The applicant has been found to breach development conditions relating to sediment no less than 5 times. Sediment control measures were inadequate, constantly being left in disrepair, causing regular environmental harm to Burpengary Creek. Are there no consequences for such contempt of public amenity and the environment? Any development conditions shpuld consider these clear risks. Monitoring regime must be in place to ensure compliance. A significant, though natural like, basin must be incorporated to deal with the massive increase in wstervolumes and intensity during storm incidents. Thank you.
All recent comments on applications from Moreton Bay Regional Council, QLD
The Moreton Bay Regional Council has adopted a planning scheme Policy around Centre and Neighborhood Hub design. The policy is a comprehensive and detailed document developed to provide guidance to developers about satisfying assessment benchmarks identified in the planning scheme.
Guidelines on advertising devices are outlined in the plan. The three main important principles to be considered are: the visual aspect, clutter and character. These principles I assume is the reason the Advertising Device Code has limited the allowable face area of the device to 20m2
Has Bishopp Outdoor Advertising Pty Ltd satisfied the guidelines of the planning policy as they claim?
Let’s examine it:
Does the size of the proposed sign meet the Advertising Device Code? NO
PO1 Is the sign the appropriate scale and height? NO
PO1 Will the sign overly dominate the streets-cape and surrounding area. YES of course it will, its 6m x 3m. The site is surrounded by residential, recreational and treed open space areas along 4-mile creek.
PO1 Will the sign be compatible with the surrounding streets-cape and landscape? NO
The DA states the scale and capacity of the road requires a larger format sign to be utilized for driver safety. Total rubbish, do we make all signs 6m x 3m for driver safety.
In fact, I believe the sign will create a hazard for drivers. As Kensington Way approaches the location of the proposed sign from the North the road bends to the left and then narrows as you enter the bridge across 4 Mile Creek. This is not a location or time for a driver to be distracted by a very large advertisement on a sign. The bigger the sign the more there is to comprehend.
I’m sure most who read this will agree that the Kensington Village Shopping center, the location for the proposed sign, has deteriorated over last several years due to the lack of maintenance particularly in the car-park. The footpath is often overgrown and littered with rubbish. The drains and surrounding kerbing in the car-park are blocked with debris preventing rainwater from escaping. The washed-out bitumen in the rear car-park has not been repaired or fenced off and is a serious safety hazard for the many who traverse it to and from the shops. The area is an eyesore and the proposed sign will only add to it.
Has the MBRC issued a notice to the owners to rectify or make the area safe. If not it is very concerning.
I believe anyone traveling South on Kensington Way would rather look at the beautiful trees lining 4 Mile Creek than a 6m x 3m sign which would block that view if erected in the proposed position.
Plant more beautiful trees not more ugly signs. This DA cannot be approved by Council based on its own planning policy and along with many others I will be bitterly disappointed if it is approved
Russell Miers
Hello, I see there are no documents attached to this application, should there be?
Miriam Simpson.
This application definitely needs to be approved, supporting locals who are supporting our community in this way. I see no issue with the location, only positives to come from approving this application.
Permit should be approved. Great community service and spirit. Great to see in our community.
I have no issue with this application for senior dog sanctuary. In fact we need more people willing to be able to do a community service such as this facility.
I know that old dogs don't bark as much as young dogs plus considering they only have one neighbouring property in rural residential it should not be such an issue.
Is this parkland and a heritage listed hall about to be torn down for units?!
The area where Rive Court connects with Smiths Rd is already dangerous, impacted by poor visibility, narrow roads and cars travelling at speed over the hill (and around the corner where Smiths meets Wights Mountain Rd). In fact much of Smiths Rd is narrow and not suitable for the present volume of traffic, pedestrians, dogs and horses. High wallaby count add to the hazards, especially in the early evening. The present infrastructure in the area needs significant capital investment before it will be safe and fit to support more local community.
Smiths Road can not cope with yet more subdivision. The road is narrow, and Rive court is at the bottom of a blind hill.
I request an upgrade of Smiths road with room for pedestrians . This road has many walkers and their dogs and nowhere to walk except on the road. This subdivision will mean trucks and heavy machinery. And when completed a minimum of 20 cars added to the large volume of traffic and pedestrians on this road. More subdivision will not add to the quality of life of the residents here . I oppose this subdivision unless there is a widening of Smiths road and pedestrian walkways off the road.
