All recent comments on applications from Frankston City Council, VIC

29 Ithaca Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To remove one (1) substantial tree in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 4 (SLO4)

Can the residents and council staff please carefully check if there are birds/bird nests/ young birds or possums or other animals living in/on the tree? All trees house wildlife. Please contact local reputable wildlife carers to inspect the tree, e.g AWARE wildlife group, thank you

Paris Yves Read
Delivered to Frankston City Council
Hillcrest Road, Frankston, VIC
To remove native vegetation

I am wondering why it is necessary to remove native vegetation from the roadside reserve?

Melinda Gustus
Delivered to Frankston City Council
300 Frankston-Dandenong Road, Seaford 3198, VIC
To construct a warehouse and ancillary office within an Industrial 1 Zone (IN1Z) - (Future Lot 9 (No. 11) Compass Court, Seaford)

I am writing to formally object to the building permit application for the proposed development at 300 Frankston-Dandenong Road, Seaford 3198, VIC. While I understand the need for progress and development, I have concerns about the potential negative impact of this project on the local area and its residents.

I have some Key Environment and Safety Concerns:

The proposed development may have adverse effects on the community, such as increased industrial traffic in a largely residential zone. The exit from Monterey Boulevard onto Frankston-Dandenong Road is already very dangerous I personally witness roughly one crash a month on that intersection (There is likely more than I see myself). The plan only shows one entry/exit and I feel this will only add to the dangerous area.

The character of the local community could be compromised by this development by overshadowing caused by tall buildings and an increase in noise levels.

This could disrupt the ecological balance and affect the quality of life for residents by increasing the amount of vehicle pollution and noise pollution. Already all houses in the neighbouring area are struggling with a massive increase of dust coming from the site on a day to day basis.

The proposed construction site poses potential safety risks, including an increase in traffic accidents. Can an alternative exit be arranged?

The development at its current stage is already oversized for the residential area surrounding it please stop further additions to the site.

I kindly urge the council to:

Reassess the application and consider its broader impact on the environment and community.
Consult with local residents and stakeholders to address concerns and explore alternatives.
Recalibrate the current compliance with respect and open communication with all neighbouring residents.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this objection. I am happy to discuss my concerns further and provide additional details if needed. I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,
Robin Va'auli

Robin vaauli
Delivered to Frankston City Council
110 Ashleigh Avenue, Frankston 3199, VIC
To use the land for a medical centre, child care centre and restricted recreation facility (gymnasium) in a Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) To construct buildings and works in a Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) and Special Building Overlay (SBO) To reduce the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5 of the Frankston Planning Scheme

This application needs to consider that's the car park currently on the premises is grossly insufficient for a medium to large size business opening and their customers or clients using the car park. Directly across the road from the premises is a primary school as well as a community centre and kindergarten and there are at least 6 other schools within 2 km with thousands of students and the traffic they bring, including traffic that uses this premises as a parking lot for drop off and pick up school children. I believe it would be grossly remiss to reduce the number of car spaces available in any way. When the premises has been fully occupied in the past there have been large numbers of cars utilising the businesses there that have had to use street parking. This obviously impacts on surrounding residents, in particular at the start and end of the school day, when hundreds of children are walking past and exposed to large volumes of traffic.
It would be wonderful to have a medical center on the site, particularly one that is bulk billing, as they are in desperately short supply in most areas.
Your consideration of my comments is greatly appreciated.

Katherine Parnell
Delivered to Frankston City Council
146 Overport Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To prune one (1) substantial tree in a Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO3)

Please firstly consider the birds/wildlife who at this time of year especially have nests and babies inside and on the tree branches. Cutting down trees is like knocking down our own homes, so please consider the grief the birds and animals who will suffer that their home is destroyed. If the tree is dead and no animals/birds, then no problem. Otherwise, most people forget that trees are not just stumps and branches but permanent homes for the hearts & souls of wildlife. Please contact reputable wildlife rescuers to assess the tree and those living in and on it. It is the least we can do whilst we constantly destroy the homes of the living beings in our country.

