All recent comments on applications from Inner West Council, NSW

3 Johnston Street Annandale NSW 2038
Demolition of existing structures, torrens title subdivision of existing lot into 3 allotments, construction of 3 three storey attached dwellings and 3 two storey secondary dwellings, featuring garage car parking, including removal of 1x tree and construction of 1 inground swimming pool.

This beautiful Federation house should not be demolished.It is part of the existing streetscape and admired character of Annandale and should not be destroyed.
Annandale has a unique heritage which should be embraced but this proposal negates it entirely.

Victoria Warne
Delivered to Inner West Council
30 Harrison Street Marrickville NSW 2204
Demolition of the existing structures, Torrens title subdivision of one (1) lot into two (2) lots for construction of two (2) x semi-detached dwelling houses, removal of two trees within the front and rear setbacks, and associated landscaping works

Dividing large lots to two smaller low rise homes is exactly what this area needs. We are in a housing crisis and this increase in dwellings is satisfies the need perfectly. I wholeheartedly support this application

Delivered to Inner West Council
3 Johnston Street Annandale NSW 2038
Demolition of existing structures, torrens title subdivision of existing lot into 3 allotments, construction of 3 three storey attached dwellings and 3 two storey secondary dwellings, featuring garage car parking, including removal of 1x tree and construction of 1 inground swimming pool.

I fully support this proposal. The current dwelling is old, unsightly and detracts from the streetscape.

The new proposal is of a high quality, and in a great location for infill development, being close to transport, shops and amenities.

We are in a housing crisis, and we must seize every opportunity to deliver new homes in locations such as this.

I ask that you approve this application as quickly as possible.

Dominic Behrens
Delivered to Inner West Council
Section 4.55(2) Modification to D/2017/637, modification involves amending the hours of operation to 24hr operation between Monday 4.30am and Friday midnight, 5:30am to 7:00pm Saturday, and 7:30am to 7pm Sunday

This is a great idea. Camperdown fitness is one of the best gyms I have ever used. expanding the hours would be a benefit to those working swing shifts or more so working all houta at the hospital. can not think of any real negatives to the plan and will admit I will not be using expanded hours since I sleep 😴

David Heck
Delivered to Inner West Council
2 Addison Road Marrickville NSW 2204
Continuation of trading hours of a licensed food and drink premises trading 10:00AM to 3:00AM Monday to Saturday, and 11:00AM to 10:00PM Sundays and public holidays for a further five-year period

Highly supportive. The venue has operated seamlessly with the neighbourhood under these extended hours

Nick White
Delivered to Inner West Council
45 Chelmsford Street Newtown NSW 2042
Torrens title subdivision of existing lot into two allotments, demolition of existing structures and construction of a three storey semi-detached dwelling on each lot

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my support for DA/2024/0111 at 45 Chelmsford Street, Newtown, NSW 2042. Proposal's like this are a practical solution to Sydney's housing crisis.

With Sydney's housing affordability and availability challenges, solutions like this are crucial. This project optimises land use, promotes urban infill, and offers diverse housing options.

I urge council to approve this development, confident it will positively impact our community while addressing Sydney's housing needs.

Thank you for your consideration.

Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council
180 Darling Street Balmain NSW 2041
Alterations and additions to an approved multi-dwelling construction to provide 4 x swimming pools

“Affordable housing” with “four swimming pools??! You’re kidding!
How about one swimming pool for the four flats to share? And plant trees over the remaining 3/4 of the space they were going to use for pools.
Balmain needs trees more than pools.

Delivered to Inner West Council
180 Darling Street Balmain NSW 2041
Alterations and additions to an approved multi-dwelling construction to provide 4 x swimming pools

This DA was lodged as affordable housing (part of it), now they are getting individual swimming pools. What's next? A helipad?

