Please. NO MORE construction in Gosling St.
There is no street parking available at night, with trucks parking as well.
Unless the rear dwelling also is built with 2 new parking spaces.
Big social problem in Gosling st with neighbours fighting over street parking.
All recent comments on applications from Canterbury-Bankstown Council, NSW
I am not clear whether the build is compliant to CDC requirements for multi-dwelling terraces.
The maximum Gross Floor Area stipulated for multi-dwelling terraces not more than 80% for R3 developments (3B.35). This means that the maximum is about 495sqm as 59 Junee Cres is about 619sqm. The sketch provided in the notification letter from the certifier to neighbours does not indicate what the numbers are, but a rough measurement would appear that the three terraces would likely exceed the GFA assuming that the upper floor space is similar to the ground floor space.
The rear setback for lots greater than 600sqm and where the building height is greater than 4.5m needs to be a minimum of 8m for terraces (3B.36(5)). The sketch provided in the notification appears to indicate only about 6m of setback from the rear building line.
Balconies are already enclosed
Sandakan Road is a joke & our council should be ashamed.
The only possible explanation for councils/governments bringing in private certifiers was because they were either paid or pressured into it. It is blatantly obvious that having private certifiers makes corruption so much easier thus no one with any integrity would think it was a good idea. We all know that developers make donations to political parties.
How does this system work. This construction is nearly finished.
The 2 new dwellings are almost lock up stage. Go and see.
This area, near the roundabout is already a nightmare during school pickup and drop off from the 2 major schools within less than 100 metres on this same street. Don't add to this frustration of bankup of cars. Plus another preschool further up the street.
This property was already demolished and construction work has already started several months ago. How is this possible without the proper paper work submissions ?
Too many unauthorized works being ignored by council around the area.
We support this as a safety improvement.
Totally agree with you Peter.
There seems to be a lot of developments that look to be outside of standards that are being certified by a "Private Certifier", i.e. code word for some dodgy certifier-mate in the industry signing off a dodgy developer application. In the past I have looked at a development and was told by the builder that the land to floorspace ratio wasn't right to get it through - but I've seen MANY developments in my local area where there is hardly any green space or backyard left after they've built 2x5 bedroom duplexes with single car garages - CRAZY !! Council are only in it for the money - they expect us residents to know the building-codes and DA provisions and then alert them to any dodgy practices and then they will investigate - that is what I was told by CBC recently when I was querying a recent development in my street.
Thanks for the update Scoop.
This house is already demolished and the site no doubt destined for yet another duplex development.
Approved as Complying Development by a Private Certifier.
Neighbours not notified of what is planned.
What use is Council?
Maybe the Bus drivers of Route 926 should be asked their opinion of how they intend to negotiate Sandakan road and surrounding streets in the future.
Or will they just cancel this Bus Route being impossible to negotiate Sandakan and surrounding streets??
A big thank you to Council for ruining what was once a good place to live.
i hope this is not being accomplished so that higher density accommodation will be constructed later on. as can be seen in the photo,vehicles are already being parked on the footpath due to over development in the area and this would only make the situation worse.
Browning Street East Hills is acul de sac and not long in length. The porposed duplex is approx 9 metres on height and has a maple leaf tree in the front which will have to be removed.
The proposed dewelling is out of character within the area and this will cause traffic problems entering into and out of Browning Street with the additional number residence, people and vehicles using Browning St and Lucas Road. Entery into and out off the underground garages. Lucas Road is a major street from Henry Lawson Drive to Panania Village and East Hills Boys and Girls technology Schools, also Lucas Road is bus route servicing the area from East Hills to Panania, Revesby, Padstow and Bankstown and all areas north and east. 11 Browning St is on the corner slopping down towards the lane way as this laneway is short cut for those walking to east Hills and Panania Village. THe application should be dismissed as the peresidences of the street have resided there for many, many years.I have redided in 6 Browning St since 1965. For your question relating to council / concuillors donations my answer is NO.
Has this application been approved?
Work has started on this, a concrete slab has been laid and some frame work done.
This is a bit late, has already been approved and work underway.
Received paperwork from council for comment months ago.
This is a good project( next door neighbours), extending and modernising property, but
remaining a single dwelling.
Another dual property, more people, more cars. Area becoming overpopulated., streets clogged with parked vehicles.
Another dual occupancy. Too many people, too many cars. Overdevelopment should cease. Long term residents like us will be looking to move out of the area is this keeps up. Insufficient infrastructure will impact heavily on residents.
Before council approves of any development, it must ensure that enough parking spots are available on each site. Some residents in this area have more than four cars per household, and this creates problems for other residents in the street.
I never give any inducements to any official whose duty is to do their job efficiently and without bias.
Has the council thought about The street parking or are they just caring about their pockets and how heavy it gets approving these job sites . I don’t understand why this website is up and gives an opportunity for people to have their say if our comments are not acknowledge or even looked at .
Has the council thought about The street parking or are they just caring about their pockets and how heavy it gets approving these job sites . I don’t understand why this website is up and gives an opportunity for people to have their say if our comments are not acknowledge or even looked at .
Hi Council - why are documents rarely attached to development applications on your website? There is an area for documents but rarely are any included on the DA/CC. Can you please include on all in future.
Thank you
to the person in charge,
DA785-2020/REF Number CNR-24453
DA lodged on 09-09-2020
Contact person Ryan Bevitt
Sir, please note it is now over two years since the DA was lodged.
all the relevant reports were provided with the DA.
council asked for some clarifications on the storm water and some other concerns.
all the further rectified reports were provided as requested by the council.
after that --we have not heard from any one about the DA.
the approval or refusal has not been provided.
if the council requires more reports we can provide them.
we see few developments (DA lodged after us)of similar nature already being on the market for leases or sale.
two years is a long time for any council to address the DA.
could any one please advise what we are doing wrong?
what is our mistake or what should we be doing ?
we need help---can any one help please?
look forward to the response from the council,
thank you very much
Murli Bhojwani-----The
Hello Canterbury-Bankstown Council.
I would like to know if there is an overall update to this application that can provide an estimated completion date.
My second enquiry relates to how this will impact the intersection of Brancourt Ave and Hume Highway, specifically if there will be installation of traffic lights at this intersection.
Is it just the demolition that is being determined by a private certifier?
Will the neighbours be advised or see the plans for what will be built in it's place?
Are they still under the rules for disposing of absestos, ( of which there is a lot ) ?
What provisions will be for the demolition companies access?
It is at the end of a narrow cul-de-sac with no parking, will they be blocking the whole road the entire time? if they can even get their trucks up to that end.
Please detail how the trees will be replaced or offset to ensure urban heat is mitigated.