Paris Yves Read
Delivered to Frankston City Council
253 Humphries Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To use and develop the land for a child care centre in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) To construct buildings and works in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3) and Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1). To display of business identification signage. To remove substantial trees in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)

I understand people don't want noise and cars around precious homes, but now you will understand what the rest of us with schools and feral kids and feral irresponsible parents and blocking our driveways and speeding through streets go through and how they impact our peace and quiet. Perhaps those commenting can also petition for ALL the schools to be shut down and moved to industrial areas and not just think of themselves as in this instance. And let's not forget the school bells and music that is full blast even during school holidays. Many of us are living the hell of irresponsible schools and parents, perhaps now it is your turn as you possibly are one of those parents with the brat kids causing harm to neighbours and nature. Gather your energy to Ban schools in neighbourhoods and petition the Education department to isolate schools from residential areas and nature where kids and parents do most harm.

P Read
Delivered to Frankston City Council
253 Humphries Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To use and develop the land for a child care centre in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) To construct buildings and works in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3) and Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1). To display of business identification signage. To remove substantial trees in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)

Why must childcare centres be put in the middle of quiet residential zones? Wouldn't it make more sense to have them where people actually work, such as industrial estates or around shopping precincts? There is already 3 within coo-ee of this spot and no others are needed around the area, much less the ones already here. Use some commonsense, for which I note that commonsense is no longer very common, and put them where the workers are actually working.

Lyn D
Delivered to Frankston City Council
253 Humphries Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To use and develop the land for a child care centre in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) To construct buildings and works in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3) and Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1). To display of business identification signage. To remove substantial trees in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)

I am a resident of Humphries Road and I would also like to lodge an objection to the proposed childcare centre on the corner of Humphries Road and Sybil Avenue, Frankston South. The top end of Humphries Road is already experiencing severe traffic congestion, there is a bottleneck of traffic from the roundabout at Walkers Road to the roundabout at the shop's. The opening of a cafe at the shop's attracts more people than the car park can hold, so there are cars parked on Humphries Road blocking vision to residents exiting their driveways! Another childcare centre is the last thing that we need to add further traffic to an already chaotic Road. I would like to add that there is also a childcare centre on Paratea Avenue, Frankston South so that is at least four nearby. With a busy medical centre, shop's, two roundabouts and a never ending stream of traffic up and down Humphries Road this makes the addition of yet another childcare centre an absurd idea. I would also Iike to point out that there are several ongoing complaints from residents regarding the high volume of traffic and speed in which vehicles are travelling at the top end of Humphries Road which have been lodged with the local law enforcement and/or council. I would also like to be kept informed of the progress of this application and wish to lodge a formal objection at the appropriate time.

Delivered to Frankston City Council
253 Humphries Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To use and develop the land for a child care centre in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) To construct buildings and works in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3) and Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1). To display of business identification signage. To remove substantial trees in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)

I am a resident of Mather Road and want to lodge an objection to the development of a childcare centre on the corner of Humphries Road and Sybil Avenue, Frankston South. At school pick-up times, it is already difficult to exit from Mather Road into Humphries Road because of the volume of traffic. Having a childcare centre on this site will make the situation even worse. There are already three childcare centres nearby, one of them at 103 Humphries Road – which already causes traffic problems – and two in Overport Road. I ask to be kept informed of the progress of this application and wish to lodge a formal objection at the appropriate time.

Daan Spijer
Delivered to Frankston City Council
216 Hall Road, Carrum Downs 3201, VIC
To use the land for a service station and car wash and to construct buildings and works associated with a Section 2 Use in a General Residential Zone (GRZ), to construct buildings and works in a Special Building Overlay (SBO), to erect and display business identification signage and to create access/alter to a Road Zone Category 1 (RDZ1)

Having a 7 eleven would definitely be fantastic as the closest one to me is on Frankston-Dandenong Rd so having one so close to me is great and great to walk too in case we need bread or milk so yes please also we need restaurants we need shops. The old masters building it is vacant please put Big W, Chemist Warehouse, JB HIFI, Target, Best & Less, Harris Scarfe, Millers, Optus and Telstra Shop, Suzanne Grace, Other Banks
We have too many housing, too many pizza shops, too many drs. Just no shops the nearest I have to go and even take my mum too is Cranbourne Shopping Centre or Karingal Hub so having all the shops in Carrum Downs will bring more locals in please consider as more elderly and mums would love and prefer.

Nadia Dudman
Delivered to Frankston City Council
1/2 Amayla Crescent, Carrum Downs 3201, VIC
Section 72 - To use the site as a place of worship, associated buildings and works, reduction to the carparking requirements of the Frankston Planning Scheme and display of an internally illuminated advertising sign.

