67-68 Nepean Highway, Seaford 3198, VIC

Condition 1 re-submission - To construct twelve (12) triple storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to construct and carry out works in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 6 (DDO6)
Planning Authority
Frankston City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
92 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Frankston City Council. Add your own comment.

There is already excessive traffic and congestion along Nepean highway between Carrum and Frankston as is stands without building 12 triple storey dwelling on the highway. The intersection at Armstrongs road is already a difficult one. Turning left or right from Armstrongs road can be very dangerous. Sometimes it is hard to see the traffic and with the potential building of those dwellings, the traffic flow will be increased and I expect the vision of drivers coming out will also be heavily reduced.
There is currently a few car parks on Armstrongs road for people to use to get to the beach. The additional dwelling will mean these spots are never free.
On a hot day, the cars park on either side of Armstrongs road almost back to the railway line. Adding 12, three storey dwellings will mean increased traffic, increased danger and even further limitation to gaining access to the beach as the limited access the parking will be taken by residents. I believe a building of that size to be significantly ‘out of character’ for our little suburb and the additional traffic congestion will make the already challenging visit to the Seaford beach impossible which will be felt from Carrum to Frankston. Not to mention the additional congestion at the Seaford shops and Safeway car park.
I certainly do not agree with the proposal.

Mary-Louise McCarthy
Delivered to Frankston City Council

Does FCC realise that the beautiful old house and all the vegetation on this property has been completely cleared? How can this have been granted if there now a resubmission of the planning permit?
Twelve, triple storey dwellings is ridiculous. This is an extremely multi dense proposal. Three stories will overshadow the area. Where will the tenants & their visitors park? It will put pressure on the area and wreck it for beach goers, who access Seaford Beach from here. Traffic going into and out of Armstrongs Road will be impossible both while building took place and afterwards. As it is the first access point, due to Eel Race Road being closed, it's not fair to residents and those accessing Seaford North Primary School and Patterson River Secondary College to be diverted up to the Seaford Shops or Carrum. Also this block has a Bushfire Overlay and is adjacent to the environmentally sensitive Kananook Creek and Seaford Foreshore Reserve. Overall an absolutely terrible & greedy proposal that meets none of the amenity or biodiversity plans for the area.

Miranda Brash Brenan
Delivered to Frankston City Council

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