All recent comments on applications from Casey City Council, VIC

10-12 Laramie Road Narre Warren South VIC 3805
Two Lot Subdivision

The current allowable subdivisions are 2000m2. We trust this subdivision will meet this criteria.

Pamela Boothman
Delivered to Casey City Council
2R Abeckett Road Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Section 35 (Acq by acquiring auth) - To Remove Reserve Status from Reserve No. 1 on PS337560F to create a Council Road Reserve - 1 Lot

There are many parties that use this park. The NWN school, NWN community hall, NWN community assoc. & the NWN community carols.
There needs to be some community consultation. There's a association meeting on the 11th Dec at the community hall at 7.30pm so someone from council should attend.

Michael Gonsalves
Delivered to Casey City Council
2R Abeckett Road Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Section 35 (Acq by acquiring auth) - To Remove Reserve Status from Reserve No. 1 on PS337560F to create a Council Road Reserve

There are many parties that use this park. The NWN school, NWN community hall, NWN community assoc. & the NWN community carols.
There needs to be some community consultation. There's a association meeting on the 11th Dec at the community hall at 7.30pm so someone from council should attend.

Michael Gonsalves
Delivered to Casey City Council
104 Browns Road Cranbourne South VIC 3977
Use of Land for a Place of Worship, Education Facility and Meditation Centre

I am a local home owner and I am concerned about the nature of this property's redevelopment as a place of worship, education and meditation centre at; 104 Browns Road, Cranbourne South VIC 3977.

I wish to oppose this development on the basis of several concerns.
Initially, my thoughts go to the conservation of Green Wedge area, with this land being in close proximity to the Cranbourne Botanic Gardens. The potential increase in traffic volume poses a risk to native fauna, where there are no safe animal crossing points. Similarly, the green wedge is land proposed to serve the broader ideal that it not be over-developed or used for inappropriate purpose, sustaining the native fauna habitat.

Utilising information from within the Casey City Council document "Places of Assembly/Worship Policy (Version 1.3)”, my additional concerns are listed below;

4.1 Objectives – What does this policy hope to achieve? General
To facilitate the establishment of places of assembly/worship that predominantly serves the needs of the local community.

"To ensure that in new residential areas, places of assembly/worship be clustered around planned neighbourhood nodes.  To ensure that in established residential areas, places of assembly/worship, wherever possible, be located adjacent or close to similar non-residential uses where located on the periphery of an activity centre or commercial/industrial area."
On the census detail available to the public 2011 and 2016, the suburb of Cranbourne South has a predominant religion of Western (Roman Catholic). The local community is not Hindu and not culturally associated with Hindu beliefs. I cannot see how this development will predominantly serve the local needs of Cranbourne South.

" To prevent places of assembly/worship from segregating a single dwelling or collection of dwellings from the surrounding residential area. Places of Assembly/Worship Policy (Version 1.3) Page 4 of 7  To encourage places of assembly/worship to be planned and designed to cause minimal loss of amenity, privacy and convenience to people living in nearby dwellings.  To ensure that the use and development will have minimal impact on the area, with respect to the design of the building, traffic, car parking, access."

There is one entry and exit in use for what may be a growing establishment. Though there may be restriction in numbers in the initial application process as to the capacity, I believe this poses a safety risk to the community as well as impinging on the communities reasonable access and use of their properties. This is related to both access, noise, function times and environmental waste contaminants. This centre sounds multi- functional and I am concerned that there will be little monitoring of a collection of dwellings serving multiple functions without respect to the permitted limitations.
I especially make note, that other places of worship in the same vicinity, have breached capacity at various times, causing traffic disruptions and over use of the land.

5.1 Performance Criteria – What are the requirements of this policy? This section of the Policy details Council’s requirements.
5.1.1 Location 
Places of assembly/worship in residential areas: - must only establish on roads that are designed to carry high levels of through (or non-local) traffic; and, - should preferably be located adjacent to existing or planned commercial or community-based uses such as shops, schools, community centres, major transport interchanges etc, or open space linkages.

This land is situated on Brown's Rd. It is one of 4 main roads that travels through the town of Cranbourne South. There is currently only one store in Cranbourne South that serves the community. It is unlikely that this place of worship and education could be sufficiently supported by this single local amenity.

