30 Harrison Street Marrickville NSW 2204

Demolition of the existing structures, Torrens title subdivision of one (1) lot into two (2) lots for construction of two (2) x semi-detached dwelling houses, removal of two trees within the front and rear setbacks, and associated landscaping works
Planning Authority
Inner West Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 10 months ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
811 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Inner West Council. Add your own comment.

Dividing large lots to two smaller low rise homes is exactly what this area needs. We are in a housing crisis and this increase in dwellings is satisfies the need perfectly. I wholeheartedly support this application

Delivered to Inner West Council

Can we have some proper town planning- there are hundreds of apartments/flats going up in the inner west- maybe a considered and methodical urban redevelopment plan needs to be implemented, rather than maximising profits- none of these current developments including rezoning a single dwelling plot to increase the accommodation is affordable for those that need homes

Delivered to Inner West Council

I support DA/2024/0322. It's proposals like this one that will help solve Sydney's housing crisis.

Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council

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