43 McPhail Road Narangba QLD 4504

Request to Change (Minor) - Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 5 lots and new road) (Superseded Planning Scheme)
Planning Authority
Moreton Bay Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
74 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Moreton Bay Regional Council. Add your own comment.

Mcphail road cannot sustain any increase of residents using road for walking or transversing to public transport.
The road needs safe footpaths and curbs to allow families including children and elderly to safely travel by foot.
Mcphail road has outlived its rural status and is a danger to the increasing population or residential growth.
This application will increase the population transversing onto McPhail

Lawrance Cleary
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council

If there are to be more houses along McPhail Rd, can we please have a footpath up McPhail Road, that joins onto the pathway to North Lakes?, which ends at the roundabout at Boundary Road?

There is no connecting footpath from the roundabout at boundary road to Hall Rd around McPhail Road.

If you are adding more houses, can we have a footpath to walk up and down McPhail Road, please? This will at least partially help reduce some local traffic on the roads. Allow residents to walk safely, without having to work on a busy road at present.

Garry Wolnarek
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council

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