All recent comments on applications from Blue Mountains City Council, NSW

Glenbrook Public School - Infant 10 Park Street Glenbrook NSW 2773
Community market stalls over a 5 year period - 2 Saturdays per month, except January

I object against against these markets as the traffic would b excess. Peel street has no kerb and gutter. Also the cars will park up on the lawn. Peel street is a dead end street so cars will b banked up trying to turn it will b a nightmare.

K dale
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
21 Stuarts Road Katoomba NSW 2780
A one into forty six lot subdivision - clearing, earthworks and environmental protection works - S/29/2003

The application to subdivide 21 Stuarts Rd Katoomba has been applied for many times in the past. This time they are applying for a greater number of subdivisions. I would like to know how we can stop the constant applications, Katoomba is known for it's greenery and in this application there would need to be a massive amount of established bushland to be razed. Looking over bushland is beautiful and not something I wish to lose. There are many significant reasons that this land should not be disturbed. All the reasons have been addressed in previous objections. They also want the entire subdivision to use Stuarts Rd as the entry and exit. Stuarts Rd is struggling to cope with the traffic flow as it is presently. It is a very narrow and potholed road. I do not want to lose anymore established bushland, of such signifance, in Katoomba.

Anne Landon-Jones
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
66 Camp Street Katoomba NSW 2780
A two storey dwelling and secondary dwelling, temporary accommodation on site in converted bus

As I have previously stated, two story dwellings are not in keeping with the characteristics of Camp St in Katoomba. It will clash dramatically, and if we keep allowing two storey dwellings in the mountains, it will lose the unique village feel that makes the Blue Mountains special. I do not think this development should go ahead if it is going to be two storeys. Also, where is the environmental impact statement?

Katie Arthur
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
3-5 Goldsmith Place Katoomba NSW 2780
A two storey medical centre with an open car parking area

If this space is redeveloped, HOW will the access from the GWH to Katoomba township be improved and upgraded? 1 lane each way bridge access is the only main way into Katoomba, and is in need of a major improvement! Surely there's a better place for a medical centre - or, wait until after the township access is improved and built in the remaining land/under the new access bridge?

Dean Bennison
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
34 Queens Road Leura NSW 2780
Minor additions to dwelling, acoustic fencing on south boundary

REGARDING D.A. X/528/2021 at 34 Queens Road, Leura.
As one of the owners of the immediately impacted next door property at 32 Queens Rd, Leura.
I am making my submission about the above DA.
• The existing fence is not suitable for conversion to the proposed usage in such a way which suits the internal and surrounding dwellings and their intended proper functionalities.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure fails to conform to the character amenity and environmental biodiversity of the natural surrounds.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure does not respond properly to the riparian, natural water course and storm water and will obstruct the water flow in high rainfall.
• The scale and of the proposed fence would represent an over development of the site.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure from external alterations of the property fails to respond to the visual amenity and will clash with neighbouring character.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed fence would represent an inappropriate and overbearing planning outcome.

It is submitted that the anticipated amenity character and environmental issues cannot be acceptable by imposition of conditions and the suitable outcome is a determination of REFUSAL.

Milvia La Selva
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
34 Queens Road Leura NSW 2780
Minor additions to dwelling, acoustic fencing on south boundary

