The application to subdivide 21 Stuarts Rd Katoomba has been applied for many times in the past. This time they are applying for a greater number of subdivisions. I would like to know how we can stop the constant applications, Katoomba is known for it's greenery and in this application there would need to be a massive amount of established bushland to be razed. Looking over bushland is beautiful and not something I wish to lose. There are many significant reasons that this land should not be disturbed. All the reasons have been addressed in previous objections. They also want the entire subdivision to use Stuarts Rd as the entry and exit. Stuarts Rd is struggling to cope with the traffic flow as it is presently. It is a very narrow and potholed road. I do not want to lose anymore established bushland, of such signifance, in Katoomba.
21 Stuarts Road Katoomba NSW 2780
- Description
- A one into forty six lot subdivision - clearing, earthworks and environmental protection works - S/29/2003
- Planning Authority
Blue Mountains City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 55 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 10 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Blue Mountains City Council. Add your own comment.
Something is on the nose here; the most recent DA was knocked back and now they revert through a private rectifier successful application dated 2003.
The scale and intensity of the development will respond negatively to the surrounding context
The nature, scale and intensity of the development will adversely impact local riparian, steam and wetland water quality.
The nature, scale and intensity of the development will increase the velocity of overland water flows.
The nature, scale and intensity of the development will not respond positively to local planning objectives of protecting significant vegetation and biodiversity.
The nature, scale and intensity of the development exposed future residents to unacceptable fire danger risks and unacceptable delays in emergency egress and also any urgent access by multiple emergency vehicles.
I believe the risks to the environment and community are far too significant that they cannot be mitigated by suitable conditions and that the only appropriate outcome is a determination by the Responsible Authority of Refusal.
I am the downstream neighbour to this development. I bought property on 2 July 2021. My due diligence showed consent for a more modest 26 lot development refused by Planning Panel. Now it reverts to a 48 lot consent now proceeding that I was unaware of.
Issue: the banks of the creek are already collapsing due to hydrological changes. The creek passes through my property. There is a probably my garden and vegetable beds will be washed away.
I live across the creek in Peckmans Rd and also lived in Stuart’s Rd. The road infrastructure can not tolerate this development. The impact on the hanging swamp requires careful consideration. Also the Aboriginal Cultural significance of this area requires further work. I understand some of the old McCraes paddock was a women’s area.
The fire threat under severe westerly conditions would put so many more people at risk with congested narrow exits.
Neale street traffic already out of control. One lane street carrying local traffic, scenic world, convention centre, sports oval and caravan park.
Will this be taken into consideration?
Neale street needs to be made one way at the very least.
I have had correspondence with Councillor Don McGregor who informed me it's too late to stop the development. Nothing, except fencing, has begun so I don't know why this is the case.
He is hoping to have a meeting with residents and councillors to address saviour of some bush and some infrastructure from developer. This is just a way of trying to show some bandaid interest.
My next step is to get a home valuation before and after forest removal, subdivision and home establishment. I will then be suing the developer for loss of value to my property. This would probably work better as a class action.
Now that such huge subdivisions can be passed privately and not need go through council I want to know who passed this and why.
A great deal of investigation is needed and a lot of thought and disclosure is needed before next election. The current council is not making decisions for the good of their constituents.
There are Hooded Plovers currently nesting on this site around the opening near Glencoe Rd, i believe these are on the NSW endangered list. Also have seen Lyre birds ou there. Please stop this over development Blue Mountains Council.
Protect our wild life.
As residents of Stuarts Road Katoomba, we were given no physical mail correspondence in regards to this re application of Stuarts Road which is quite frankly unbelievable considering a previous extensive development application reference number S/39/2019 was rejected by Councils local planning meeting on 24/2/2020 as indicated on the letter we received via Australia post dated 4/3/2020. The previously rejected development application was requesting approval for 23 separate dwelling divisions, this latest re application is requesting up to 46 divisions! How on earth can this be approved considering the thorough consultation in regards to the physical threat posed to the environmental aspects of water and land through constant physical degradation caused by proposed extra household and road usage as was considered seriously previously? Once again we would have raised our legitimate concerns had we been physically made aware of this development application earlier just as we had been in 2019. I await Councils response in regards to my inquiries.
A class action is indeed a possibility against the developer and maybe other agencies for loss of value to one’s property. More so the environmental damage from the clearing now even more serious as result of many days of torrential rain highlights the egregious process that has allowed this development to get to this point. This is a travesty.