75 Belgrave-Hallam Road Hallam VIC 3803

Use and Development of a Child Care Centre and associated Business Identification Signage
Planning Authority
Casey City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
55 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Casey City Council. Add your own comment.

-The road in which the driveway/crossover will be placed on is Old Gunns Court. It is a quiet road that was made a private road many years back. It is cul de sac, quiet and limited traffic. As much as the property address is on Belgrave-Hallam Road there is no turning in lane to support the additional traffic turning off from an 80 km speed zone. This is quite a nasty turn as a local to take and many a time I have almost been driven into; indicating in advance and breaking to give advance notice is still challenging to get the drivers behind's attention.
- There is a large gum tree on the premises on the City of Casey Significant Tree Register that the council must be aware of in its approval of such a development and I believe from previous conversation with the previous property owner that the local indigenous community are aware of the tree.
- The previous home business at 73 Belgrave-Hallam Road, Hallam created extra traffic and parked cars in the street; turning in and having cars parked or turning into a crossover (double driveaway access - entry/exit) was quite often a huge concern and dangerous. This is area is not ideal for any business, as it was an issue with only a small hairdresser onsite, that at peak times of main road traffic and its own peak business hours, is not going to be a significant issue.
- There is a vet clinic also across the road with its entrance driveway to its carpark close to the intersection. This is not great with cars turning into it and as a neighbour leaving an 80 km road to have to negotiate this. The vet can often have cars parked out before it opens in the street waiting for it to open, or just parked outside the fence/gate, and you have to cross over to the opposite side of the road to go around these cars. This is not a problem at the moment, yet another business with additional traffic turning in and out makes this more of a concern.
- There is no direct bus stop in the area (further down near the Frog Hollow Reserve/Wetlands), so cars will be the chosen transportation to this business. The extra traffic and no turning lane as mentioned is going to be a significant issue if this centre is to go ahead.
- Our considerable fence line shared with this business will add noise involving children, carpark noise, and staff/customer parking will all have an unfriendly impact on our current noise and privacy (viewing and noise).
- My partner works from home and the power/electricity is connected to the same pit area.
- I have a family member living in my house with a chronic health condition and their medication needs to be at a constant refrigerated temperature, so any development's power interruption must be noted.
- The area has plenty of childcares that have recently in the past 12 to 18 months been completed. A new centre on Hallam Nth road (Endeavour Hills - Imagine), Princes Hwy service Road (King Kids) and another on Frawley Road (Hallam EL), near the Belgrave-Hallam/Frawley Road intersection.
I am awaiting further information, building plans (placement/heights), parking/driveway access, turning lanes off Belgrave-Hallam Rd (?) and other related items to be submitted to be able to view further impact on my direct area and requested changes or amendment to the property LDRZ. This was placed on the 'planning alerts' on 29/10/22 and it is now 13/11/22 and the City of Casey website does not as yet have any information uploaded.

K Spalding
Delivered to Casey City Council

Not another Child Care Centre! Seriously. The traffic flow on Belgrave Hallam Road would be severely disrupted with the large volume of traffic this kind of business would generate, especially at peak hour. With a two lane carriage way and no space for a stopping lane, this addition would be a dangerous hazard to the busy flow of traffic off and on the freeway so close by.
Please consider my and others concerns before granting this permit.

Delivered to Casey City Council

Childcare centre development is getting absolutely beyond a joke in Narre Warren North & Narre Warren! Are council planners allowing these developments not aware of the 2021 Australian Bureau of Statistics Data? There were below 500 children under 5 years of age in Narre Warren North! There are SO many childcare facilities (both existing, recently developed & under development) in the suburbs of Narre Warren, Narre Warren North, Hallam & Endeavour Hills. On contacting existing centers, they ALL confirmed they have places available for 2022 & 2023 with NO waiting lists! Come on council planners, do your research before approving because at this rate we will have empty buildings & all existing businesses will be adversely affected! There is also a planning application for another one on the corner of Belgrave-hallam Rd & Drysdale Ave with 30 objections to date.

Maria dem
Delivered to Casey City Council

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