I make this submission as an immediately impacted owner of next door at 32 Queens Rd, Leura.
1. The proposed fence will block out all sun light coming into our house.
2. Due to various slopes of the land the fence cannot be a constant height.
3. The oversize in height and length will interrupt natural water flow. In heavy rainfall the surrounding property floods. An overbearing fence will impact the water flow which will affect the ground stability eventually over time the fence will become unstable and pose a safety risk. Star Picket wire fences do not get affected by flooding or wind.
4. There are no grounds to build such a fence in a residential area, there is no traffic or train nearby, and there is no overbearing noise coming out of 32 Queens Rd no parties, no loud music, no workshop, just a young family.
5. A fence that is as high as the eves of our house is an absolute joke, it will look out of place and not be in keeping with the natural bush character.
6. The fence that is being proposed for blocking out noise will do little. The website says it will only reduce noise by 25%. Hence this fence will only achieve an environmental disaster a financial burden to us and a visual eye sore and clash with the neighbourhood character.
7. Number 32, 34 and the surrounding areas are bush blocks and have star picket wire fences which allow water run off as we are on swamp land.
8. The existing fencing is sufficient, cost effective and blends in with the bush setting and amenity.
9. Number 34 has put a second dwelling on their property right up to their southern border and by doing so has impinged on the privacy of both dwellings.
10. This was done regardless that it was next to a five bedrooms house, suitable for a large family. The applicant has complained to council on numerous occasions, yet all her complaints were found to be baseless. The complaints came in even whilst the house was vacant during some renovations which were being carried out a few days a week.
11. We are being financially burden and penalized for the construction of a second dwelling built for the sole purpose of the applicant to run their holiday letting business from. We are being impacted and burdened by decisions imposed on us by the applicant.
12. We as neighbours have never been informed that an Airbnb is operating there. If there was a genuine noise problem coming from our house, please click on the link provided. The reviews mention the words Quiet, peaceful, relaxing, tranquil, enough times to surely dispel the applicant’s noise complaints.
The scale and intensity of the proposed fence would represent an inappropriate and overbearing planning outcome.
I Submit that the only suitable outcome for this DA be a determination of REFUSAL.
Robert Sut.

Robert Sut
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
34 Queens Road Leura NSW 2780
Minor additions to dwelling, acoustic fencing on south boundary

REGARDING D.A. X/528/2021 at 34 Queens Road, Leura.
As one of the owners of the immediately impacted next door property at 32 Queens Rd, Leura.
I am making my submission about the above DA.
• The existing fence is not suitable for conversion to the proposed usage in such a way which suits the internal and surrounding dwellings and their intended proper functionalities.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure fails to conform to the character amenity and environmental biodiversity of the natural surrounds.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure does not respond properly to the riparian, natural water course and storm water and will obstruct the water flow in high rainfall.
• The scale and of the proposed fence would represent and over development of the site.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure from external alterations of the property fails to respond to the visual amenity and will clash with neighbouring character.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed fence would represent an inappropriate and overbearing planning outcome.

It is submitted that the anticipated amenity character and environmental issues cannot be acceptable by imposition of conditions and the suitable outcome is a determination of REFUSAL.

Kind Regards,
Milvia La Selva

Milvia La Selva
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
8 Garden Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Construction of a single storey dwelling and associated tree removal - X/1069/2020

Im really concerned that trees are going to be removed for a single residential dwelling. Cant the residential building go ahead without removing the trees? Im really worried that the Blue Mountains are just going to become like suburbs because theres so much tree removal going on and everybody loves the Blue Mountains because there are so many trees and lovely bushwalks to do. I feel worried all that makes up the Blue Mountains could be destroyed and that would really sadden me. Also I really dont want the wildlife park and huge resort to go ahead in Wentworth Falls either because that development will destroy many trees and impact the existing wildlife. And we really need trees as humans too as they provide us with oxygen to breathe

Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
8 Garden Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Construction of a single storey dwelling and associated tree removal - X/1069/2020

Insufficient information has been provided on vegetation types for landscaping and the maintenance of suitable native vegetation of local provenance.

I object strongly to the removal of any indigenous canopy trees and urge the responsible authority to demand the applicant modify building envelope and setbacks to facilitate the retention of existing mature indigenous canopy trees.

The proposal fails to respect the existing and preferred neighbourhood character of the area, and the location of the site does not offer appropriate access to necessary services and transport.

The proposal fails to respect the existing and preferred neighbourhood character of the area, fails to demonstrate integration with the surrounding urban environment, and fails to protect significant vegetation on the site.