There is already a church operating here on Sundays and the existing car park is not large enough for the crowds. There are cars parked on the verge and nature stops every week. While I see no problem with the sites proposed use I think the parking issues need to be addressed.

Victoria fahey
Delivered to Frankston City Council
171 Gould Street, Frankston 3199, VIC
To use and construct a display home centre in a General Residential Zone Schedule 1 (GRZ1) To construct a building and works in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6) and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO) To subdivide land in a General Residential Zone Schedule 1 (GRZ1), Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6) and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO) To reduce the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5 of the Frankston Planning Scheme.

Business development is not appropriate for the residential street.

As it is a residential street it should have adequate parking.

Parking on the street is stressed as it is … SEWater employees use that section for 2 hr parking in addition to existing residents

Nearby new developments of high rises will also stress the parking further for those with 2+ car households

Tracey Tiktin
Delivered to Frankston City Council
176-178 Nepean Highway, Seaford 3198, VIC
To construct and use the land for a service station and convenience restaurant in a General Residential Zone Schedule 3 (GRZ3),To construct a building or construct or carry out works within a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DD06), To create or alter access to a road in a Road Zone Category 1 (RDZ1)

This will be a massive environmental impact to the beautiful beach we have here at Seaford. Just have a look at Frankston Beach littered with junk food wrappers. This was initially knocked back by the residents but looks like it’s been pushed through. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people within the local council is getting some under the table bonuses.

Delivered to Frankston City Council
4 Pildra Court, Seaford 3198, VIC
Two (2) lot subdivision in a General Residential Zone (R1Z)

As a resident to Pildra Court, Seaford, for over 20+ years, I have major concerns regarding the subdivision application in relation to 4 Pildra Court, Seaford. The owner of 4 Pildra Court, wad able to build a "Room House" in the Court without any consideration/notification to the residents of the Court which for some unknown reason allowed them to build a dwelling that allows up to 12 residents to live with only 2 Car Parks required. They now want to remove even more of the limited parking/access in the Court to put in another Cross-Over and build another dwelling which would put more traffic in what was a great quiet location. 4 Pildra Court has an extremely small street frontage to begin with and if allowed to be subdivided, will negatively impact all of the other residents, most of whom currently have shared driveways due to the limited parking/cross-over space that already exists.

Kris Wylie
Delivered to Frankston City Council
Stotts Lane, Frankston South, VIC
To remove vegetation in an Environmental Significance Overlay -Schedule 1 (ESO1)

There are many hollow trees along this road and there has already been significant clearing for the new housing development. All vegetation should be prioritized and saved, especially along the roadside to allow animals to move safely (on the ground as well as trees for birds and bats etc) as well as protecting what vegetation is left. I strongly disagree to more vegetation being cleared along this road.

Sam walsh
Delivered to Frankston City Council
Stotts Lane, Frankston South, VIC
To remove vegetation in an Environmental Significance Overlay -Schedule 1 (ESO1)

There has been no explanation given as to why this in necessary or exactly where the removal is happening along the lane. There are protected flora species along the lane. Hence the sign on the lane saying it has significant vegetation.

Melinda Gustus
Delivered to Frankston City Council
Stotts Lane, Frankston South, VIC
To remove vegetation in an Environmental Significance Overlay Schedule 1 (ESO1)

No address has been give for this permit just a street name.
This permit appears to be in the Greenwedge area
No reason has been given for why it is necessary to remove the vegetation.
VC216 requires all developments to protect and enhance biodiversity.
Deakin Uni data has tracked Powerful Owls nearby. Powerful Owls are listed as vulnerable in this state FFG Act 1988

Melinda Gustus
Delivered to Frankston City Council
36 Sanders Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct eight (8) double storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ), to remove and construct buildings and works in the Tree Protection Zone of Substantial Trees in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 4 (SLO4), to construct buildings and works in a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) and a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 9 (DDO9)

what is the latest info in relation to this project

Kevin White
Delivered to Frankston City Council
124 Kananook Avenue, Seaford 3198, VIC
To construct five (5) double-storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (R1Z) and a Special Building Overlay (SBO)

Building on flood prone land

Delivered to Frankston City Council
66 Kirkwood Avenue, Seaford 3198, VIC
Compliance Final Inspection - 64/2023/VS

Please check that the fence heights are permitted. They are above council regulation height and are dangerous for pedestrians walking down footpath as resident cars will not be able to see over the high fences.

