34 Queens Road Leura NSW 2780

Minor additions to dwelling, acoustic fencing on south boundary
Planning Authority
Blue Mountains City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
61 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Blue Mountains City Council. Add your own comment.

REGARDING D.A. X/528/2021 at 34 Queens Road, Leura.
As one of the owners of the immediately impacted next door property at 32 Queens Rd, Leura.
I am making my submission about the above DA.
• The existing fence is not suitable for conversion to the proposed usage in such a way which suits the internal and surrounding dwellings and their intended proper functionalities.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure fails to conform to the character amenity and environmental biodiversity of the natural surrounds.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure does not respond properly to the riparian, natural water course and storm water and will obstruct the water flow in high rainfall.
• The scale and of the proposed fence would represent and over development of the site.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure from external alterations of the property fails to respond to the visual amenity and will clash with neighbouring character.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed fence would represent an inappropriate and overbearing planning outcome.

It is submitted that the anticipated amenity character and environmental issues cannot be acceptable by imposition of conditions and the suitable outcome is a determination of REFUSAL.

Kind Regards,
Milvia La Selva

Milvia La Selva
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

I make this submission as an immediately impacted owner of next door at 32 Queens Rd, Leura.
1. The proposed fence will block out all sun light coming into our house.
2. Due to various slopes of the land the fence cannot be a constant height.
3. The oversize in height and length will interrupt natural water flow. In heavy rainfall the surrounding property floods. An overbearing fence will impact the water flow which will affect the ground stability eventually over time the fence will become unstable and pose a safety risk. Star Picket wire fences do not get affected by flooding or wind.
4. There are no grounds to build such a fence in a residential area, there is no traffic or train nearby, and there is no overbearing noise coming out of 32 Queens Rd no parties, no loud music, no workshop, just a young family.
5. A fence that is as high as the eves of our house is an absolute joke, it will look out of place and not be in keeping with the natural bush character.
6. The fence that is being proposed for blocking out noise will do little. The website says it will only reduce noise by 25%. Hence this fence will only achieve an environmental disaster a financial burden to us and a visual eye sore and clash with the neighbourhood character.
7. Number 32, 34 and the surrounding areas are bush blocks and have star picket wire fences which allow water run off as we are on swamp land.
8. The existing fencing is sufficient, cost effective and blends in with the bush setting and amenity.
9. Number 34 has put a second dwelling on their property right up to their southern border and by doing so has impinged on the privacy of both dwellings.
10. This was done regardless that it was next to a five bedrooms house, suitable for a large family. The applicant has complained to council on numerous occasions, yet all her complaints were found to be baseless. The complaints came in even whilst the house was vacant during some renovations which were being carried out a few days a week.
11. We are being financially burden and penalized for the construction of a second dwelling built for the sole purpose of the applicant to run their holiday letting business from. We are being impacted and burdened by decisions imposed on us by the applicant.
12. We as neighbours have never been informed that an Airbnb is operating there. If there was a genuine noise problem coming from our house, please click on the link provided. The reviews mention the words Quiet, peaceful, relaxing, tranquil, enough times to surely dispel the applicant’s noise complaints.
13. https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/13688169?source_impression_id=p3_1621161465_4x4GNcyFk8HHJASl&guests=1&adults=1
The scale and intensity of the proposed fence would represent an inappropriate and overbearing planning outcome.
I Submit that the only suitable outcome for this DA be a determination of REFUSAL.
Robert Sut.

Robert Sut
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

REGARDING D.A. X/528/2021 at 34 Queens Road, Leura.
As one of the owners of the immediately impacted next door property at 32 Queens Rd, Leura.
I am making my submission about the above DA.
• The existing fence is not suitable for conversion to the proposed usage in such a way which suits the internal and surrounding dwellings and their intended proper functionalities.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure fails to conform to the character amenity and environmental biodiversity of the natural surrounds.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure does not respond properly to the riparian, natural water course and storm water and will obstruct the water flow in high rainfall.
• The scale and of the proposed fence would represent an over development of the site.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure from external alterations of the property fails to respond to the visual amenity and will clash with neighbouring character.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed fence would represent an inappropriate and overbearing planning outcome.

It is submitted that the anticipated amenity character and environmental issues cannot be acceptable by imposition of conditions and the suitable outcome is a determination of REFUSAL.

Milvia La Selva
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

I have no objection to the proposal and believe that we should all get along with peace, love and harmony.

Felix Waller
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

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