Would like to know what the nature of the minor change are and the implications of these changes now and possibly future .
Also Will more community members be impacted by the changes in surrounding areas
Thank you π
Would like to know what the nature of the minor change are and the implications of these changes now and possibly future .
Also Will more community members be impacted by the changes in surrounding areas
Thank you π
As a resident of Bribie Island I would like to object the approval of the 67 units being built at Spinnaker Drive Sandstone Point . My point to Council is that we donβt need this type of units as it will only suit the rich ! Council needs to look at housing availability for the middle class worker as this development application is only making the developers wealthier. Also the current boating facilities will be gone forever, question for you where do I take my boat when it needs servicing .
This is definitely needed in the area and the location is great given the number of residential developments, schools and shopping complexβs flagged already. We have struggled to secure 5 days a week for child care this year which has resulted in one of us having to only work part time hours. Not a great situation with the cost of living.
Iβm not sure why another childcare centre is needed in the area. There is one just on Oakey Flat Rd. closest by, another planned for either Blewers or Robbs Rd and there are 3 at the end of Hauton Rd alread. Another one planned for the other end of Hauton Rd also. Unlikely these will find enough staff to run the place or children to make the venture profitable. Too many child care centres in area already.
Apparently 138 people were notified of this application. I live next door and have not been notified. Not happy
I do not want to live next to childcare centre. What type of childcare centre takes up 2 acres of land. Not happy
The wholesale destruction of this site is beyond belief. They clearfelled dozens of beautiful trees, in a flagrant contrast to their own marketing material and plans which the local community were furnished with, which showed the retention of most of the trees. Whatever consents they require should include a stipulation to plant advanced trees to partially offset their community vandalism.
Rogerscorp are the reason developers are loathed.
A park with bbq and public toilets or a convenience shop
This is a petition by local residents
It is very concerning, that there will be no areas for the animals to survive. There is a scientific area located approx 3kms on Caboolture River Road, Upper Caboolture. It would be good to have a corridor to keep the habitat alive.
It seems like there's already a lot of new development in this area at the moment (which is good and needed), and very few pockets left for wildlife (not good). This area seems to have become a natural refuge for the wildlife that have been pushed out of other areas. Because it is located adjacent to protected areas and waterways and has well-established trees, it makes sense to keep it as a reserve. Housing developments should be located in less critical areas that won't require as much clearing or disruption to wildlife.
I and others in the local area are against the development. The trees koalas visit regularly and endangered regional ecosystem will be cleared as part of the proposed development. Unfortunately Council and State governments don't listen to us at all. We have been In the local newspapers regularly about this. Also so many more poor Roos are dying on walkers road plus running down Caboolture river road near the shops. Even after council put warning signs up. Amy Street has already been heavily impacted by development. Also Walkers road Morayfield landing being developed on. Where is all this flood water going ? Just drive down any of these roads and look inside you will see some beautiful wildlife.
Locals have created a petition on this and can be seen on change.org
I am writing a submission against the development, as it includestrees that koalas visit regularly and endangered regional ecosystem will be cleared as part of the proposed development Amy Street has already been heavily impacted by development, by approving this application it will remove the trees that the Koalas use please reject this planning application
We received a brochure about this building a few weeks ago. I contacted Cr Jim Moresly's office and haven't had a reply.the block of land that they intend to build on is directly across from a primary school. As the building won't have alot of their own parking, they will take over the on street parking, outside residents houses increasing the chances of anger issues.traffic will increase and the noise is already bad. Small children need safe drop of points and this won't happen if this goes ahead. The building will overshadow homeowners buildings and upset the wild life in the area. Please use common sense and build where it won't affect the children/teachers rights to safe parking.. It will take the sunlight from several residences which are thier private residences. Will back ground checks be done on all of those students as they are very close to the school kids? It will take away our visits to Sweeney reserve with our grandkids as it will have all the students there instead of families. Try building away from primary schools. There's so many other places you could build this nearer to the uni.
Rosemary Tooley
This is a wildlife corridor, demonstrated regularly by council placing signage indicating as such. As this is also a watercourse, there is potential for surrounding houses being negatively effected by weather events ie flooding due to the construction of housing and the diversion of the natural watercourse. I strongly object to this being anything but a natural habitat.
I thought the council had said that there were to many issues on the land for future development and area was for local wildlife like kangaroos and koalas ?
I agree with Naomi This would make a fantastic reserve, even a cultural centre to be placed here. Community object to buildings being built on this land.
2 or more lots ??? I thought council purchased some of this as itβs a corridor for local wildlife ?
