All recent comments on applications from Frankston City Council, VIC

176-178 Nepean Highway, Seaford 3198, VIC
To construct and use the land for a service station and convenience restaurant in a General Residential Zone Schedule 3 (GRZ3),To construct a building or construct or carry out works within a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DD06), To create or alter access to a road in a Road Zone Category 1 (RDZ1)

A golden opportunity for Frankston to make a fresh and progressive statement on its otherwise dreadful planning history. Influx of young families moving here for a healthy lifestyle and it’s totally offset by the influx of yet another junk food restaurant that has outlets on a direct line from both intersecting roads less than a few minutes drive away. It would be an appalling decision.

Paul Griska
Delivered to Frankston City Council
634B Nepean Highway, Frankston South 3199, VIC
Removal of the drainage and sewerage easement e-1 shown on TP804585X to consolidate lots 1 on TP804585X and lot 1 on TP804419R

Removing this eavesment means it will block beach access for those living on nepean hwy. It will remove 634a nepean hwy beach access as this block will become landlocked with no beach or road access (unless via whitecliff). Also means 634 nepean hwy and 636 nepean hwy will no longer be able to access the beach.
Also would like to know about how this impacts erosion in the area.

M. Huver
Delivered to Frankston City Council
216 Hall Road, Carrum Downs 3201, VIC
To use the land for a service station and car wash and to construct buildings and works associated with a Section 2 Use in a General Residential Zone (GRZ), to construct buildings and works in a Special Building Overlay (SBO), to erect and display business identification signage and to create access/alter to a Road Zone Category 1 (RDZ1)

So Frankston city council what is the update on this ?
No news must be good news

Bernadette cox
Delivered to Frankston City Council
19-21 Gulls Way, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To construct one (1) double storey dwelling in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 2 (DDO2) and removal of vegetation in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)

The DDO2 has 2 plants listed as weed species which are not weed species in this site area they are indigenous any they Coast Tea tree and Coast Wattle .
Do the plans met the new vc216 amendment re drainage,WSUD, ESD, protecting and enhancing biodiversity etc
Has a geotech report been done?
Landslips have happened near by.
Has a drainage report been done as drains are at capacity across other parts of the clifftops . Considering the erosion on the beach down there is it wise to put more houses in as this just adds more hard surfaces causing more stormwater run off .
How much cut and fill is being done?Since it is close to a registered cultural heritage site should a cultural heritage management plan be done if cut and fill is substantial even if the DDO 2 says it is only necessary if 3 residences were being built on a subdivision.

Melinda Gustus
Delivered to Frankston City Council
34 Denbigh Street, Frankston 3199, VIC
Condition 1 - To subdivide the land into four (4) lots in a General Residential Zone (R1Z) and Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6)

These have already been built?! Where are the plans up now?!

Delivered to Frankston City Council
3 Coogee Avenue, Frankston 3199, VIC
To construct four (4) double storey dwellings in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

Garth, I agree. Four is to many. . No room for gardens with trees. Density of developement is why our neighbourhoods are heating up. To many hard surfaces , not enough vegetation. Which means increase in power needs as people restore to puting on air conditioners. Our neighbourhoods are losing their amenity.

Melinda Gustus
Delivered to Frankston City Council
3 Coogee Avenue, Frankston 3199, VIC
To construct four (4) double storey dwellings in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

This is ridiculous, 4 units is too many for this size block of land. It used to be 2, greedy developers are destroying this low density neighborhood. The council needs to throw this application in the bin.

Garth Rumble
Delivered to Frankston City Council
45 Humphries Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC
Variation of restrictive covenant A345169 created in Instrument of Transfer No. 345169.

Hmm! And this means ? ? ?

Irene Chase
Delivered to Frankston City Council
11-12 Merrigal Court, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To construct one (1) double storey dwelling and swimming pool in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1) and remove vegetation in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)

If you have concerns regarding the development or removal prior to approval, you should contact council directly as I'm not sure they read these or take action.

Sarah Simons
Delivered to Frankston City Council
11-12 Merrigal Court, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To construct one (1) double storey dwelling and swimming pool in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1) and remove vegetation in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)

Has work already commenced on this build? I've passed the site in this last week and much of it looks to be cleared already. Of equal concern, there was heavy machinery operating amongst the trees and destroying roots ahead of any permit approval. Is Frankston City Council aware of this? Clearly the builders have no regard for vegetation or council regulations.

Jude Newton
Delivered to Frankston City Council
86-88 Stotts Lane, Frankston South 3199, VIC
Section 72 - To subdivide the land into a maximum of Forty Five (45) residential lots (staged subdivision) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

This side of the peninsula link freeway is already recognised as a pollution hotspot in the environmental impact assessment completed prior to the freeway construction 10 years ago

David O'Brien
Delivered to Frankston City Council
634B Nepean Highway, Frankston South 3199, VIC
Removal of the drainage and sewerage easement e-1 shown on TP804585X to consolidate lots 1 on TP804585X and lot 1 on TP804419R

I am concerned what this means to storm water drainage in the area and how that effects erosion on the foreshore and what mitigation measures have been or will be taken to circumvent further erosion. Has both Mt Eliza and Frankston Foreshore Advisory Groups consulted.

Melinda Gustus
Delivered to Frankston City Council
58 Hadley Street, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 - To subdivide the land into six (6) lots in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

Please don't allow the overdevelopment of Seaford. These developments benefit a single developer and not the community of 16,000+ people that call Seaford home.

