3 Johnston Street Annandale NSW 2038

Demolition of existing structures, torrens title subdivision of existing lot into 3 allotments, construction of 3 three storey attached dwellings and 3 two storey secondary dwellings, featuring garage car parking, including removal of 1x tree and construction of 1 inground swimming pool.
Planning Authority
Inner West Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 10 months ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
839 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Inner West Council. Add your own comment.

I fully support this proposal. The current dwelling is old, unsightly and detracts from the streetscape.

The new proposal is of a high quality, and in a great location for infill development, being close to transport, shops and amenities.

We are in a housing crisis, and we must seize every opportunity to deliver new homes in locations such as this.

I ask that you approve this application as quickly as possible.

Dominic Behrens
Delivered to Inner West Council

This beautiful Federation house should not be demolished.It is part of the existing streetscape and admired character of Annandale and should not be destroyed.
Annandale has a unique heritage which should be embraced but this proposal negates it entirely.

Victoria Warne
Delivered to Inner West Council

There is absolutely no need for a beautiful home of this quality and character to be demolished for a new-build that is entirely out of character within the street and the area. Johnston Street is filled with stunning, original homes that have stood for more than 100 years and continue to thrive. It is what makes Annandale such a lovely suburb to live in and visit. Structures such as this need to be embraced, not replaced. Additionally, adding an in-ground swimming pool does nothing to solve or resolve the issues caused by the housing crisis and is out of step with the other homes in the area. This is an excessive proposal and sets a horrible precedent for the local and surrounding areas.

A. Wolf
Delivered to Inner West Council

Such a lovely family home, shocking that someone wants to turn it into lots of tiny crappy dwellings. Proper sized family homes with a decent backyard for children to play in are a rarity these days as apartments and small townhouses take over. The fact that Annandale has unique heritage family homes such as this are the reason why people move into this area to live and work. Don’t destroy what is special about our neighbourhood by approving this development.

Delivered to Inner West Council

I support DA/2024/0336. Proposals like this one will increase housing supply, reducing the average cost of housing in Sydney, making houses afforable for all.

Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council

This house should not be demolished as it currently provides affordable housing in the 2x2 and 1bedroom units within
The DA is overdevelopment of the site and will not provide either social or affordable housing as these dwellings will sell at current market price which in Annandale is very high
This development would in fact take scarce low cost housing out of the Inner West
Also the proposed redevelopment’s architectural design is not in keeping with the existing conservation areas buildings

Gretchen Gamble
Delivered to Inner West Council

I fully support this application. The streetscape needs a refresh - the current building has a dated and old facade and the proposal will increase overall housing capacity.

Delivered to Inner West Council

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