155 Greaves Road Narre Warren South VIC 3805

Use and Development of a Child Care Centre
Planning Authority
Casey City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
31 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Casey City Council. Add your own comment.

I live on Greaves Rd Narre Warren Sth.
I wish to make a comment and object to the proposed development at 155 Greaves Rd Narre Warren Sth. I have lived here for a number of years and I have witnessed the steady increase in traffic over the years. On most weekdays the traffic comes to a standstill from beyond Wood Rd to the corner of Narre Cranbourne Rd, particularly before and after school. I am concerned about the extra traffic that the child centre would incur, with parents taking and collecting their children to and from childcare. Vehicles entering and exiting the child care centre property will add to the congestion. Greaves Rd is already a very busy and often congested road. As stated , I live on Greaves Rd and I do notice the traffic noise. Extra traffic very close to where I live will increase the noise and I believe that it would have a negative impact on my well-being.
Greaves Road is a residential area with well kept and attractive homes. Greaves Road has all houses except for the milk bar on Wood Road and the proposed child care centre would have a negative impact on the streetscape of Greaves Road. I believe that the proposed childcare centre is inappropriate for this location as it would continue to add to the congestion along the road , if approved. I feel that there are safety issues regarding traffic. There have been a number of car accidents on Greaves Rd and I feel that the extra traffic and noise will create more congestion and could negatively affect residents along Greaves Rd.

A Lock
Delivered to Casey City Council

I am concerned about the proposed childcare centre at 155 Greaves Road due to the added congestion it will create to an already busy and dangerous section of Greaves Road. I live on the opposite side of the road and entering and exiting my driveway is already difficult due to the traffic especially during peak times, adding additional cars attempting to enter & exit such a facility would seem illogical & dangerous.

Susan Greene
Delivered to Casey City Council

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