Chris ONeil
Delivered to Frankston City Council
67-68 Nepean Highway, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct twelve (12) triple storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to construct and carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6)

This will create traffic chaos at an already dangerous intersection! I am certain there will not be enough off street parking and the extra parking will flow onto the Highway and Armstrongs Rd, where it is already a nightmare for existing residents and visitors to find a park!

Delivered to Frankston City Council
67-68 Nepean Highway, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct twelve (12) triple storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to construct and carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6)

12 triple storey dwelling is simply judicious. Where are all the vehicles going to park? Stop the over housing in Seaford.

Delivered to Frankston City Council
11-12 Merrigal Court, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To construct one (1) double storey dwelling and swimming pool in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1) and remove vegetation in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)

Can you please make sure the indigenous vegetation along the creek line is kept and enhanced with more indigenous vegetation. And weed species are removed.

Melinda Gustus
Delivered to Frankston City Council
27 Seaford Road, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct two (2) double storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ), to construct buildings and works in a Special Building Overlay (SBO) and to create/alter access to a road in a Road Zone Category 1

Please don’t allow the over development of Seaford. These developments serve to benefit a developer and not the community

Chris O'Neil
Delivered to Frankston City Council
11-12 Merrigal Court, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To construct one (1) double storey dwelling and swimming pool in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1) and remove vegetation in a Significant Landscape Overlay 3 (SLO3).

To the planning department at Frankston City Council regarding application 10/2022/P, 11 – 12 Merrigal Court Frankston South. I wish to lodge an objection based on the following concerns;

- The proposed dwelling is a modern box, standing at approximately 9.6m high off the ground, which does not match the design characteristics of the street or Frankston South and will create unsightly visual obstructions to the neighboring residents. This property does nothing to enhance the characteristics of the local community, creating visual dominance on a prominent site along Sweetwater Creek and does not comply with the overlay requirements of DD01.

- The non-natural materials in the application include rendered masonry and concrete panels which are not tones that occur in the court at present.
- Despite the permit claiming that the proposal has regard for the environmental characteristics of Merrigal Court, the plan proposes removal of no less than eight significant trees from the site (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17). Of most significance in the proposal, Tree 17 is a beautiful 20+ year old 14m high Gippsland Manna Gum with high retention value and Tree 11 is a mature native at 19m in height. Of the eight tree’s proposed to remove, many are inhibited by local wildlife and doing so will also destroy a local habitat.

Whilst out walking by the creek, I have seen the ‘Swell Building Group’ utility vehicles speed past me and suspect this is another cash grab after they built and sold 2 Merrigal Court and 77A Humphries Road twelve months later. In addition, a temp fence has been erected and site works in the form of excavation look to have already commenced without the required council approvals.

I have resided in the area for over thirty years due to the beautiful environmental setting by the creek and would hate to see this destroyed by greedy developers. I encourage all residents who care about the local community to join me in lodging their objections.

Jennifer Beck
Delivered to Frankston City Council
2 The Range, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To construct buildings and works within the Tree Protection Zone of substantial trees in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 6 (SLO6)

Looks that way Len they have done the same to at least 2 outher applications that I no about just not accountable in planning department

Delivered to Frankston City Council
2 The Range, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To construct buildings and works within the Tree Protection Zone of substantial trees in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 6 (SLO6)

Depends how many palms are greased to get apps through.

Len Barnard
Delivered to Frankston City Council
22 Raymond Road, Seaford 3198, VIC
To construct three (3) double storey dwellings in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

Please don’t allow overdevelopment of Seaford. This development offers no benefit to the community.

Delivered to Frankston City Council
86-88 Stotts Lane, Frankston South 3199, VIC
Condition 40 - To subdivide the land into a maximum of Forty Five (45) residential lots (staged subdivision) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

I agree entirely with Joanne Hibbard, the traffic congestion this will create for current residents will be ridiculous, as currently the wait time to get out of Scott's Lane is unacceptable. In regards to this being the natural habitat for all the wild life Joanne has named are we going to destroy this and replace with a concrete jungle to put money in the pocket of a developer who doesn't give a fig $$$.

Gaynor Edwards
Delivered to Frankston City Council
86-88 Stotts Lane, Frankston South 3199, VIC
Condition 40 - To subdivide the land into a maximum of Forty Five (45) residential lots (staged subdivision) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

I believe this is too many lots for this space. It is in the middle of a green wedge area, and runs to a waterway and billabong that supports a large colony of ibis, cormorants, ducks and other waterfowl, black shouldered kites, kookaburras, lorikeets, rosellas and numerous species of frogs and reptiles. It is an environmentally sensitive and important area.
Stotts lane is a minor road, and to have potentially hundreds more people per day using it will create traffic congestion, road degradation and loss of amenity for current residents.
The land directly below it, and Colbert Court are part of a bushfire and flooding overlay.
I strongly oppose this application on the above grounds, and request it be amended to fewer, larger lots and that all measures to protect habitat, fauna, flora and resident amenity be taken.

Joanne Hilliard
Delivered to Frankston City Council
54 Orwil Street, Frankston 3199, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct two (2) double storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

This property should be heritage listed the property is in complete original condition and the bungalow in the back yard also features many original things it was built before the house so likely during the war

Delivered to Frankston City Council
60 Aqueduct Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC
Condition 1- Development and use of the land for the purpose of a child care centre in a General Residential Zone and works within the tree protection zone of one significant tree pursuant to the Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 1 in accordance with the endorsed plans

This is a crazy position for a child care centre! Please have a look at the increased traffic on Union Road from the Child care centre. A small suburban street cannot handle this increase is traffic!

Rebecca Edwards
Delivered to Frankston City Council