Katoomba Rsl Club 86 Lurline Street Katoomba NSW 2780

Installation of LED pylon sign
Planning Authority
Blue Mountains City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
74 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Blue Mountains City Council. Add your own comment.

I object to this development. Lighted LED signs such as these are unnecessary and not in keeping with the area's character.

When operated at night, excessive local lighting has environmental impacts upon animals and insects that rely on light or dark for orientation and navigation, such as invertebrates, insects, birds, possums, gliders.

Approving this proposal would set an unacceptable precedent for the towns character, heritage values and effects on the local And surrounding natural environment.

It's my submission to council that the only appropriate determination of this application is one of refusal.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

This is an unacceptable proposal in an area of Katoomba with a distinct well documented and protected heritage area. The RSL as a venue and as a commercial entity has a history in it's development applications of attempting to ride roughshod over heritage values and local concerns in terms of noise, traffic and environmental impact.

The LCD signage proposed would overwhelm the streetscape with garish light pollution affecting not only local residents but also the streetscape and natural fauna in the area, the site being very close to the National Park.
The proposal should be rejected as it in contravention not only to the current draft LEP of the BMCC but also the past two LEP documents.

Chris Caines
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

I Approve, I don't think the people who have posted objections have used their brain, LED Pylon Signs are not that bright and this is going to be in a very well lit area being the main CBD, I think it is great, they had one before why not have one now, they are informative and great to know when everything is open and stuff like that. As an example every single school in the area has a LED Pylon Sign and as do every club in Australia so why not have on ourselves.
People need to grow up and start progressing because if not when the young people have to take over we won't have anything at all.

Rory Keyes
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

I approve; we need more like this. Let's get Katoomba out of the dark ages

John woodrow
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

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