There is currently significant roadwork on Brown's Rd which would immediately limit access to this property and might I add, reduces the visibility of the property's planning application from locals. It is quite possible for locals to not be aware of this proposed use of land and be denied the opportunity to object.

Thank you for your consideration of my concerns.

Delivered to Casey City Council
155 Greaves Road Narre Warren South VIC 3805
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre

I am concerned about the proposed childcare centre at 155 Greaves Road due to the added congestion it will create to an already busy and dangerous section of Greaves Road. I live on the opposite side of the road and entering and exiting my driveway is already difficult due to the traffic especially during peak times, adding additional cars attempting to enter & exit such a facility would seem illogical & dangerous.

Susan Greene
Delivered to Casey City Council
155 Greaves Road Narre Warren South VIC 3805
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre

I live on Greaves Rd Narre Warren Sth.
I wish to make a comment and object to the proposed development at 155 Greaves Rd Narre Warren Sth. I have lived here for a number of years and I have witnessed the steady increase in traffic over the years. On most weekdays the traffic comes to a standstill from beyond Wood Rd to the corner of Narre Cranbourne Rd, particularly before and after school. I am concerned about the extra traffic that the child centre would incur, with parents taking and collecting their children to and from childcare. Vehicles entering and exiting the child care centre property will add to the congestion. Greaves Rd is already a very busy and often congested road. As stated , I live on Greaves Rd and I do notice the traffic noise. Extra traffic very close to where I live will increase the noise and I believe that it would have a negative impact on my well-being.
Greaves Road is a residential area with well kept and attractive homes. Greaves Road has all houses except for the milk bar on Wood Road and the proposed child care centre would have a negative impact on the streetscape of Greaves Road. I believe that the proposed childcare centre is inappropriate for this location as it would continue to add to the congestion along the road , if approved. I feel that there are safety issues regarding traffic. There have been a number of car accidents on Greaves Rd and I feel that the extra traffic and noise will create more congestion and could negatively affect residents along Greaves Rd.

A Lock
Delivered to Casey City Council
39 Manuka Road Berwick VIC 3806
Three Lot Subdivision

This address already has three units on it.

Delivered to Casey City Council
104 Browns Road Cranbourne South VIC 3977
Use of Land for a Place of Worship, Education Facility and Meditation Centre

Objection to Planning Application for the Use of Land at 104 Browns Road, Cranbourne South VIC 3977 for a Place of Worship, Education Facility and Meditation Centre

To the Planning Department,
Casey City Council

RE: Planning Application - 104 Browns Road, Cranbourne South VIC 3977

I am writing to formally object to the planning application for the development of a Place of Worship, Education Facility, and Meditation Centre at the address 104 Browns Road, Cranbourne South VIC 3977.

The specific grounds of my objection are as follows:

Environmental Concerns: Developing large scale religious temples on green wedge land can have detrimental effects on the environment. This kind of development can lead to:

Environmental degradation, potentially harming the local flora and fauna.
Loss of natural habitats, making it difficult for wildlife to thrive and survive.
Disruption of the ecosystem, causing an imbalance in the delicate environment.
Traffic and Noise Pollution: Such developments are likely to attract a large number of visitors. This would:

Increase traffic congestion, leading to potential road safety concerns.
Result in noise pollution, affecting the tranquility and serenity of the area.
Aesthetic Impact: The proposed development may have a detrimental effect on the scenic beauty of the area. The Green Wedge zones have been designated to preserve the natural beauty and aesthetic value of regions, and developments of this magnitude could compromise these values.

Local Relevance: Cranbourne South is a region that primarily consists of a country town with a predominant focus on agriculture and farming. The proposed temple might not serve the local residents adequately due to cultural and religious differences. Such a large-scale facility seems mismatched to the needs and the demographics of the local community.

Quiet Enjoyment: The peaceful environment of Cranbourne South is one of its major attractions. Residents cherish the quiet enjoyment of their surroundings, abundant with wildlife. The proposed development may disrupt this peace and tranquility, thereby diminishing the quality of life for those living in the vicinity.

Precedent Concerns: It is crucial to consider the precedent set by approving such developments on green wedge land. It can potentially pave the way for more large-scale developments in the future, which would further impact the ecosystem and the character of the region.

