154 Drysdale Avenue Narre Warren North VIC 3804

Use and Development of a Child Care Centre
Planning Authority
Casey City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
48 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Casey City Council. Add your own comment.

I don’t believe this is a suitable location for a child care center. It is a domestic home with no street parking on a busy corner. This would cause congestion and great inconvenience (I’m being very restrained and polite when I say that) to the residents of the Highgrange Estate. There seems to be an over abundance of child care centers in the immediate area - which is fairly low density and quite established. A new one has opened on Capra CRT, another being built on the corner of Hallam-Belgrave and Narre North Roads and yet another proposed on Hallam-Belgrave and Granchester. For these reasons I am not in support of this proposal.

Shar Balmes
Delivered to Casey City Council

Not sure why you would add a child care center to this location, a congested exit to a busy road being Belgrave Hallam rd on a seeping bend with traffic doing 70kph.
There is surly enough child care options in the area without adding another, this is why I’m apposed to this planning permit.

Brian Mortensen
Delivered to Casey City Council

This is not a suitable location for a child care centre. This would cause great congestion and inconvenience to the residents of Highgrange Estate. It is a domestic home with no street parking, an entrance to the estate is not a suitable and safe location and would be a risk not only to the residents but to the cars along this main road.
The location is surrounded by other residential homes and an inadequate distance from residences. The intersection and area does not support a child care centre at this location.

Vanessa K
Delivered to Casey City Council

Hold on a minute !!! Are you crazy. There is already another child care centre on the corner !!!! How many do you actually want or need. This is an entrance to a house estate. .This is not on !!
Plus there’s another one just built on the way to endeavour hills

Sylvia Plaggemars
Delivered to Casey City Council

As a resident in the highgrange estate there is no way this would be a suitable location for a child care centre.
It’s clearly not set up for high volume traffic and congestion on a corner site on Belgrave Hallam road that is only one lane each way.
There are several child care centre options already available within one km of this proposed site.
I am strongly opposed to this site as a development site for a child care centre or any other proposed commercial sites.

Peter pap
Delivered to Casey City Council

I cannot think of one good reason why this is a good idea, but as an Highgrange Estate resident, here are a few reasons to object the idea;

1. We have sufficient child care centres in close vicinity. There is absolutely no need to put another in a less than ideal location
2. The safety of the children is paramount and being located in a congested residential street with minimal parking is not conducive to that
3. It will increase traffic making it high risk for accidents to occur and cause traffic congestion
4. Listen to the people of the estate. They live in it for a reason. We don’t need our landscape to change for no real benefit to the majority

Trish Pap
Delivered to Casey City Council

Too many new ones being built in the Narre Warren North area. Three just been built and two more putting planning applications in. The area is low residential/semi rural and so the demand is not needed. Just say no Casey Council.

Delivered to Casey City Council

As a local resident I do not see the want or demand for so many childcare centers on one road. We already have the newly opened one on the cnr of Belgrave Hallam and Narre Warren North Roads, then the new on just off Hallam-Belgrave Road, now you want another one 1.9km away with another potentially in the pipeline 650m away? There is no need in an established older low res/semi rural area. For these reasons, I object.

Caitriona Jabke
Delivered to Casey City Council

Is there really a need for another child care centre? I don’t believe this location is right for a ANOTHER child care centre. There have been 3 new ones built recently which are all less than five minutes by car apart. Totally against this proposal.

