All recent comments on applications from Moreton Bay Regional Council, QLD

19 Leahy Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Transport Depot

I also agree rural residential should not be changed into industry, I can only guess it’s all about $. Slowly industry are moving into large acre rural residential properties and Council is not doing anything about it. We have a machinery training school in our street now that is impacting the environment, noise, smell…. And should not be compared with someone doing a home business like hairdresser, beauty, yoga, sewing, accounting…..

E sullivan
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
38 Atherton Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Operational Works - Development Permit for Stormwater

I do not want to flood again can you make sure this development does not impact us and does not increase us getting flooded.

E Sullivan
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
19 Leahy Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Transport Depot

I am a resident at 15 lotusbird and we were not made aware of this application for change of purpose to transport depot at this address until signage was erected in late June 2024 for another property on Leahy road. This application is also for a transport depot. This is a rural residential zoned area purchased by us over 30 years ago to raise our family and retire to enjoy the benefits of a quiet area away from traffic and industry . New residents with families are now fearful they will not have this opportunity to enjoy this lifestyle and will be unable to resell their property. We did not move to rural residential zoned area to be infiltrated by industry.

We await local and environmental impact information yet to be forthcoming to residents.
I strongly object to change of purpose proposals in this rural residential area, when transport depots have the opportunity and are more appropriately accommodated in correctly zoned areas.

linda Gayle Limbert
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
35 Leahy Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Transport Depot

I am a resident of lotusbird court and we were not advised of change of purposes ( there are two applications) within our district until signage at 35 Leahy road was erected June 2024. This area is zoned rural residential and we purchased this land over 30 years ago to retire and enjoy a rural area way from the intrusion of noise, traffic, and especially industry. Local and environmental impact information is yet to be forthcoming to residents.
New residents are now fearful they will not have the opportunity to enjoy this lifestyle and will not be financially able to resell or relocate.
We strongly object to change of purpose proposals in a rural residential zone when companies have the opportunity to be accommodated within appropriately zoned areas.

linda Gayle Limbert
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
35 Leahy Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Transport Depot

I do not agree with this change. For years our streets have been carved up by semitrailer tyres and only recently there was some resurfacing done. A transport hub will be a disaster. Steadily over time people are trying to sneak light industrial businesses into back yards. I have what sounds like a factory going on behind me. This is a quiet rural residential area that is not meant to be an industrial site. There are plenty of them around already.

Ricky Chilcott
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
Greens Road Griffin QLD 4503
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Childcare Centre

Please don't approve. It will be unsafe to have more traffic coming out onto that road onto a 2 lane road

This road is bad at peak traffic times and more traffic coming here will create more issues for a suburb that really has one way in and one way out

Michael Gye
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
47 Old Dayboro Road Petrie QLD 4502
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Rooming Accommodation (301 beds) and Food and drink outlet

Surely this isn’t the tiny pocket of land next to the park and across the road from the school? Did council sell the park to make way for this
Monstrosity? Parking and safety around the school is already an issue. Why would council approve an extra 300 plus cars in a tiny area? This is ridiculous, and should be stopped.

Linda Nevell
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
32 Woodcliffe Crescent Woody Point QLD 4019
Building Works - Development Permit for Dwelling House - assessed against the Planning Scheme

I have been patiently suffering through over 18 months of continuous construction noise from high rise developments that almost completely surround my apartment at 34 Woodcliffe Crescent from all directions. As I am already enclosed by high rise apartment blocks, the construction work noise rebounds and echoes from these existing buildings and amplifies it considerably. I have logged way above safe decibel levels using a db meter but apparently this isn't an issue with council? Who approved such a significant amount of high rise apartment construction all occurring at the same time in our small area? I've already lost my whole view of the Woody Point Jetty and now I find out that our next door neighbour (32 Woodcliffe Crescent) has council approval and is well underway to building a massive 2 story mansion which will totally block out my remaining ocean views and engulf my apartment in darkness. The construction is so close to my kitchen, dining and master bedroom that I can lean out of my window and touch it. Of course when I purchased my apartment 5 years ago "I paid for the views" and now find my apartment has depreciated in value due to these poorly planned constructions and no consultation with existing residents. To say I am upset is to put it mildly. I fail to see the value in me paying rates so that my property can be devalued by by poor council planning and no consultancy at all with local residence. This is totally unacceptable. Some days I can't even talk on the phone the noise is that great and my chronic health problems are being exuberated by the massive, seemingly endless development that has been allowed to occur in the very small footprint area of Woody Point. Why am I paying rates to a council whose planning actions continually decrease the valuation of my property and make life almost unbearable each day?

Garry Riley
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
32 Australia Court Newport QLD 4020
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Dual Occupancy

With reference to DA 20 23 4906
I have read an objection sent by Mary Frost and concur with every statement she made . In short, the application sets a precedent for altering the ambiance of the neighbourhood.
I am fully supportive of higher densities on the Peninsula but haphazardly packing in dwellings in inappropriate districts ruins why the peninsula is popular place to live in and visit.