For the reasons mentioned above and in the interest of preserving the unique character, environment, and quality of life in Cranbourne South, I urge the Casey City Council to consider these concerns seriously and decline the planning application for the development at 104 Browns Road.

Kind Regards,

Nicole Answer

Nicole Answer
Delivered to Casey City Council
16 McNabb Street Berwick VIC 3806
Development of 14 Town Houses

This location is perfect for a high-density development, so I fully support this proposal. Greater Melbourne needs drastically more homes, and it needs them in urban centres like Berwick CBD, not taking over more and more fertile farmland.

This location is within walking distance of shops, public transport, schools, parks, health care, and employment. It is far better to build places for people to live near these existing facilities, than new estates where enormous amounts of money must be spent to build all these facilities from scratch, and nothing is within walking distance.

David Webster
Delivered to Casey City Council
16 McNabb Street Berwick VIC 3806
Development of 14 Town Houses

Good Morning.

In this case I strongly object to a 14 townhouse development on a residential block.

It has me quite bemused why such an application would even be considered by council in the heart of Berwick Village Residential area , Olde Berwick is known for its greenery and low density housing. A development of 14 townhouses on a 1297 Sqm Block is simply not in keeping with the surrounding area. As far as I am aware there are no such other projects on the north side of the highway and therefore there is no precedence. At this stage I would assume the apartments on Lyall road have been put on hold as I have heard nothing more in this matter.
My residence is located in Peel street within 200 meters of the proposed development . The reason I chose to live in this location was due to the surrounding parks, the shopping strip with its Village feel and the tree lined streets that give you the feeling of being miles away from the hustle and bustle of suburbia. I remember at the time of my purchase there were limitations to residential density and sub divisions within Olde Berwick enforced by the council and this was one of the reasons I decided on this location.. this now seems to have gone by the wayside and has now become fee for all under our current state government push for more and more housing.
Recently I have noticed similar but much smaller projects being undertaken on the south side of the highway in and around the shopping precinct and hoped that they would never intrude into my side of town, hoping the north side would remain a Village rather than a suburb.
I can only imagine this kind of development will have on the existing and surrounding residents. I can’t phantom the impact to their quality of life, land values etc. I could only imagine what they are going through right now contemplating what will happen next! This project will impact them and I am sure compensation claims and legal action would be pending depending on the outcome of your decision.
The irony is that there are people living on acreages less than 1km away.. how does this make any sense!
Please use common sense here and actually pay the site a visit to the area and look across the road to Pioneers Park.

Look at the trees and the greenery behind the existing dwellings.
Look at the surrounding buildings.
Look at the existing houses on the Hill.
Look at the Roads in both directions.
Look over your shoulder and have a good look at Pioneers Park.
Doesn’t make sense does it??

Kind Regards,

David Tolley

David Tolley
Delivered to Casey City Council
154 Drysdale Avenue Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre

As a resident of Drysdale Avenue, and one who lived in close proximity of the proposed Childcare Centre, I am 100% opposed to the development.

Drysdale Avenue is an Avenue with a length of almost 2km. Due to a previous permit application being approved, despite being on proposed land for the continuation of Drysdale Avenue, the residents of this large estate have just one entrance and exit to their properties.

The intersection with Belgrave-Hallam road was poorly scaled and approved for construction by the council. When exiting Drysdale Avenue, whether turning left or right onto Belgrave-Hallam Rd, it gas to be done in single file due to the road not being wide enough. This establishment is to be constructed at this very undersized intersection.

Residents of the estate paid a premium for land that had covenants that permitted only single "residential" dwellings!!! Residents invested in this land for the tranquillity and lifestyle that the estate offered. This development will not be compliant with those original covenants, and will take away the semi-rural residential appeal for which the local residents invested in. There would be extra traffic and noise, particular to neighbouring residents. Potentially neighbouring properties would be devalued by the establishment.

As many have mentioned, the demographics of this area is not in need of yet another childcare centre. So many have been built and opened within walking distance of Drysdale Avenue. There are ample sized blocks on the north side of Belgrave-Hallam Rd which would be far more suited to a childcare centre development, if indeed one was needed.