Delivered to Casey City Council

Borth my husband and my self are fully opposed to this development in our local area.
As a resident of Drysdale Avenue, we are opposed to this because
1. The potential development is on the corner of Drysdale Avenue and Hallam Belgrave Rd. this would bring an unprecedented amount of traffic and congestion to that corner making leaving and entering the Avenue even more difficult that it sometimes already is.
Drysdale Avenue is a residential single lane road with a posted speed of 50kph. Leading up to the proposed development is a crest to which can be dangerous at the best of times. Hallam Belgrave Road is a single lane carriage way with turning lanes on either side for access. The posted speed limit on this road is 70kph but many road users speed doing 80-90kph.
2. The block to which the proposed childcare center is on is 2000m2, which with the current dwelling or an alternate commercial dwelling there wouldn’t be enough space for parking given the number of families that may potentially utilize the facility. Due to the proximity to the corner of Hallam Belgrave Rd/Drysdale Avenue there is very limited safe street parking.
3. When thinking of street parking, emergency services and the size of their vehicles need to be taken into consideration. A fire services appliance requires between 3-4 meters (truck alone) and that does not include space between the appliance and other vehicles.
4. There are already numerous childcare facilities within the Narre Warren North area. There are
­ 7 located in Endeavour Hills no more than approximately 5km’s away to the west of the proposed center
­ In Narre Warren North alone there are (including this proposed center) 9 childcare centers to the north and south, those being at
• Capra Court
• Hallam Belgrave Rd and Narre Warren North Rd
• Abeckett Rd
• Kurrajong Rd
• Anaconda Rd and
• Granchester Rd (this one I have been told is on the corner but have seen no notifications regarding this to date)
According to the recent census data approx. 345 children reside in Narre Warren North and are at the age which could utilize a childcare center. Considering that firstly not all of these children would be placed into the child care system and secondly that not all of the remaining children would be placed into childcare in Narre Warren North why do we have the need for another proposed one in our area taking the total to seven.

I certainly feel that based on the increased traffic and congestion which this development would bring this should not be approved. These are all MAJOR concerns for the future of our area.

Tamara Bush
Delivered to Casey City Council

I am so opposed this application. There is the newly built one on the corner of Narre warren north road and Belgrave Hallam road. An application has been submitted for a new house being built on 1 grantchester road narre warren north to accommodate 82 children and 18 staff. We live on an acre block and we have been fighting council for a few years to sub divide into 2 2000m blocks but it has been rejected by this corrupt council because they want to keep the landscapes and if we sub divide it will increase traffic flow in the area. If it’s good enough to open up 4 child care centers within a 1.5km stretch of road I should be allowed to sub divide so I can provide for my childrens future. Wake up city of casey.
It’s all about the golden hand shake. I’ve never know of such a corrupt council. Seems to me us as residents need to get the media involved to be listened too.

Peens Cata
Delivered to Casey City Council

This is not a suitable location for a child care. There has been multiple requests for child care centres opening all within 2 driving minutes and on the same road. This is absolutely ridiculous and absurd. Based on the congestion, traffic, suitability, safety, I appose this. This is a dangerous location and absolutely not suitable for a childcare centre. This is a semi rural area, on a private street. Completely oppose this.

Leanna Kotsakis
Delivered to Casey City Council

I am a resident of this estate. Another child care centre in this area is not needed. The traffic in the street and onto Belgrave Hallam road would be a nightmare and cause a lot of congestion and accidents, this is a residential area not for running a business.

Delivered to Casey City Council

As a resident of highgrange estate, I am opposed to this development.

The potential development is on the corner of Drysdale Avenue and Belgrave-Hallam Rd. There is no ability to put an entry or exit from BH rd and to have traffic solely use Drysdale Ave would bring an unacceptable amount of traffic and congestion to that corner. Also very limited street parking - it was crazy trying to pass there when the auction was on.

There are already 8 childcare options in the 3kms radius with another one due to open soon. Is there really a requirement for another childcare centre ? 

This is an entrance to a housing estate and these concerns need to be taken into consideration by council!

peta mortensen
Delivered to Casey City Council

Not sure why my objection disappeared?
As a resident who drives past this "Home" daily, I fail to see how it can possibly operate as a Child Care Center when there is no where for Staff to park let alone parents dropping off and picking up! It will be hard for residents to get in and out of the intersection on to Belgrave-Hallam Road.
As a parent who sent her child to school via a school bus I was told that it was far too dangerous for a bus to drop off and pick up children on this corner. Therefore I don't see how that has changed, in fact its busier now!
I fully object to yet another child care center (this will be 3) Belgrave- Hallam Road this year alone!!

Debra Shaw
Delivered to Casey City Council

IMy husband and I are fully opposed to this development in our local area.
As a resident of Highgrange Estate we are opposed to this because
1 This is on the corner of the only entrance and exit to a housing estate
It is on the corner of Drysdale Avenue and Hallam Belgrave Rd. this would bring an unprecedented amount of traffic and congestion to that corner making leaving and entering the Avenue even more difficult that it sometimes already is.
Drysdale Avenue is a residential single lane road with a posted speed of 50kph. Leading up to the proposed development is a crest to which can be dangerous at the best of times. Hallam Belgrave Road is a single lane carriage way with turning lanes on either side for access. The posted speed limit on this road is 70kph but many road users speed doing 80-90kph.
2. The block to which the proposed childcare center is on is 2000m2, which with the current dwelling or an alternate commercial dwelling there wouldn’t be enough space for parking given the number of families that may potentially utilize the facility. Due to the proximity to the corner of Hallam Belgrave Rd/Drysdale Avenue there is very limited safe street parking.
3. When thinking of street parking, emergency services and the size of their vehicles need to be taken into consideration. A fire services appliance requires between 3-4 meters (truck alone) and that does not include space between the appliance and other vehicles.

