32 Australia Court Newport QLD 4020

Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Dual Occupancy
Planning Authority
Moreton Bay Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
176 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Moreton Bay Regional Council. Add your own comment.

26 April 2024
Submission regarding DA/2023/4906 - Development Application - 32 Australia Court NEWPORT QLD 4020 | Lot 45 RP 165552
I have just become aware of the type of development proposed at 30 Australia Court Newport.
I write to express my dismay and strong objection to the proposed development of 32 Australia Court, Newport Qld 4020.
I object for the following reasons:
It has been brought to my attention that the potential use of this property is for an Air B&B vacation spot. This type of development is not in keeping of this area.
I strongly oppose the introduction of short-term rentals which will change this residential area. The latter is based on creating a family environment and one of a safe space for retirement living.
The total size of land of 665m sq in the ‘older’ estate of Newport should not be subdivided to reduced land size incorporating two separate residence and reduced land size.
This estate is proudly known for larger land masses than the ‘newly’ developed Newport and an enhanced style of living comes with these larger land masses.
Subdividing this block further adds to congestion and degrading the essence that is Newport.
The 665m sq land size is not a small block but is by no means considered a large living land space. To subdivide this residence sets an unwanted precedent of smaller blocks for high density living.
This material change of use conflicts with the upmarket Newport character of the suburb, as primarily residential family homes for boating enthusiasts.
This is a proxy duplex on a single site under the guise of Dual Occupancy.
This development mirrors two images of a house with a single owner, typical of a short-term rental accommodation air BNB.
This development does not contribute to the current housing crisis, but indicates short term rental, with 8 bedrooms and car parking for 4 cars undercover and a further 4 cars on external car parks.
The accommodation reflects typical student accommodation or share housing. This is not in keeping with the neighbourhood.
This is not 2 strata-titled homes on a single site which would also not be in keeping with the neighbourhood look and feel of the Newport area.
This development removes typical high mast, deep water berths when demand for marine berths is limited.
This design does not provide for clear diversity between two houses. It still appears as a duplex.
Proposed design aesthetic does not meet the high-end Newport residential design. Many of the older homes are being renovated to high standards and the family atmosphere is reinforced with these renovations. This proposal is not congruent with the current neighbourhood development.
This building design is indicative of high-density dwellings, not typical family homes in this area of Newport. High density dwellings have a negative impact on family neighbourhoods and are associated with increasing crime due to transient individuals.
Number of occupants – The dual dwelling provides for 8 bedrooms and 8 car parking spaces with no maximum occupancy numbers provided. The potential vacationing transient population increases the likelihood of disruption to the current noise levels in the area.
The 8 on site car parking spaces will put undue pressure and congestion in the cul-de-sac and on the local roadways.
Unwanted precedent will be set if this property is allowed and will ruin the appearance and experience of the suburb.
The dual occupancy does not appear to be for a multi-generational household, as defined by many local government authorities. Each dual occupancy has three bedrooms on level one and a guest bedroom on ground level.
The dual occupancy has 8 bathrooms and 10 toilets on this site as well as 2 swimming pools. This negatively impacts the existing sewerage and potable water services design to this street.
Dual swimming pool pump and motor location directly adjacent to the perimeter fences provide potential noise nuisance to adjoining properties.
Height of perimeter fences to be clarified to avoid blockage of neighbours view up the canal.
Washing line in drawing appears to be attached to shared perimeter fence.
No structural details provided for removal of concrete ramps across canal beach and potential damage / subsidence of neighbour’s ramps.
No structural details provided for reinstatement of revetment wall to original structural and waterproof adequacy.
I strongly object to this development.
This cannot be allowed to go ahead.
Mary Frost
17 Vista Court, Newport, Qld 4020

Mary Frost
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council

With reference to DA 20 23 4906
I have read an objection sent by Mary Frost and concur with every statement she made . In short, the application sets a precedent for altering the ambiance of the neighbourhood.
I am fully supportive of higher densities on the Peninsula but haphazardly packing in dwellings in inappropriate districts ruins why the peninsula is popular place to live in and visit.

Mary Carty
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council

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