I have been a Casey resident for 28yrs, and not once have I seen the council listen to the appeals of the local residents who will be impacted by "rubber-stamped" approvals. Just for once it would be refreshing to see the council abide by the pleas of the rate payers, and maintain the landscape and ambience of the estates that people have chosen to live in for perhaps the remainder of their lifetimes. This is not acknowledged by the council with an acceptance flick of a pen on a permit. Unfortunately I have little confidence in the council in representing their valued residents and rate payers. Imagine a council working with their residents instead of against them. What a beautiful municipality that would be!!!

Brad Inman
Delivered to Casey City Council
154 Drysdale Avenue Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre

The development of a childcare center at this location is absurd. not only is this area a heavy residential area but the road is much too narrow to support the traffic and more importantly the parking requirements. Anyone that lives here already knows that cars will be parked in both sides of the road allowing singular vehicle access on a road that is already too narrow. The off-street parking will not accommodate the number of cars dropping off their children. There are at least 3 very large childcare centers all within 3 KM of this proposed location who's locations are in keeping with the zoning. As such it makes no sense to have another, especially when the overwhelming number of people using the facility do not live in Narre warren North. This is the 2nd objection to an unsuitable development that directly affects myself and those that live here. The last one was the subdivision of a block at the end of Manorlane place and of course the local residence objections were simply ignored, and that unsuitable subdivision is proceeding. When in the Hell is this council going to listen to the rate payers in the immediate neighborhood that will be directly affected. We pay an absolute premium in rates to live here, and we still have open drains on Bellgave Hallam RD but council seems happy to ignore the concerns of those such a development will impact on us, not for one day or one week but for the time we choose to live here!!!

Tony Riccioni
Delivered to Casey City Council
1A Gori Court Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Childcare Centre, Business Identification Signage and Reduction in Car Parking requirements

Don't think a Childcare Centre is a suitable use of this site because:-
Its a peaceful residential area with most residents here having lived on their blocks for decades - destroys residential amenity
Its on a very busy corner with inadequate parking & access
In a quiet court location, residents will be affected by increased traffic getting in and out of their court
Will cause increased traffic congestion & iincrease accident risk on Ernst Wanke Road
Would set a precedent for further commercial development in a quiet residential area
Area is well served by Childcare Centres - already 2 new ones close by in A'Beckett Road, Narre Warren North and corner Belgrave Hallam Road, Narre Warren North

Glenys Cochrane
Delivered to Casey City Council
795 South Gippsland Highway Hampton Park VIC 3976
Temporary Use of land for 24-Hour Delivery of Roadwaste Materials associated with the existing Materials Recycling Facility (Construction and Demolition Waste) and Alteration of Access to a Transport 2 Zone.

I object to this for several reasons.

1. Your website conveniently crashes when I try to find out more information regarding this and only this application
2. This is a residential area and 24 hour operations aren’t acceptable because rate payers are trying to sleep.
3. This feels like you’re trying to create a sneaky precedent for a larger operation later on.

Troy van Gorp
Delivered to Casey City Council
75 Belgrave-Hallam Road Hallam VIC 3803
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre and associated Business Identification Signage

Childcare centre development is getting absolutely beyond a joke in Narre Warren North & Narre Warren! Are council planners allowing these developments not aware of the 2021 Australian Bureau of Statistics Data? There were below 500 children under 5 years of age in Narre Warren North! There are SO many childcare facilities (both existing, recently developed & under development) in the suburbs of Narre Warren, Narre Warren North, Hallam & Endeavour Hills. On contacting existing centers, they ALL confirmed they have places available for 2022 & 2023 with NO waiting lists! Come on council planners, do your research before approving because at this rate we will have empty buildings & all existing businesses will be adversely affected! There is also a planning application for another one on the corner of Belgrave-hallam Rd & Drysdale Ave with 30 objections to date.

Maria dem
Delivered to Casey City Council
75 Belgrave-Hallam Road Hallam VIC 3803
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre and associated Business Identification Signage

Not another Child Care Centre! Seriously. The traffic flow on Belgrave Hallam Road would be severely disrupted with the large volume of traffic this kind of business would generate, especially at peak hour. With a two lane carriage way and no space for a stopping lane, this addition would be a dangerous hazard to the busy flow of traffic off and on the freeway so close by.
Please consider my and others concerns before granting this permit.

