525 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204

Removal of eight trees located on or adjacent to the quarry wall.
Planning Authority
Inner West Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
712 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Comments made here were sent to Inner West Council. Add your own comment.

Please do not remove any trees unless they are being replanted and replaced we need green life in our cement and tar heated streets.

Thank you

Karen Soo
Delivered to Inner West Council

Why are these trees being removed? The Council should be more proactive in preserving the tree canopy such as it is in the Inner West - too many developments going to the curb, too many houses with gardens being demolished for buildings that leave no room for trees, too many trees removed unnecessarily such as the 2 old melaleucas on the corner of Burrows Ave & Railway Rd in Sydenham that NSW Transport want to remove for a bus layover that could go in 3 other identified locations.

Delivered to Inner West Council

To the IW Council:
I am horrified at this proposal.

525 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204 - Removal of eight trees located on or adjacent to the quarry wall.

Please DO NOT remove these eight trees located on or adjacent to the quarry wall. Our suburbs do need the shade, the oxygen, and the protection of the trees. Birds also need trees to survive.

Proposing the removal of trees to accommodate buses is an act of environmental vandalism which should not happen in our municipality.

IW Council: please reject this application forthwith. We must preserve trees and greenery at all costs. These trees have been providing shade and other benefits to the residents and passersby for many, many years. They are the deposits of oxygen, shade, and beauty that our towns need.

Do not destroy, with the stroke of a pen, the blessings that nature gave us and will continue giving us for generations to come.

Please consider the environment. Thank you
Silvia Levame, 29-02-24

Silvia Levame
Delivered to Inner West Council

Academic articles, government policies and anecdotal observations all demonstrate the crucial nature of trees in reducing heat in urban and suburban landscapes (e.g https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/policy-and-legislation/urban).

Destroying crucial shade cover makes zero sense in these times of extreme heat.
More people and buildings, without effective amelioration of ´heat sinks’ means additional use of electricity.

Please don’t allow these crucial trees to be cut down for private gain. Heritage and heat needs mean we need to be more respectful of our lived environments.

Gail May
Delivered to Inner West Council

Trees are precious assets. Removing 8 trees to accommodate a bus is unacceptable.

Zac Rees
Delivered to Inner West Council

Having read the Statement of Environmental Effects, please ignore my previous comment. Noted that the arborist report shows the trees present a risk to life, are damaging the quarry wall, and have low landscape retention value. It is critical that trees only be removed when absolutely necessary (eg not for the bus stop at Sydenham per a comment above) but it appears that if the report is accurate then these 8 sadly may need to go.

Zac Rees
Delivered to Inner West Council

If it is deemed the trees must be removed for safety reasons, then I request the council replace them with natives that will provide adequate shade and enhance the area.

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I support the removal of these trees, as the arborist has determined these self seeded trees on top of a heritage wall are a threat to life due to the damage they are doing to the stone wall.

Kitty F
Delivered to Inner West Council

If the trees present a danger then sadly they will probably need to be removed. But please replace them with suitable plantings. We are losing too much natural canopy and greenery and this is detrimental to both the environment and health. Heat produced by concrete and plastic turf is bad enough without losing our trees. I used to sing a song many decades ago at school praising trees and their importance. One of the lines was "help is repaid with cool green shade". We need to help our trees, stop people from ripping them out or killing them. Big fines, not a smack on the wrist, need to be imposed on people who do this.

Delivered to Inner West Council

Yes I didn’t read the arborists report … I agree with the above, please replace these trees with suitable natives. If they are a danger it is regretful that they have to be removed, this is a different situation to the 2 mature melaleuca trees that NSW transport want removed for a bus layover in railway road Sydenham. These are huge healthy flowering trees that support a lot of wildlife and add to the tree canopy in the inner west - a canopy that is not being protected by the authorities despite what they say their intentions are.

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