Delivered to Inner West Council
180 Darling Street Balmain NSW 2041
Alterations and additions to an approved multi-dwelling construction to provide 4 x swimming pools

Do we really need 4 swimming pools in one building? The developer must think the Council are a bunch idiots to approve this gross over indulgence. The Dawn Fraser pool is but a 5 minute drive away for those who like to swim.
Delivered to Inner West Council
30 Albert Street Leichhardt NSW 2040
Section 8.2 Review of Determination of DA/2023/0217 which was refused, for boundary adjustment associated with two existing lots, alterations and additions to existing dwelling house to create two dwellings and new garage and studio over at the rear each located on separate allotments, and associated works


I support the rejection of DA/2023/0217 We need to keep the character of Haberfield and we should not buckle to government efforts to increase density, there is plenty of land out west

Tony Soprano
Delivered to Inner West Council
30 Albert Street Leichhardt NSW 2040
Section 8.2 Review of Determination of DA/2023/0217 which was refused, for boundary adjustment associated with two existing lots, alterations and additions to existing dwelling house to create two dwellings and new garage and studio over at the rear each located on separate allotments, and associated works

To Whom It May Concern,

DA/2023/0217, which aims to split this dwelling into two, offers a practical solution to increase infill density in the Inner West. Boosting housing density is crucial for addressing Sydney's housing crisis. It's disappointing that this DA was rejected.

I hope this decision will be reconsidered as part of the review requested in REV/2024/0003, and that the proposal will be approved to proceed.

Thank you,

Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council
80-82 Ramsay Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3-storey shop top housing development including ground level commercial tenancy, car parking and 6 apartments on the upper levels.

Fully supportive of this development in Haberfield, the current strip is underdeveloped with shop fronts vacant. Ideally there would be a component of social or rental assisted housing available to help house essential workers.

Delivered to Inner West Council
57 Rawson Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Alterations and additions to semi-detached dwelling including partial demolition, construction of a rear extension with patio, internal changes and landscaping works.

Apologetics for the late response but this has just been brought to my attention.

This DA is a very significant increase in site coverage and far exceeds the 50% allowable and should be rejected on that grounds alone.
To approve this DA would be setting a bad precedent for seni-detached houses in Haberfield, that they could virtually cover the whole block.

The high ridge line would cause significant overshadowing to a neighbour who has lived at that address for about 50 yrs. It's not just that someone can buy the block next door and build something that will deprive any resident, let a long term one, of the sunlight they should continue to enjoy.
It appears the proposed extension is two storey which I understand is not allowed in Haberfield

Malachy Ward
Delivered to Inner West Council
80-82 Ramsay Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3-storey shop top housing development including ground level commercial tenancy, car parking and 6 apartments on the upper levels.

This shop has sat vacant for years, it’s great to see development happen that will attract new retailers and residents.
I preferred the original design to this faux heritage, however I understand the reasoning.
The spaces above the commercial frontage are highly underused in Haberfield, so it’s good to the addition of apartments added.
Haberfield needs more options for young families, couples and singles to diversify the makeup. There also needs to be accomodation available for staff who work on the strip, many who travel far to get to early morning/late night shifts.

Katie B
Delivered to Inner West Council
80-82 Ramsay Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3-storey shop top housing development including ground level commercial tenancy, car parking and 6 apartments on the upper levels.

This development application is much better than the previous one!
I note the façade is now appropriately sympathetic with the others in Ramsay St and that the parking problems with the previous application have been addressed including a courier/deliveries spot.

The additional accommodation will play its part in addressing the housing shortage, although the expectation is that these will be rented at market rates.

It’s good to see this site which has been disused for more than ten years and a blite on the streetscape will be improved!

Malachy W
Delivered to Inner West Council
80-82 Ramsay Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3-storey shop top housing development including ground level commercial tenancy, car parking and 6 apartments on the upper levels.

This is a quality development in its amended form. It retains the heritage street scape building frontage design and provides parking in this busy and crowded suburban commercial centre. It will not solve a housing shortage as the YIMBY group are claiming it should by going higher, as these units will be at market value both to purchase and to rent if that's utimately what happens. The place for creating social and affordable housing is by the NSW State government on its already owned lands reclaimed by it for WestConnex. There are several such sites in Haberfield on Parramatta Rd. that are perfect for medium density apartments yet no DA's submitted by the govt.or in partnership with other developers.

gretchen gamble
Delivered to Inner West Council
80-82 Ramsay Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3-storey shop top housing development including ground level commercial tenancy, car parking and 6 apartments on the upper levels.

Dear Council,

The original design is better looking, has more units, and does not waste space or encourage car ownership like the amended design. Please approve the original design. There are so many homeless people nowadays, we need all the apartments we can get.