Mary Carty
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
32 Australia Court Newport QLD 4020
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Dual Occupancy

26 April 2024
Submission regarding DA/2023/4906 - Development Application - 32 Australia Court NEWPORT QLD 4020 | Lot 45 RP 165552
I have just become aware of the type of development proposed at 30 Australia Court Newport.
I write to express my dismay and strong objection to the proposed development of 32 Australia Court, Newport Qld 4020.
I object for the following reasons:
It has been brought to my attention that the potential use of this property is for an Air B&B vacation spot. This type of development is not in keeping of this area.
I strongly oppose the introduction of short-term rentals which will change this residential area. The latter is based on creating a family environment and one of a safe space for retirement living.
The total size of land of 665m sq in the ‘older’ estate of Newport should not be subdivided to reduced land size incorporating two separate residence and reduced land size.
This estate is proudly known for larger land masses than the ‘newly’ developed Newport and an enhanced style of living comes with these larger land masses.
Subdividing this block further adds to congestion and degrading the essence that is Newport.
The 665m sq land size is not a small block but is by no means considered a large living land space. To subdivide this residence sets an unwanted precedent of smaller blocks for high density living.
This material change of use conflicts with the upmarket Newport character of the suburb, as primarily residential family homes for boating enthusiasts.
This is a proxy duplex on a single site under the guise of Dual Occupancy.
This development mirrors two images of a house with a single owner, typical of a short-term rental accommodation air BNB.
This development does not contribute to the current housing crisis, but indicates short term rental, with 8 bedrooms and car parking for 4 cars undercover and a further 4 cars on external car parks.
The accommodation reflects typical student accommodation or share housing. This is not in keeping with the neighbourhood.
This is not 2 strata-titled homes on a single site which would also not be in keeping with the neighbourhood look and feel of the Newport area.
This development removes typical high mast, deep water berths when demand for marine berths is limited.
This design does not provide for clear diversity between two houses. It still appears as a duplex.
Proposed design aesthetic does not meet the high-end Newport residential design. Many of the older homes are being renovated to high standards and the family atmosphere is reinforced with these renovations. This proposal is not congruent with the current neighbourhood development.
This building design is indicative of high-density dwellings, not typical family homes in this area of Newport. High density dwellings have a negative impact on family neighbourhoods and are associated with increasing crime due to transient individuals.
Number of occupants – The dual dwelling provides for 8 bedrooms and 8 car parking spaces with no maximum occupancy numbers provided. The potential vacationing transient population increases the likelihood of disruption to the current noise levels in the area.
The 8 on site car parking spaces will put undue pressure and congestion in the cul-de-sac and on the local roadways.
Unwanted precedent will be set if this property is allowed and will ruin the appearance and experience of the suburb.
The dual occupancy does not appear to be for a multi-generational household, as defined by many local government authorities. Each dual occupancy has three bedrooms on level one and a guest bedroom on ground level.
The dual occupancy has 8 bathrooms and 10 toilets on this site as well as 2 swimming pools. This negatively impacts the existing sewerage and potable water services design to this street.
Dual swimming pool pump and motor location directly adjacent to the perimeter fences provide potential noise nuisance to adjoining properties.
Height of perimeter fences to be clarified to avoid blockage of neighbours view up the canal.
Washing line in drawing appears to be attached to shared perimeter fence.
No structural details provided for removal of concrete ramps across canal beach and potential damage / subsidence of neighbour’s ramps.
No structural details provided for reinstatement of revetment wall to original structural and waterproof adequacy.
I strongly object to this development.
This cannot be allowed to go ahead.
Mary Frost
17 Vista Court, Newport, Qld 4020

Mary Frost
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
181 Alcock Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 6 lots)

As per your storm water management section 2.4 there is mass amounts of water drainage which drains from 181 alcock road into the south ajoining property it does not directly flow to the south eastern corner as shown , any more water added to the south properties dams direction from this property development the dam will not and cannot handle thus will erode the dams overflow emensly and will saturate the paddocks.

Kelly cox
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
41 Currawong Place Bellmere QLD 4510
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 58 lots)

Please consider the current residents of Currawong Pl who enjoy the acreage and the abundant wildlife surrounding. With the development of so many new properties, this will surely be destroyed.

Zoe Logan
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
59 Dances Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Operational Works - Development Permit for Road works, Stormwater and Earthworks (Subdivision 2 into 19 lots)

We live on Argyll Street , the fences are up but we are hoping that is thier back fence . Will that lot have access to our street ?

Doreen Ball
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
111 Bray Road Lawnton QLD 4501
Operational Works - Development Permit for Landscaping

It this company still registered, Bray Road Developments Pty Ltd , looks like it was deregistered in 2014?