Delivered to Casey City Council
75 Belgrave-Hallam Road Hallam VIC 3803
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre and associated Business Identification Signage

-The road in which the driveway/crossover will be placed on is Old Gunns Court. It is a quiet road that was made a private road many years back. It is cul de sac, quiet and limited traffic. As much as the property address is on Belgrave-Hallam Road there is no turning in lane to support the additional traffic turning off from an 80 km speed zone. This is quite a nasty turn as a local to take and many a time I have almost been driven into; indicating in advance and breaking to give advance notice is still challenging to get the drivers behind's attention.
- There is a large gum tree on the premises on the City of Casey Significant Tree Register that the council must be aware of in its approval of such a development and I believe from previous conversation with the previous property owner that the local indigenous community are aware of the tree.
- The previous home business at 73 Belgrave-Hallam Road, Hallam created extra traffic and parked cars in the street; turning in and having cars parked or turning into a crossover (double driveaway access - entry/exit) was quite often a huge concern and dangerous. This is area is not ideal for any business, as it was an issue with only a small hairdresser onsite, that at peak times of main road traffic and its own peak business hours, is not going to be a significant issue.
- There is a vet clinic also across the road with its entrance driveway to its carpark close to the intersection. This is not great with cars turning into it and as a neighbour leaving an 80 km road to have to negotiate this. The vet can often have cars parked out before it opens in the street waiting for it to open, or just parked outside the fence/gate, and you have to cross over to the opposite side of the road to go around these cars. This is not a problem at the moment, yet another business with additional traffic turning in and out makes this more of a concern.
- There is no direct bus stop in the area (further down near the Frog Hollow Reserve/Wetlands), so cars will be the chosen transportation to this business. The extra traffic and no turning lane as mentioned is going to be a significant issue if this centre is to go ahead.
- Our considerable fence line shared with this business will add noise involving children, carpark noise, and staff/customer parking will all have an unfriendly impact on our current noise and privacy (viewing and noise).
- My partner works from home and the power/electricity is connected to the same pit area.
- I have a family member living in my house with a chronic health condition and their medication needs to be at a constant refrigerated temperature, so any development's power interruption must be noted.
- The area has plenty of childcares that have recently in the past 12 to 18 months been completed. A new centre on Hallam Nth road (Endeavour Hills - Imagine), Princes Hwy service Road (King Kids) and another on Frawley Road (Hallam EL), near the Belgrave-Hallam/Frawley Road intersection.
I am awaiting further information, building plans (placement/heights), parking/driveway access, turning lanes off Belgrave-Hallam Rd (?) and other related items to be submitted to be able to view further impact on my direct area and requested changes or amendment to the property LDRZ. This was placed on the 'planning alerts' on 29/10/22 and it is now 13/11/22 and the City of Casey website does not as yet have any information uploaded.

K Spalding
Delivered to Casey City Council
417 Belgrave-Hallam Road Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Place of Worship and Associated Carparking Provision

I object and don’t agree with our semi rural green wedge areas being changed and exploited. This block is in green wedge and the beautiful Casey Foothills and this will continue to take away from the rural use of the area and increase traffic and congestion in the area. It will also add to the environmental impact with human footprint and waste right next to local creeks. I have also noticed this year that sadly I am seeing our native wildlife being killed on the roads daily, as development and inclusion of schools and places of worship continue to push them out of their native habitat and as traffic is increased. We also have a ridiculous amount of churches in our area to meet all needs. Far more than caters for our smaller rural community. These churches should be in areas built up or industrial areas and not in our green wedge areas.

Fiona Oravec
Delivered to Casey City Council
1 Joseph Banks Crescent Endeavour Hills VIC 3802
Amendment to Planning Permit PlnA01032/19 (Use and Development of a Medical Centre (5 Practitioners), Alteration of Access to a Road in a Road Zone Category 1, Reduction in Car Parking Requirements and display of Business Identification Signage)

I don’t agree with the no parking that’s been applied for here I don’t know about other people that live in the area but I haven’t received any notice that this was/is going to happen and when the applicants do apply we don’t get notice until it’s too late like now for instance I wouldn’t have known about the application if it weren’t for the “lovely” neighbours who’ve made their own dodgy looking no parking signage spray painted in the gutter, the congestion out the front of residents homes is already ridiculous, to have the applicants want to have no parking out front of the said premises when you can have at least two cars parked there is laughable and antagonising to the neighbours and to go ahead and put no parking there before the application being approved is just wrong. If surrounding residents have to put up with all the parking out the front of their houses then so should the applicant. The service road is already a pain to enter and exit this is not going to make things any better why should surrounding neighbours have to suffer due to the applicants incompetent planning.