Brett Mahar
Delivered to Inner West Council
80-82 Ramsay Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3-storey shop top housing development including ground level commercial tenancy, car parking and 6 apartments on the upper levels.

Its well known that Haberfield draws the ire of the YIMBY crowd, whether they live there or not. I dont live in Haberfield but in a nearby suburb with high rise. I think its reasonable for small developments behind the Haberfield shop fronts but i dont agree with the assertion that this development should sacrifice parking because of a housing crisis. Build the housing but rightly build the amenities to go with the building ordinarily. Dont cause another issue in Haberfield by trying to fix the housing crisis in Sydney, just because Haberfield hasnt been overdeveloped yet. Its a beautiful place. It will be developed but do it right.

Delivered to Inner West Council
80-82 Ramsay Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3-storey shop top housing development including ground level commercial tenancy, car parking and 6 apartments on the upper levels.

Those from the YIMBY squad who suggest that 6 appartments is insufficient obviously haven't reviewed the detailed plans including parking from the previous proposal, nor the now two larger "penthouse" appartments.

The new DA is a significant improvement on the previous one with an appropriate facade matching that of adjacent buildings.

Well done?

James Ireland
Delivered to Inner West Council
525 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204
Removal of eight trees located on or adjacent to the quarry wall.

Yes I didn’t read the arborists report … I agree with the above, please replace these trees with suitable natives. If they are a danger it is regretful that they have to be removed, this is a different situation to the 2 mature melaleuca trees that NSW transport want removed for a bus layover in railway road Sydenham. These are huge healthy flowering trees that support a lot of wildlife and add to the tree canopy in the inner west - a canopy that is not being protected by the authorities despite what they say their intentions are.
Delivered to Inner West Council
311 Trafalgar Street Petersham NSW 2049
Adaptive reuse of the existing building and change of use to a shoptop housing building accommodating a ground floor health services facility, 2 first floor dwellings, and 2 car spaces. Proposed hours of operation are 8.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays.

To whom it may concern,

I'm writing to express support for DA/2024/0069.

The plan to convert the building into shop top housing is practical and beneficial for the community.

The proposed hours of operation are reasonable and respectful of the neighbourhood's character.

Please approve DA/2024/0069 for the betterment of Petersham.

Thank you,

Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council
42-44 Gould Avenue Lewisham NSW 2049
Demolition of existing structures, Torrens title subdivision of existing lots into 5 allotments and construction of a three storey attached dwelling on each lot including tree removal, landscaping and car parking

To whom it may concern,

I'm writing to express my strong support for DA/2024/0070. The proposal is a thoughtful approach to maximising land usage.

This plan reflects the changing housing needs of the community. I believe this development aligns well with sustainable urban growth principles.

Please consider approving DA/2024/0070 for the benefit of the Lewisham neighbourhood.

Thank you,

Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council
269 Denison Street Newtown NSW 2042
Alterations and additions to an existing detached dwelling, including partial demolition of existing structures and Torrens title subdivision of the existing lot into 3 allotments including tree removal, landscaping and car parking

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my full support for DA/2024/0085.

The proposed changes offer a sensible approach to enhancing the property while maintaining its character. The subdivision plan into three allotments optimises land usage.

I believe this proposal strikes a balance between modernisation and community values, contributing positively to the Newtown area's growth. I urge you to approve this application.

Thank you for your consideration.


Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council
525 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204
Removal of eight trees located on or adjacent to the quarry wall.

If the trees present a danger then sadly they will probably need to be removed. But please replace them with suitable plantings. We are losing too much natural canopy and greenery and this is detrimental to both the environment and health. Heat produced by concrete and plastic turf is bad enough without losing our trees. I used to sing a song many decades ago at school praising trees and their importance. One of the lines was "help is repaid with cool green shade". We need to help our trees, stop people from ripping them out or killing them. Big fines, not a smack on the wrist, need to be imposed on people who do this.

Delivered to Inner West Council
80-82 Ramsay Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3-storey shop top housing development including ground level commercial tenancy, car parking and 6 apartments on the upper levels.

Six apartments is more than enough for this block in this location. Development needs to be sensible and not about cramming lots of apartments in small areas and destroying the character and quality of life of our suburbs. The housing crisis will never be truly addressed while we have an increasing population, negative gearing and greedy landlords. Accessibility and parking are important considerations in this development.

Delivered to Inner West Council