170 Tongarra Road Albion Park NSW 2527

Mixed Use Development Comprising Of Service Station, Specialised Retail Premises, Tree Removal And Associated Infrastructure
Planning Authority
Shellharbour City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
73 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
9 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Shellharbour City Council. Add your own comment.

I feel this is not the appropriate place for a service station and specially shops. Tongarra Road is already not coping with the amount of traffic that crawls through town on a daily basis, adding this development in the proposed site will only make matters much worse and create a much worse traffic problem. A service station would serve better if it was at the Western edge of town (Calderwood/Tullimbar).

Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

I do not believe that this proposal is in the best interest of the Albion Park community. Two service stations in the cbd area already provides for the communities needs, and do not cause traffic congestion. Traffic on Tongarra Rd is already overwhelmed by the over development of Calderwood and Tullimba without any thought for infrastructure to service these two communities. Tongarra Rd is grid locked during peak hours with traffic backed up for up to a kilometre in both directions, east and west. This proposal will only exacerbate the problem.

Robert Lambourn
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

I don't believe that Tongarra Road can absorb more traffic due to insufficient infrastructure.
There is limited parking already - where are these customers going to park?
Traffic is a gridlock in Albion Park. Another business will only amplify the problem.

Caroline Morley
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

I don’t believe this is in the best interest for the community. Tongarra Road is gridlocked enough during the day. The safety of children going to & from school needs to taken into account. There is enough empty shops in town. & they also need this kinda thing up Calderwood way. There’s more empty land.
This will only clog Tongarra Road more & cause more drain on the roads that don’t cope now.
Build it elsewhere we don’t want it.

Amy jones
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

The traffic congestion in Albion Park will only become worse from such a development. The close proximity to the school also adds to the issues this development will cause. A previous DA at the RSL club next door was not approved for these very reasons. Please think again.

Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

I’m in agreement with a lot of people. This isn’t in the best interest of town to have in this location. Tongarra Road struggles now with congestion & having such a place. So close to schools does not make sense safety wise. There have been developing plans in the past for this area that were rejected cause of similar situations. Please reconsider this as it’s only gotten worse. Traffic wise. It’s really needed up towards the new areas more.

Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

Go for it!!!! Albion Park needs another servo and all the do gooders that winge can go jump. There is always people that want to go against progression. We need it, so build it!

Tony Wilson
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

More empty shops. & ANOTHER petrol station. We have 2 in town we don’t need more. There was a perfectly good one closed down. At the corner of Calderwood Rd. There are 4 in The Rail. Honestly. This is beyond a joke. Just wrecking the town. What’s gonna happen when the buy pass goes. Threw? They shut down. Clearly this ISNT NEEDED. Infrastructure needs putting in place. & fixing roads. Before MORE empty shops. & let’s not get started on safety issues & congestion situations. Anyone who wants this. Clearly doesn’t live in Albion park. Or has any idea of what it’s like. There to ignorant.
We don’t need it. Take it to ugly Legoland.

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Construction of this development is now complete. Traffic flow along Tongarra Road has been negatively impacted especially by patrons who are making the right hand turn to the premises from the narrow access of the West bound lane.
The original DA0053/2022 and Transport for NSW recommendations required signage to be erected to prevent access of the West bound traffic.
This has not been complied. Dangerous traffic flow conditions have resulted.

Geoffrey M Dale
Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

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