Delivered to Frankston City Council
67-68 Nepean Highway, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 re-submission - To construct twelve (12) triple storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to construct and carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6)

Does FCC realise that the beautiful old house and all the vegetation on this property has been completely cleared? How can this have been granted if there now a resubmission of the planning permit?
Twelve, triple storey dwellings is ridiculous. This is an extremely multi dense proposal. Three stories will overshadow the area. Where will the tenants & their visitors park? It will put pressure on the area and wreck it for beach goers, who access Seaford Beach from here. Traffic going into and out of Armstrongs Road will be impossible both while building took place and afterwards. As it is the first access point, due to Eel Race Road being closed, it's not fair to residents and those accessing Seaford North Primary School and Patterson River Secondary College to be diverted up to the Seaford Shops or Carrum. Also this block has a Bushfire Overlay and is adjacent to the environmentally sensitive Kananook Creek and Seaford Foreshore Reserve. Overall an absolutely terrible & greedy proposal that meets none of the amenity or biodiversity plans for the area.

Miranda Brash Brenan
Delivered to Frankston City Council
67-68 Nepean Highway, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 re-submission - To construct twelve (12) triple storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to construct and carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6)

There is already excessive traffic and congestion along Nepean highway between Carrum and Frankston as is stands without building 12 triple storey dwelling on the highway. The intersection at Armstrongs road is already a difficult one. Turning left or right from Armstrongs road can be very dangerous. Sometimes it is hard to see the traffic and with the potential building of those dwellings, the traffic flow will be increased and I expect the vision of drivers coming out will also be heavily reduced.
There is currently a few car parks on Armstrongs road for people to use to get to the beach. The additional dwelling will mean these spots are never free.
On a hot day, the cars park on either side of Armstrongs road almost back to the railway line. Adding 12, three storey dwellings will mean increased traffic, increased danger and even further limitation to gaining access to the beach as the limited access the parking will be taken by residents. I believe a building of that size to be significantly ‘out of character’ for our little suburb and the additional traffic congestion will make the already challenging visit to the Seaford beach impossible which will be felt from Carrum to Frankston. Not to mention the additional congestion at the Seaford shops and Safeway car park.
I certainly do not agree with the proposal.

Mary-Louise McCarthy
Delivered to Frankston City Council
11 Portland Parade, Seaford 3198, VIC
Extension of Time - To construct two (2) double storey dwellings and to subdivide the land into two (2) lots in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

I want to confirm that the rear windows of this development which are overlooking our private open space are going to be frosted? At present they are not and this raises concerns as it is an invasion of my families privacy.

Rebecca Boreham
Delivered to Frankston City Council
67-68 Nepean Highway, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 17 - CEMP - To construct twelve (12) triple storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to construct and carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6)

I do not understand how twelve, three-storey townhouses were approved. This is an insane number of houses and at heights that create dominance and shadow on the landscape. The property has a bushfire overlay and is in an environmentally sensitive area between Kananook Creek and the Seaford Foreshore Reserve. It is not in line with any of Frankston's neighbourhood precinct requirements for Seaford.
Also, quite apart from the over development of this site, it ripples out to impact the traffic flow for the area. Armstrongs Road is one of the few ways out to Nepean Highway after Eel Race Road was closed. Having extra residents moving in and out onto Armstrongs Road and Nepean Highway is going to create a bottleneck. Couple this with beach access and a pedestrian crossing right outside of this property and it's setting up a disaster.
I am so sad that this has been approved with little consideration for those who currently live here and the natural environment.

Miranda Brash-Brenan
Delivered to Frankston City Council
89 Young Street, Frankston 3199, VIC
To develop the land for a multi-storey building (comprising retail, office and dwellings) within the Commercial 1 Zone (CZ1) and reduction in the car parking requirements

I am excited that we are finally starting to see some developments. We have some fabulous new restaurants, cafes, and now we need residential living in our city, so that residents and wider community will be able to enjoy these new establishments and support them. Frankston has suffered for so long without development because of the sam “small minority group” that just dont want any change and criticise any application that is put forward to Council and as a result, we have a ghost town, full of empty, derelict buildings. We urgently need these new developments to change the face of frankston and create a vibrant bustling Community for everyone to enjoy

Trudy Poole
Delivered to Frankston City Council