So much for 7 Dwellings - "7 Multi Dwelling Housing ???Housing ??? Two level - JUNK UNITS - brick veneer, fibro, chipboard flooring and kitchens, and tin roof (our parents wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.)(of which we already have 50+units unsold & vacant in 2529 postcode.(money pits). Modification to Roof Levels in units 6 and 8. My maths tells me tha'ts 8 units. Hopetoun Lane is a LANE - what the hell???? - The area will be ghetto central . 16 cars RVx4 clogging up surrounding streets and area. CRAZY . They must provide at least 8 off street parking places for the now normal vehicles. They don't . ????? Garages too small . The characteristics of JUNK UNITS - small garages used for storage because no space in the units except for minimalist furniture, Step narrow timber stairs conducive to falling with no fire proofing. Jump from the first floor is only escape. No fire doors on internal entry from garages - storing flammable paints solvents oils cleaning products floors chipboard Nice! Become isolated and a mushroom due to adequate sunlight and open communal green spaces. IS THIS THE OAK FLATS CURRENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS WANT NO thats why there are so many unsold vacant JUNK UNITS . The developer need to raise their game or they will FAIL. Overpriced even @ $350K, Good luck to the developer. to prospective buyers/renter - BEWARE
2 Hopetoun Lane Oak Flats NSW 2529
- Description
- Modification to DA0646/2017 (Demolition of Existing Dwellings and Outbuildings, Construction of 7 Dwellings (Multi Dwelling Housing) and Torrens Title Subdivision) - Modification to RL levels in unit 6 and 8, construction of retaining walls
- Planning Authority
Shellharbour City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 76 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Shellharbour City Council. Add your own comment.
"Become isolated and a mushroom due to adequate sunlight and open communal green spaces"
Become ISOLATED and a MUSHROOM due to INADEQUATE SUNLIGHT (3 hrs through the day) and NO OPEN (6-8hrs a day natural shade )GREEN grass & treed spaces.
Appalling! There’s no room in that lane for 16 cars. The poor homeowners on Hopetoun St will be inundated with a huge influx of traffic as there are already 3 sets of multi level units on their street! And there’s a designated pedestrian track alongside the one way Hopetoun Lane. Heaven help any walker with cars parking/entering/exiting this address. Someone will be killed, record this now! It will happen, particularly with height of 4W drives & poor visibility for all cars past parked cars & multi user driveways.