K. Corless
Delivered to Casey City Council
154 Drysdale Avenue Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre

IMy husband and I are fully opposed to this development in our local area.
As a resident of Highgrange Estate we are opposed to this because
1 This is on the corner of the only entrance and exit to a housing estate
It is on the corner of Drysdale Avenue and Hallam Belgrave Rd. this would bring an unprecedented amount of traffic and congestion to that corner making leaving and entering the Avenue even more difficult that it sometimes already is.
Drysdale Avenue is a residential single lane road with a posted speed of 50kph. Leading up to the proposed development is a crest to which can be dangerous at the best of times. Hallam Belgrave Road is a single lane carriage way with turning lanes on either side for access. The posted speed limit on this road is 70kph but many road users speed doing 80-90kph.
2. The block to which the proposed childcare center is on is 2000m2, which with the current dwelling or an alternate commercial dwelling there wouldn’t be enough space for parking given the number of families that may potentially utilize the facility. Due to the proximity to the corner of Hallam Belgrave Rd/Drysdale Avenue there is very limited safe street parking.
3. When thinking of street parking, emergency services and the size of their vehicles need to be taken into consideration. A fire services appliance requires between 3-4 meters (truck alone) and that does not include space between the appliance and other vehicles.

4 ­ There are already 8 childcare options in the 3kms radius with another one due to open soon. Is there really a requirement for another childcare centre ? 

I certainly feel that based on the increased traffic and congestion which this development would bring this should not be approved. These are all MAJOR concerns for the future of our area.

Tania kapranov
Delivered to Casey City Council
1 Grantchester Road Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Child Care/Early Learning Centre

We can't divide out 4000m block into 2 2000m blocks because Council said firstly we are on septic tank, secondly they do not want to increase the traffic in the area, thirdly they want to keep the landscapes in the area the way it is. So how does having 83 children and 18 staff help with septic tank flow, traffic flow and landscape surroundings. We live off Grantchester and 100 metres down the road are half acre blocks. Most 1 acre blocks in our are can now sub divide but not precint 9. What's good for one is good for all.
I strongly oppose to all child care centre permits that are lodged in this area.

John C
Delivered to Casey City Council
154 Drysdale Avenue Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre

Not sure why my objection disappeared?
As a resident who drives past this "Home" daily, I fail to see how it can possibly operate as a Child Care Center when there is no where for Staff to park let alone parents dropping off and picking up! It will be hard for residents to get in and out of the intersection on to Belgrave-Hallam Road.
As a parent who sent her child to school via a school bus I was told that it was far too dangerous for a bus to drop off and pick up children on this corner. Therefore I don't see how that has changed, in fact its busier now!
I fully object to yet another child care center (this will be 3) Belgrave- Hallam Road this year alone!!

Debra Shaw
Delivered to Casey City Council
154 Drysdale Avenue Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre

As a resident of highgrange estate, I am opposed to this development.

The potential development is on the corner of Drysdale Avenue and Belgrave-Hallam Rd. There is no ability to put an entry or exit from BH rd and to have traffic solely use Drysdale Ave would bring an unacceptable amount of traffic and congestion to that corner. Also very limited street parking - it was crazy trying to pass there when the auction was on.

There are already 8 childcare options in the 3kms radius with another one due to open soon. Is there really a requirement for another childcare centre ? 

This is an entrance to a housing estate and these concerns need to be taken into consideration by council!

peta mortensen
Delivered to Casey City Council
154 Drysdale Avenue Narre Warren North VIC 3804
Use and Development of a Child Care Centre

I am a resident of this estate. Another child care centre in this area is not needed. The traffic in the street and onto Belgrave Hallam road would be a nightmare and cause a lot of congestion and accidents, this is a residential area not for running a business.

Delivered to Casey City Council