John Humphreys
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
111 Bray Road Lawnton QLD 4501
Operational Works - Development Permit for Landscaping

It this company still registered, Bray Road Developments Pty Ltd , looks like it was deregistered in 2014?

John Humphreys
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
27 Westbrook Street Woody Point QLD 4019
Building Work - Development Permit for Dwelling House Extension - assessed against the Planning Scheme

Please leave all trees on the block to help maintain local ecosystems for birds, bees and other insects. Too much of our neighbourhood trees are being destroyed, reducing the ecosystem for native animal survival. A very large tree was recently destroyed in Westbrook St, Woody Point - this tree was a haven for numerous bird species - now gone forever, destroying a home for these sentient beings. Thank you

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
27 Westbrook Street Woody Point QLD 4019
Building Work - Development Permit for Dwelling House Extension - assessed against the Planning Scheme

Please leave all trees on the block to help maintain local ecosystems for birds, bees and other insects. Too much of our neighbourhood trees are being destroyed, reducing the ecosystem for native animal survival. A very large tree was recently destroyed in Westbrook St, Woody Point - this tree was a haven for numerous bird species - now gone forever, destroying a home for these sentient beings. Thank you

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
28 Clark Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Operational Works - Development Permit for Roadworks and Stormwater (The Pocket, Stage 1)

Habitat trees destruction. I'd like to bring to MBRC attention the destruction of multiple Habitat trees at Lots Lot 26 RP 169609
Lot 27 RP 169609, Lot 1 RP 192371,Lot 2 RP 192371. At 28 Clark Road Morayfield 4506 there remains four massively important habitat trees at the front of the 40 Clark Road block these trees have many hollows and supply vital nesting and habitat space for a multiple of bird life, bats and marsupials. There were more than a dozen habitat trees on the lots detailed prior to the felling of these trees Tuesday 19th March 2024.
MBRC need to step in an stop the destruction of the last four habitat trees at this address. It is a disgrace that the Fairland Group Pty Ltd have been permitted to destroy so much of the vital native habitat in Morayfield.
We implore MBRC to stop the felling of these last 4 massive habitat trees.
Please stop Fairland before its too late.
Once these tress have been clear cut there is no replacing them> these trees would be anywhere between 80-100 years old and provide so much vital habitat to so many different species of native Australian wildlife.
These trees clearly meet councils "Habitat Trees" protection rules and desperately need councils protection.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
Bribie Retirement Village 199-213 Goodwin Drive, Bongaree QLD 4507
Request to Change a Development Approval - Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 2 Lots) and Access Easement

I am inquiring if there have been any further applications for residential premises on or around Dux lake particularly on the Gem life complex.

michael francis lyons
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
124 Elof Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Request to Change (Minor) - Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 21 lots and Drainage Reserve)

Be aware of the flood issues in the local area. We only started to flood after the first development 2015 and again after the next development 2022. Our house never flooded before in over 30 years.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
10 Flowers Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 4 Lots)

Please be mindful as this can add more impact on the already flooding on Flowers rd.

E. Sullivan
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
35 Leahy Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Transport Depot

Material change of use - Transport Depot, is this within the rural or residential zoning?
We are concerned about the impact to flooding, noise, vehicles parking on the street and the environment (run off into the local water ways). We have noticed that our beautiful rural Residential properties are turning into light industrial, which has been zoned on Old Toorbul Point Road. We have also had concerned neighbours visit us with their views, and our thoughts of living across the road from this depot.
Stephanie and Michael

Stephanie Donaldson
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
35 Leahy Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Transport Depot

I am disappointed to learn that there are now two applications for material change of use to properties on Leahy Rd Caboolture
It is my understanding that this land area is zoned for Rural Residential
There is already a very large area zoned for general industry adjacent to the Leahy Rd sites and i think that approving these two sites for Truck depots is not in accordance with the zoning of the area.
The majority of the residents in Leahy Rd and Cockatoo court have purchased there because it is zoned Rural residential, and we value the peace and tranquility that this zoning allows us.
Elwin Cook

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
32 Woodcliffe Crescent Woody Point QLD 4019
Building Works - Development Permit for Dwelling House - assessed against the Planning Scheme

Can you explain why a two story residence can be approved for construction immediately adjoining a side boundary fence with no setbacks?

Kerry Blackshaw
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
8 Sovereign Avenue Bray Park QLD 4500
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Telecommunications Facility

Before our shopping centre is littered with large bill boards and phone towers, can I suggest that the Moreton Bay Council at least take action on the owners of Kensington Village shopping centre to repair or make safe their car park at the rear near the creek.

Many people transverse that area to and from the shops and it’s really unsafe. Surely something can be done by Council. If it was a building site Work Safe Qld would insist the area be barricaded.

It wouldn’t happen at North Lakes or Redcliffe so why should we have to accept it at Bray Park?

Russell Miers
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council