4 ­ There are already 8 childcare options in the 3kms radius with another one due to open soon. Is there really a requirement for another childcare centre ? 

I certainly feel that based on the increased traffic and congestion which this development would bring this should not be approved. These are all MAJOR concerns for the future of our area.

Tania kapranov
Delivered to Casey City Council

The development of a childcare center at this location is absurd. not only is this area a heavy residential area but the road is much too narrow to support the traffic and more importantly the parking requirements. Anyone that lives here already knows that cars will be parked in both sides of the road allowing singular vehicle access on a road that is already too narrow. The off-street parking will not accommodate the number of cars dropping off their children. There are at least 3 very large childcare centers all within 3 KM of this proposed location who's locations are in keeping with the zoning. As such it makes no sense to have another, especially when the overwhelming number of people using the facility do not live in Narre warren North. This is the 2nd objection to an unsuitable development that directly affects myself and those that live here. The last one was the subdivision of a block at the end of Manorlane place and of course the local residence objections were simply ignored, and that unsuitable subdivision is proceeding. When in the Hell is this council going to listen to the rate payers in the immediate neighborhood that will be directly affected. We pay an absolute premium in rates to live here, and we still have open drains on Bellgave Hallam RD but council seems happy to ignore the concerns of those such a development will impact on us, not for one day or one week but for the time we choose to live here!!!

Tony Riccioni
Delivered to Casey City Council

Oh dear I was hoping this had been dismissed by council after all the previous "objections made"
Again this is not a suitable area to build yet another unnecessary Child Care Centre.
At least 3 new centre's have open within a 3km radius. Plus one in progress already only a few 100m's down belgrave Hallam road.

Please council, listen to the people who pay your wages!

For those who didn't get the update from the planning department.
They are going to knock down the home that is already there and completely rebuild

Say No To More Childcare Centres

Debbie Shaw
Delivered to Casey City Council

As a resident of Drysdale Avenue, and one who lived in close proximity of the proposed Childcare Centre, I am 100% opposed to the development.

Drysdale Avenue is an Avenue with a length of almost 2km. Due to a previous permit application being approved, despite being on proposed land for the continuation of Drysdale Avenue, the residents of this large estate have just one entrance and exit to their properties.

The intersection with Belgrave-Hallam road was poorly scaled and approved for construction by the council. When exiting Drysdale Avenue, whether turning left or right onto Belgrave-Hallam Rd, it gas to be done in single file due to the road not being wide enough. This establishment is to be constructed at this very undersized intersection.

Residents of the estate paid a premium for land that had covenants that permitted only single "residential" dwellings!!! Residents invested in this land for the tranquillity and lifestyle that the estate offered. This development will not be compliant with those original covenants, and will take away the semi-rural residential appeal for which the local residents invested in. There would be extra traffic and noise, particular to neighbouring residents. Potentially neighbouring properties would be devalued by the establishment.

As many have mentioned, the demographics of this area is not in need of yet another childcare centre. So many have been built and opened within walking distance of Drysdale Avenue. There are ample sized blocks on the north side of Belgrave-Hallam Rd which would be far more suited to a childcare centre development, if indeed one was needed.

I have been a Casey resident for 28yrs, and not once have I seen the council listen to the appeals of the local residents who will be impacted by "rubber-stamped" approvals. Just for once it would be refreshing to see the council abide by the pleas of the rate payers, and maintain the landscape and ambience of the estates that people have chosen to live in for perhaps the remainder of their lifetimes. This is not acknowledged by the council with an acceptance flick of a pen on a permit. Unfortunately I have little confidence in the council in representing their valued residents and rate payers. Imagine a council working with their residents instead of against them. What a beautiful municipality that would be!!!

Brad Inman
Delivered to Casey City Council

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