The proposal fails to respond to and achieve local planning and environmental objectives as it does not seek to retain any existing canopy tree, and the building envelope location, scale and setbacks do not provide sufficient space in its surrounds to enable the planting of canopy trees, or provide adequate opportunities for meaningful landscaping or canopy tree planting between the front, side and rear of the building envelope and the boundaries.

Consent conditions if approved must be imposed regarding the installation of indigenous canopy trees in the local ecological vegetation class to a minimum potted size of 250mm and height when planted of 1.2m.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
152-166 Narrow Neck Road Katoomba NSW 2780
Construction of a 24 multi unit dwellings - stage 1 - X/905/1998

Inappropriate for this area. This is a beautiful part of Katoomba but a very narrow road. The emergency centre upnthe road and RFS nera the pool would be hindered by the traffic from this.

David Holmes
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
Use of the existing building for the purpose of a guest house

The use proposed does not respond properly to the amenity of the surrounds.

The intensity of the use proposed fails to respond to the character, amenity and environmental biodiversity of the surrounds.

The scale and intensity of the proposed use would represent an overdevelopment of the site.

The scale and intensity of the purposed use would represent an inappropriate planning outcome.

The existing structures are not suitable for conversion to the proposed use in a way that responds suitably to internal and surrounding amenity.

Insufficient information is provided regarding:

Statements of environmental effects;
Rooms overlooking surrounding dwellings rooms;
Parking and traffic management plan;
Internal alterations,;
Visual impact to heritage and neighbouring amenity and character from external alterations upon the property;
Water sensitive urban design of vehicle parking areas;
Impacts of lighting, noise, odour, traffic upon amenity of neighbouring properties;
Potential for expansion or extension of the existing structures in the future;
Protection of vegetation and indigenous canopy trees of the local ecological vegetation class;
Site emergency management plan.

It is submitted that the anticipated amenity, character and environmental issues cannot be acceptably managed by imposition of conditions and that the only suitable outcome is a determination of Refusal.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
Use of the existing building for the purpose of a guest house

Adequate parking must be provided within the property boundary. There is limited street parking, plus the street is narrow, and with no kerbs or gutters, excessive vehicle movement can damage the grass growing on the nature strips.

Rob McFadden
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
Use of the existing building for the purpose of a guest house

I suppose this is a sensible interim application. However, I trust that noise management will be carried out by the new owners.

John Leaney
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
152-166 Narrow Neck Road Katoomba NSW 2780
Construction of a 24 multi unit dwellings - stage 1 - X/905/1998

Too close to the national Park on a narrow road. Would probably be visible from the national Park. Not a suitable location for this type of development.

Christopher Webber
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
152-166 Narrow Neck Road Katoomba NSW 2780
Construction of a 24 multi unit dwellings - stage 1 - X/905/1998

In inappropriate development for this site. Multi occupation density on the edge of the National Park is not to be recommended. Services and space are not available for the increase in resident numbers.

Philomena Horan
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
152-166 Narrow Neck Road Katoomba NSW 2780
Construction of a 24 multi unit dwellings - stage 1 - X/905/1998

I don’t think apartment buildings are fitting with the blue mountains environment. We don’t want to create high density housing in a national park that detracts from the environment. Narrow neck road is also an inappropriate location as this in the boundary of the national park and tourist locations.

Jayke Burgess
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
Katoomba Rsl Club 86 Lurline Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Installation of LED pylon sign

I approve; we need more like this. Let's get Katoomba out of the dark ages

John woodrow
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
Katoomba Rsl Club 86 Lurline Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Installation of LED pylon sign

I Approve, I don't think the people who have posted objections have used their brain, LED Pylon Signs are not that bright and this is going to be in a very well lit area being the main CBD, I think it is great, they had one before why not have one now, they are informative and great to know when everything is open and stuff like that. As an example every single school in the area has a LED Pylon Sign and as do every club in Australia so why not have on ourselves.
People need to grow up and start progressing because if not when the young people have to take over we won't have anything at all.

