253 Humphries Road, Frankston South 3199, VIC

To use and develop the land for a child care centre in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) To construct buildings and works in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3) and Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1). To display of business identification signage. To remove substantial trees in a Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 3 (SLO3)
Planning Authority
Frankston City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 6 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
92 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Frankston City Council. Add your own comment.

I am a resident of Mather Road and want to lodge an objection to the development of a childcare centre on the corner of Humphries Road and Sybil Avenue, Frankston South. At school pick-up times, it is already difficult to exit from Mather Road into Humphries Road because of the volume of traffic. Having a childcare centre on this site will make the situation even worse. There are already three childcare centres nearby, one of them at 103 Humphries Road – which already causes traffic problems – and two in Overport Road. I ask to be kept informed of the progress of this application and wish to lodge a formal objection at the appropriate time.

Daan Spijer
Delivered to Frankston City Council

I am a resident of Humphries Road and I would also like to lodge an objection to the proposed childcare centre on the corner of Humphries Road and Sybil Avenue, Frankston South. The top end of Humphries Road is already experiencing severe traffic congestion, there is a bottleneck of traffic from the roundabout at Walkers Road to the roundabout at the shop's. The opening of a cafe at the shop's attracts more people than the car park can hold, so there are cars parked on Humphries Road blocking vision to residents exiting their driveways! Another childcare centre is the last thing that we need to add further traffic to an already chaotic Road. I would like to add that there is also a childcare centre on Paratea Avenue, Frankston South so that is at least four nearby. With a busy medical centre, shop's, two roundabouts and a never ending stream of traffic up and down Humphries Road this makes the addition of yet another childcare centre an absurd idea. I would also Iike to point out that there are several ongoing complaints from residents regarding the high volume of traffic and speed in which vehicles are travelling at the top end of Humphries Road which have been lodged with the local law enforcement and/or council. I would also like to be kept informed of the progress of this application and wish to lodge a formal objection at the appropriate time.

Delivered to Frankston City Council

Why must childcare centres be put in the middle of quiet residential zones? Wouldn't it make more sense to have them where people actually work, such as industrial estates or around shopping precincts? There is already 3 within coo-ee of this spot and no others are needed around the area, much less the ones already here. Use some commonsense, for which I note that commonsense is no longer very common, and put them where the workers are actually working.

Lyn D
Delivered to Frankston City Council

I understand people don't want noise and cars around precious homes, but now you will understand what the rest of us with schools and feral kids and feral irresponsible parents and blocking our driveways and speeding through streets go through and how they impact our peace and quiet. Perhaps those commenting can also petition for ALL the schools to be shut down and moved to industrial areas and not just think of themselves as in this instance. And let's not forget the school bells and music that is full blast even during school holidays. Many of us are living the hell of irresponsible schools and parents, perhaps now it is your turn as you possibly are one of those parents with the brat kids causing harm to neighbours and nature. Gather your energy to Ban schools in neighbourhoods and petition the Education department to isolate schools from residential areas and nature where kids and parents do most harm.

P Read
Delivered to Frankston City Council

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