I object strongly to another over-sized skyscraper in central Frankston. The parking and traffic in the CBD is a nightmare already, and we will have many more people in the area with the already-approved multi-storey buildings.
Our beach is more polluted than ever, even with the current population, and swimming is limited after rain, like never before.
I live minutes away from the CBD, and will be staying away from it in future if it becomes a mini Gold Coast.
All recent comments on applications from Frankston City Council, VIC
Really unsuitable place for a service station. Haven’t we enough of them here already? The Traffic is bad enough, this would make congestion worse.
I think a 7/11 as well as some
Food outlets would be a fabulous idea for that large corner allotment and just what the area needs.
And I own the house on the opposite corner. I would welcome the development!
Are huge flashing billboards really the look that Frankston City Council envisions for the future of our city? This sign can be seen from homes on Gould Street (including our house and it is not a pretty nor welcome site especially at night when the light invades our windows) And it can also be seen from as far away as the Seaford end of Gould Street, a kilometre from the sign plus just past the Seaford Woolworths which is 4kms away from the sign !! Why this was ever permitted in the first place is beyond belief !!! Council really needs to think about the appearance and amenity our city and not just revenue raising
Hi please my family would love to see a 7 eleven at the corner as we only have one which is on Frankston Dandenong rd and it’s too far we have so many vacant buildings near Woolworths and Coles near Savers we need Big W, Target, Chemist Warehouse, Officeworks, JB HI FI, Best n Less, Strandbags I work in community and I’m with mothers group and they have told me that’s what they would like to see in Carrum Downs as they have to travel to Karingal Hub or Cranbourne Shopping Centre to seek these stores. Plus we have too many pizza shops, too many drs, too many dentist, not one decent restaurant or cafe if you put these other stores I mention it will make the community in Carrum Downs more welcoming and more to help the elderly and mothers out there please please we need more shops
This is the last thing the residents of Seaford want or need is an additional service station, Fast Food outlet and signage, this sits right on the foreshore where litter is already a problem and the bins are always overflowing and smelly, this will add much more rubbish most likely left on the beach.
we have a service station in the Woolworths 100 meters away, how is this needed or required.
Very poor planning and not something that will add any value to the area only, I understand this has block has been vacant for a number of years (10+) however this is not good use of this land at all
Hi Frankston City Council.
Please advise where the vehicles will park with the construction of 2 x double storey townhouses? There is space for 2 vehicles to park next to 7 Railway Parade. Council approved the construction of 4 x double storey townhouses only a house away at 3-4 Railway Parade Seaford which has no vehicle parking available on Railway Parade and seriously limited parking in Weatherston Road. Sure, each of the townhouses will have a garage but will this actually accommodate all of the owners and visitors vehicles?
Serious consideration needs to be given to resident vehicle parking in Weatherston Road as this street is becoming unsafe, blocking emergency vehicle access with illegally parking and damaging drainage especially when football is being played in the winter season.
14 Seaview have already BUILT a second dwelling without permission, as a ‘rumpus room’
14 Seaview have to complete a new driveway and parking space / landscaping on the minimbah court side to comply with Frankstn Coucil permissions and special conditions ( refer app 75 / 2020/ P).
Please ensure this permit and the agreed conditions are delivered properly and that any subdivision is not progressed without that work being completed.
The applicants ultimate aim is to subdivide by stealth
14 Seaview have already BUILT a second dwelling without permission, as a ‘rumpus room’
14 Seaview have to complete a new driveway and parking space / landscaping on the minimbah court side to comply with Frankstn Coucil permissions and special conditions ( refer app 75 / 2020/ P).
Please ensure this permit and the agreed conditions are delivered properly and that any subdivision is not progressed without that work being completed.
The applicants ultimate aim is to subdivide by stealth
Hello. Is the property at Richard Drive or 21 Warrandyte Road, Langwarrin?
Seems easier to do as you please and ask for permission after the fact
The property is subdivided built on and sold and rented
How upsetting to buy a townhouse wait 3 years to move in and now wait for subdivision to be approved
Mind blowing
Always someone else’s fault
Hi Frankston City Council.
Please advise where the vehicles will park with the construction of 2 x double storey townhouses? There is space for 2 vehicles to park next to 7 Railway Parade. Council approved the construction of 4 x double storey townhouses only a house away at 3-4 Railway Parade Seaford which has no vehicle parking available on Railway Parade and seriously limited parking in Weatherston Road. Sure, each of the townhouses will have a garage but will this actually accommodate all of the owners and visitors vehicles?
Serious consideration needs to be given to resident vehicle parking in Weatherston Road as this street is becoming unsafe, blocking emergency vehicle access with illegally parking and damaging drainage especially when football is being played in the winter season.
Hello Frankston Council, this development has no or very little on street parking, there has also been 4 double story townhouses currently being constructed opposite on the corner of Weatherston RD & Railway PDE with no on-street parking available, this on average would be an additional 8 cars to this development with another 4 cars added from 7 Railway PDE.
As a home owner in Weatherston Rd this is a major concern as all these vehicles park in front of others properties which causes huge frustration
These developments are being approved with-out any consideration for the current home owners in Weatherston Road with no fore thought where these people will park.
Quiet st with no walking pavement . The neighbours and the neighbourhood will suffer with this planned childcare. Stop now and think of the people and not the $$$.