Preserving natural beauty and supporting local wildlife are important considerations in community development. I would like for this subdivision to not go ahead. The presence of a magnificent, mature pine tree on this block adds to the aesthetic appeal of Lawnton and serves as a vital habitat for numerous bird species.
Loraine Gieskens
The proposed building for 18 Weier Rd will not make our life a happy one after so many of us purchased our home in the Retirement Village for a peaceful,quiet life, how can Morton Council even think of allowing this to happen as for the type of people going there who will intrude on our peace, we have all worked hard all our lives & spent our money thinking this will be a wonderful life for us only for the bird brains in council to destroy our hopes of peace, how could anyone even think of allowing this building to go ahead next to a Retirement Village & aged care so whoever is sitting in on the board you better think very hard about this & if it gets passed I for one will phone ACA & anyone else who wants to listen to us,we don't have many more years on this earth but what we do have we want it in peace so you best think about what you are doing to us.Thank you P.R.
The proposed building for 18 Weier Rd will not make our life a happy one after so many of us purchased our home in the Retirement Village for a peaceful,quiet life, how can Morton Council even think of allowing this to happen as for the type of people going there who will intrude on our peace, we have all worked hard all our lives & spent our money thinking this will be a wonderful life for us only for the bird brains in council to destroy our hopes of peace, how could anyone even think of allowing this building to go ahead next to a Retirement Village & aged care so whoever is sitting in on the board you better think very hard about this & if it gets passed I for one will phone ACA & anyone else who wants to listen to us,we don't have many more years on this earth but what we do have we want it in peace so you best think about what you are doing to us.Thank you P.R.
We object to this application.
The area around 29 masters court Morayfield is not suitable for subdivision..
The blocks in Masters court Morayfield are around 3000 sqm to subdivide into smaller blocks would upset the semirural atmosphere of the area.
Are 6.30am start of a fleet of earthmoving machinery allowed?
Please consider the traffic volumes, Jumbuck street is a quiet street with children playing and people walking dogs, and no footpath along the side. The development needs to have its own exit onto Old Bay Road to avoid clogging Jumbuck with traffic.
If there are to be more houses along McPhail Rd, can we please have a footpath up McPhail Road, that joins onto the pathway to North Lakes?, which ends at the roundabout at Boundary Road?
There is no connecting footpath from the roundabout at boundary road to Hall Rd around McPhail Road.
If you are adding more houses, can we have a footpath to walk up and down McPhail Road, please? This will at least partially help reduce some local traffic on the roads. Allow residents to walk safely, without having to work on a busy road at present.
Mcphail road cannot sustain any increase of residents using road for walking or transversing to public transport.
The road needs safe footpaths and curbs to allow families including children and elderly to safely travel by foot.
Mcphail road has outlived its rural status and is a danger to the increasing population or residential growth.
This application will increase the population transversing onto McPhail
Tingari Group Pty Ltd (same people who run Seabrae)
Hi, can you advise which aged care organisation will be running this complex when complete please?
Hi, I just want to be sure the following issues are correctly reviewed
I note this development is 100% in the Mountain Ranges, Forest & Waterway overlay.
The lot in its current state is approx 20% medium risk flood and the rest of the lot is within the balance flood planning area.
The lot also falls directly to the Stanley River tributory in the neighbouring lot.
I feel as though this land could have been put to better use, our region has boomed in the last 10 years and there has been no new high schools to accommodate that. 2 new primary schools (and more to come in the Waraba estates), tens of thousands of new residents, but no new high schools to carry the weight of the growing population. Our public highschools are feeder schools for soo many primary schools I'm sure they are feeling the pressure aswell. Please concider building a highschool as soon as possible, our community desperately need this!
Tackle world
Goodness, just what Narangba needs ! Yet more housing and development without the council firstly investing in badly and outdated infrastructure.
Would love someone who makes these important decisions to actually drive from one side of Narangba to the other during peak hour. It is incredibly frustrating and laborious. Narangba is quickly becoming another version of North Lakes with a sinking reputation.
Totally against these developments. As known wildlife habitats for koala's, why is council allowing these developments? Why doesn't the council do the right thing by the koala's, kangaroos, etc, and buy back these pockets of wildlife habitat land? Imagine the exceptional reputation Deception Bay would get as being the wildlife suburb who thinks of the wildlife not council income. Come on local candidates, stand up for the people who voted you in and listen to our concerns.