Rory Keyes
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
152-166 Narrow Neck Road Katoomba NSW 2780
Construction of a 24 multi unit dwellings - stage 1 - X/905/1998

I approve, always great to have new developments.

Rory Keyes
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
Katoomba Rsl Club 86 Lurline Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Installation of LED pylon sign

This is an unacceptable proposal in an area of Katoomba with a distinct well documented and protected heritage area. The RSL as a venue and as a commercial entity has a history in it's development applications of attempting to ride roughshod over heritage values and local concerns in terms of noise, traffic and environmental impact.

The LCD signage proposed would overwhelm the streetscape with garish light pollution affecting not only local residents but also the streetscape and natural fauna in the area, the site being very close to the National Park.
The proposal should be rejected as it in contravention not only to the current draft LEP of the BMCC but also the past two LEP documents.

Chris Caines
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
Katoomba Rsl Club 86 Lurline Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Installation of LED pylon sign

I object to this development. Lighted LED signs such as these are unnecessary and not in keeping with the area's character.

When operated at night, excessive local lighting has environmental impacts upon animals and insects that rely on light or dark for orientation and navigation, such as invertebrates, insects, birds, possums, gliders.

Approving this proposal would set an unacceptable precedent for the towns character, heritage values and effects on the local And surrounding natural environment.

It's my submission to council that the only appropriate determination of this application is one of refusal.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
34 Barton Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Demolish garage and construct an outbuilding with garage, studio and verandah - DA - BR-LJA - PAN-90427

This development represents a threat to local biodiversity through continuing vegetation loss.

Please add these consent conditions, renumber in sequence in the event other consent conditions are imposed at the same time:

1 Within 3 months of the granting of the construction certificate, that the applicants plant no less than two indigenous canopy trees, with one in the property's front yard, that are eucalyptus species, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.

2 The trees must be indigenous to the local ecological vegetation class, and installed at a minimum pot size of 250mm and at height of 1.0 metres when planted.

3 The landscaping referred to above in Condition 1, must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority, including that any dead, diseased or damaged plants are to be replaced as soon as possible.

4 that equivalent off-street parking capacity be maintained upon the property to avoid unreasonable amenity impacts to surrounding residents.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
18 Wellington Road Katoomba NSW 2780
Detached double carport

This development represents a threat to local biodiversity through continuing vegetation loss.

Please add these consent conditions, renumber in sequence in the event other consent conditions are imposed at the same time:

1 Within 3 months of the granting of the construction certificate, that the applicants plant no less than two indigenous canopy trees, with one in the property's front yard, that are eucalyptus species, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.

2 The trees must be indigenous to the local ecological vegetation class, and installed at a minimum pot size of 250mm and at height of 1.0 metres when planted.

3 The landscaping referred to above in Condition 1, must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority, including that any dead, diseased or damaged plants are to be replaced as soon as possible.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
255 Katoomba Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Construction of detached secondary dwelling and associated landscaping

This development represents a threat to local biodiversity through continuing vegetation loss.

Please add these consent conditions, renumber in sequence in the event other consent conditions are imposed at the same time:

1 Within 3 months of the granting of the construction certificate, that the applicants plant no less than two indigenous canopy trees, with one in the property's front yard, that are eucalyptus species, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.

2 The trees must be indigenous to the local ecological vegetation class, and installed at a minimum pot size of 250mm and at height of 1.0 metres when planted.

3 The landscaping referred to above in Condition 1, must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority, including that any dead, diseased or damaged plants are to be replaced as soon as possible.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
Hillcrest Coachman 117-129 Leura Mall Leura NSW 2780
A hotel including an adaptive reuse of an existing heritage dwelling, construction of a three storey hotel development, including 66 motel keys, two storey basement containing 73 car parking spaces, signage, landscaping and ancillary uses

This will look terrible, don't mind the idea of building this but keep with the old heritage. what has happened at the other approach of the mall looks disgusting. Build it to fit in with the mall, sandstone features etc.

Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council