This would make a fantastic reserve, even a cultural centre to be placed here. Community object to buildings being built on this land. Kind regards
Love that this land is to be developed. However, not happy about all traffic being funneled to exit via our driveway.
The driveway is not safe as it is now and the additional traffic, which will include fuel and delivery trucks, from the BCF and 5 shops/cafe will have no choice but to exit via the 7-11 forcourt and onto our driveway.
We see near misses nearly everyday and would rather see the exit redesigned.
We have already approached Council, who seemed powerless to help us.
I would like to speak against this application.
We have put up with noise on a regular basis every weekend and school holidays with PA's blasting music and fireworks.
The school has alot of activities and the thought of a major sport ground going here is unbearable.
The idea i was told of this area was a quiet nature pathway, this seems to only matter up one of Hughes Rd.
The latest subdivision is 174 lots and now a entertainment centre.
Up the west side of Hughes rd we are not even allowed to cut down a tree.
Many of the current long time owners would love to subdivide as this was their retirement plans when we all bought here over 30 years ago.
Subdivision seems to heavily end up at the other end of the road.
Now they want us to say yes to a entertainment centre, come on whats going on here.
I for one say no no no
I am concerned that I have not received any information, as I live on the street behind the proposed development.
The main aspect of concern is the 24/7 hours for the storage company. As far as I am aware no other industry in the area is allowed to operate 24/7 so it seems that this proposed use is not in keeping with the 'low impact' industries already in the area. As it is we hear noise from clanging weights in the evenings from one of the 'gyms' that runs until about 10pm.
My neighbours and I all back onto this proposed development..It says here that over a hundred people were notified by email about this.. I would like to state that we have never received such an email and it will affect our lives the most..We only found out about this today..Why?
This high density development is not in accordance with the MBRC's planning scheme for Samford Village and will ruin the local neighbourhood.
If people want to live in such a development, there's plenty to choose from in Brendale.
Beware of those comments in favour of it. They have vested interests and not the well being of the village and the local residents at heart.
Sounds like a great idea especially as we are getting older and gives us a good option when coming off acreage and still being able to stay in area. Very interested.
I know this property well and I believe the 12 dwelling will be beneficial to the property market as they provide housing options in the village for residents coming off acreage.
Very positive for the area
This is the second time I have complained about the development at 32 Woodcliffe Crescent. I did receive a voice message from Council with regards to my first complaint, but I can never contact anyone when I call back. I am extremely unhappy with Moreton Bay Council and their approval of two of the more recent developments near my apartment that have resulted in me losing my bay views along one entire side of my apartment. I used to have magnificent bay views (positioning I paid for in the purchase price) First the supposedly 6 Unit high rise development at 28 Woodcliffe Crescent cut off my views of the bay and Jetty, but I was willing to accept my loss of bay and jetty views, but now the development that council approved at 32 Woodcliffe Crescent has wiped out the remaining bay views from my bedroom, dining room and kitchen entirely and replaced them with a "lovely" view of a tiled roof and my new neighbours windows that will stare directly into my apartment. Thus I have taken a double whammy due to Council's non consultation with residents and also assuredly I will suffer a loss in sale price on my apartment should I choose to sell, as the bay views were its primary feature. The development that is now nearing completion at 32 Woodcliffe Crescent as far as I can pertain was only approved by council as being the development of an existing low set house at 32 Woodcliffe Crescent into a 2 story house which should have allowed me to still have maintained some reduced bay views. Apart from ever more building noise and blaring music coming from the tradies day after day .. and after already having suffered through over 18 months of noise and street carnage from the 6 apartment development at 28 Woodcliffe Crescent and other high rise developments in my small area, it looks to me now from the front of the newly built home, (now that the scaffolding is finally coming down), that it is in fact a hybrid 2/3 STORY home development and it is this top section that has now blocked out my remaining bay views. In any case, surely consultation with neighbours could have reached an appropriate compromise as it's only a few feet difference in height that is now blocking my bay views and most likely other local residents views too. I want to know what council are going to do about this and why appropriate consultation wasn't applied? I am not a happy camper!
I am also not happy with the rerouting of aircraft over the bay area at night which results in all my windows rattling while the deep booming jet engines of airplanes pass over. I can actually feel the air pressure changing around me. I have already lodged complaints with the Airport authority and understand that this is not within your jurisdiction, however as OUR Council I would expect you to speak up to the airport authority over this increased aircraft noise on behalf of your ratepayers. If the council is trying to turn little Woody Point into an unliveable, high density suburb where only the rich have bay views then they are succeeding.