I work opposite a childcare centre and the noise it loud and constant aswell as the cars . We can here the screaming of children playing 100 metres away behind closed doors across the rd. Can you imagine how loud it would for a neighbour. Unfair and unsatisfactory planning . The traffic is busy enough with Milife on the same street . It’s a quiet residential area. Please keep it that way
Quiet st with no walking pavement . The neighbours and the neighbourhood will suffer with this planned childcare. Stop now and think of the people and not the $$$.
I work opposite a childcare centre and the noise it loud and constant aswell as the cars . We can here the screaming of children playing 100 metres away behind closed doors across the rd. Can you imagine how loud it would for a neighbour. Unfair and unsatisfactory planning . The traffic is busy enough with Milife on the same street . It’s a quiet residential area. Please keep it that way
I am a neighbouring property on the new units at 52 aqueduct.
This will cause major inconvenience with our backing property during the week.
We chose to build here and buy because of its quiet nature and away from any centres and large commercial spots.
We also have a dog who will be in the back yard during the day and wish to avoid any disturbances to him during this time.
Many neighbours have also expressed their concern for the centre bringing traffic into the area as many kids play and walk within the streets. There is no side walks on this street either so this is crucial when planning that members of the community will be using the road to walk around. We cannot guarantee that this will be fixed.
It would also bring a lot of noise into our peaceful street with coming and going vehicles. It will also bring lots of noise behind our fence, specifically effecting us as we back directly onto the property.
I am a neighbouring property on the new units at 52 aqueduct.
This will cause major inconvenience with our backing property during the week.
We chose to build here and buy because of its quiet nature and away from any centres and large commercial spots.
We also have a dog who will be in the back yard during the day and wish to avoid any disturbances to him during this time.
Many neighbours have also expressed their concern for the centre bringing traffic into the area as many kids play and walk within the streets. There is no side walks on this street either so this is crucial when planning that members of the community will be using the road to walk around. We cannot guarantee that this will be fixed.
It would also bring a lot of noise into our peaceful street with coming and going vehicles. It will also bring lots of noise behind our fence, specifically effecting us as we back directly onto the property.
Is this a new application as the building works taking up the entire block including a basement and two floors above that are halfway completed?
I am also unsure how the build complied with planning as it has no setback requirements and takes up the whole block
I was wondering if a test dig for cultural heritage would be done. And CHMP.
I wish to object to the scope of this application. The removal of substantiatal trees is not in the interest of this community. Nor is it in line with Council's own objective "Towards 80,000 Trees". In their own words from my rates notice: "....the goal to increase Frankston City's tree canopy from 17% to 20%."
Allowing this proposal is in direct contrast to Council's view.
This corner block and small street are not fit to handle traffic or parking to 12 x 3 storey apartments. Assuming 3 bedrooms, is there parking for at least two cars per apartment?
Access via armstrongs road to this development - once turning into Armstrongs from the highway will result in accidents! A bottleneck will be created from the developments residents attempting to turn right into the property, they won't have a clear way due to vehicles on the other side of armstrongs trying to turn onto the highway, resulting in cars being banked up on the highway while attempting to turn into armstrongs road. A recipe for disaster.
Aesthetics and livability of box like apartments is reducing the standard of homes in Seaford and all along nepean hwy.
6 reasonable size apartments would still be a squeeze but preferable.
This location is right on firetrack access next to a part of the creek with a limited weight bridge. A delicate treed area which will result in a huge concrete construction as an eyesore.
How about council seek quality over quantity for once.
Has the site been approved to start building? What date will that be?
How can you put an additional 7 properties on this block when original plans only allowed for two single story houses in place of existing home. This will impact all surrounding homes that back onto this property.
The proposed plan does not seem to cater for the realities of the traffic around this intersection. Any traffic coming up seaford road and entering the facility can only, it appears, then turn left down the nepean hwy unless they try and force their way across to the right hand lane on seaford road. This outlet is directly opposite where traffic from the nepean hwy can turn left into seaford rd and which also has the ingress/exit from the existing shopping centre, which incidently also has a service station.
Traffic coming up the nepean highway from frankston and wanting to enter the new facility will in theory have to turn right into seaford road and then within a short distance stop and try to enter across across traffic via the entry on seaford road. Distances are such that this entry point would be blocked by traffic on seaford road stopped by the lights. Bad enough out of peak hours traffic but guaranteed chaos during peak times.
There does not appear to be any planning or infrastructure in the proposal to enable traffic exiting the facility to turn right (East) down seaford rd or to stop traffic coming north on nepean hwy turning right immediately before the traffic lights and entering the service station area and then trying to access the food outlet.
Anyone who believes motorists will obey any signage on which direction to exit and/or turn only need to spend half an hour watching the number of vehicles which currently exit the service station beside woolworths directly on to nepean hwy despite the existing signage stating NO EXIT.
The other issues around litter control, noise abatement, including service delivery vehicles, provide further reasons why this proposal should not proceed.
Good Afternoon. I have purchased one of these properties (signed contract April 2019) and am still waiting patiently for settlement to occur. It has been a very stressful and anxious full 3+ years sitting on the sidelines hoping my daughter and myself can move into my new home very soon.
Is there any chance settlement on this development will occur in August 2022?
Over the past three years, I have moved 9 times and I am currently in a rental that has just been sold. Our lease expires on 2nd September 2022.
Please please, I am hoping we can move in very soon. I cannot possibly endure another move. Thanks.