some guts ...... councilors, create change for the better.
Town planner.
Can we give some consideration to infrastructure around the areas that are to be effected by these multi housing. Developments. I have lived in Oak Flats for 7 years and seen nothing in the way of parking for already residence. Please show some interest in this. Kind regards Ian Squires.
The removal of seven trees requires an inspection by council to ensure they are trees the can be removed. Also deep soil landscaping and vegetation - along front set back , sides and rear setback. - 250sqm of 793sqm appears commendable but it is only really the existing front set back and a strip of 1/2 - 1m on one side. The remainder of the block is a dense cover of concrete. PS: WHAT IS THE JARGON "DEEP SOIL LANDSCAPING AND VEGETATION " mean ????? . scratch the soil 40cm and plant low ground covering plants where the trees are now.
The density of the build is ridiculous. The average townhouse is equivalent to half the size of a 3 bedroom house in area (sqm) . Then you have 3 of the boxes (little boxes on the hillside) . The environment is not suitable for families. The build does not take into account older people and those with disabilities due to second floor accommodation. In all any person with any sense of a good place to live would stay away. A house and land package with a 32+ sqm home sell for the same value. - so no struggling up and down stairs , arguing with other tenants about access to the drive way and a lovely small green vegetated area to enjoy. There are already in excess of 100 of these townhouses and units vacant in 2529. That's due to them lacking value for money - JUNK UNITS TOWNHOUSES. Thus itinerate tenants will occupy at some time in future. For the same price HOUSE and LAND is a MUCH better investment.
The idea of 3 x 3brm townhouses on the site should take into account that it is on a blind corner of Lake Entrance Road . THUS THE SIZE AND NUMBER OF PARKING FOR TENANTS SHOULD BE SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED > i.e. THERE SHOULD BE 3 VISITOR PARKING SPACES NOT 2 , to take a 4x4 or similar sized vehicle. One only has to travel down any street where units/townhouses exist to see a huge number of UTES RVS etc. parked on the road - thus a significant road hazard. The position of the townhouses will cause a road hazard for tenants and normal road users.
More empty shops. & ANOTHER petrol station. We have 2 in town we don’t need more. There was a perfectly good one closed down. At the corner of Calderwood Rd. There are 4 in The Rail. Honestly. This is beyond a joke. Just wrecking the town. What’s gonna happen when the buy pass goes. Threw? They shut down. Clearly this ISNT NEEDED. Infrastructure needs putting in place. & fixing roads. Before MORE empty shops. & let’s not get started on safety issues & congestion situations. Anyone who wants this. Clearly doesn’t live in Albion park. Or has any idea of what it’s like. There to ignorant.
We don’t need it. Take it to ugly Legoland.
Go for it!!!! Albion Park needs another servo and all the do gooders that winge can go jump. There is always people that want to go against progression. We need it, so build it!
I’m in agreement with a lot of people. This isn’t in the best interest of town to have in this location. Tongarra Road struggles now with congestion & having such a place. So close to schools does not make sense safety wise. There have been developing plans in the past for this area that were rejected cause of similar situations. Please reconsider this as it’s only gotten worse. Traffic wise. It’s really needed up towards the new areas more.
The traffic congestion in Albion Park will only become worse from such a development. The close proximity to the school also adds to the issues this development will cause. A previous DA at the RSL club next door was not approved for these very reasons. Please think again.
I don’t believe this is in the best interest for the community. Tongarra Road is gridlocked enough during the day. The safety of children going to & from school needs to taken into account. There is enough empty shops in town. & they also need this kinda thing up Calderwood way. There’s more empty land.
This will only clog Tongarra Road more & cause more drain on the roads that don’t cope now.
Build it elsewhere we don’t want it.
With all this building and influx of residents, the current traffic and infrastructure issues need to be resolved first. Tripoli way by pass should be implemented before people move in. The current school, shopping and medical services are already under stress.
I don't believe that Tongarra Road can absorb more traffic due to insufficient infrastructure.
There is limited parking already - where are these customers going to park?
Traffic is a gridlock in Albion Park. Another business will only amplify the problem.