REGARDING D.A. X/528/2021 at 34 Queens Road, Leura.
As one of the owners of the immediately impacted next door property at 32 Queens Rd, Leura.
I am making my submission about the above DA.
• The existing fence is not suitable for conversion to the proposed usage in such a way which suits the internal and surrounding dwellings and their intended proper functionalities.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure fails to conform to the character amenity and environmental biodiversity of the natural surrounds.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure does not respond properly to the riparian, natural water course and storm water and will obstruct the water flow in high rainfall.
• The scale and of the proposed fence would represent and over development of the site.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed structure from external alterations of the property fails to respond to the visual amenity and will clash with neighbouring character.
• The scale and intensity of the proposed fence would represent an inappropriate and overbearing planning outcome.
It is submitted that the anticipated amenity character and environmental issues cannot be acceptable by imposition of conditions and the suitable outcome is a determination of REFUSAL.
Kind Regards,
Milvia La Selva