All recent comments on applications from Canterbury-Bankstown Council, NSW

205A Homer Street, Earlwood NSW 2206
Alterations and additions to existing commercial tenancy and conversion to a 34-place centre-based child care facility

Previous Commercial tenancies in this building were a big problem for many residents due to excessive noises.

Child care could be fine , I have no issues , provided council ensures there is proper noise controls, on other words noise should not reach residential units, and provided some traffic management is in place as there is a small lane ( bakers lane) to exit and access the residential parking in the building.

If all is done properly this could work well for the Owner and the community ...

Walter P
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
33 Cahors Road, Padstow NSW 2211
Change of use from charcoal chicken (hot food) shop to greengrocer, internal and external alterations and addition of a carport

This was done almost 2 years ago
How come I have only just got this notification

Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
26 Parmal Avenue, Padstow NSW 2211
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 2-storey attached dual occupancy with outbuildings and Torrens title subdivision

This is a very narrow street already with parking problems. They should not allow to build two homes on a land that once had one house. There is no place for visitors to park their cars and also increases traffic and likelihood of pedestrian accidents. You can't even put you bin out with enough clearance because there are so many parked cars on the street. And the big garbage truck has to weave through the parked cars and may have an accident.

I have lived in the area for 35 years and now there is not parking for visitors on the street. The property developer will build high density homes and sell the homes but they don't actually live here to see how they ruin the area.

Wilson Dyson
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
22-22A Brighton Avenue, Croydon Park
Construction of a two storey boarding house containing fifteen (15) boarding rooms, a manager’s room and basement parking containing 8 x car parking spaces, 3 x motorcycle spaces, bin storage and an accessible space at grade on the land

I believe this will be significantly overdeveloped compared to the rest of the street and the area generally. Croydon Park is a quiet residential area with a lot of older people, it wouldn't fit well here. It would be better suited to places like Newtown, glebe etc which are more densely populated with a younger demographic.

Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
22-22A Brighton Avenue, Croydon Park
Construction of a two storey boarding house containing fifteen (15) boarding rooms, a manager’s room and basement parking containing 8 x car parking spaces, 3 x motorcycle spaces, bin storage and an accessible space at grade on the land

The area is filled with elderly people and young families so a 15 room boarding home would be out of place as it would be detrimental to the environment. Exisiting members of the community would no longer feel safe as the turn around of boarder would be constant and without regulation. This would change the community feel of the area.

Stefanie Paoletti
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
22-22A Brighton Avenue, Croydon Park
Construction of a two storey boarding house containing fifteen (15) boarding rooms, a manager’s room and basement parking containing 8 x car parking spaces, 3 x motorcycle spaces, bin storage and an accessible space at grade on the land

The area is filled with elderly people and young families so a 15 room boarding home would be out of place as it would be detrimental to the environment. Exisiting members of the community would no longer feel safe as the turn around of boarder would be constant and without regulation. This would change the community feel of the area.

Stefanie Paoletti
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
39 Manahan Street, Condell Park NSW 2200
Demolition of existing site structures and construction of a child care centre for a maximum of twenty-seven (27) children aged 3-5 years old and a maximum of three (3) employees

How is this application just coming out now. The project has already been completed.
I think CBC planning department need to take a drive and have a look at this one.

Steven Och
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
79 Dennis Street, Lakemba NSW 2195
Demolition of existing structures, Construction of a two storey dual occupancy with Studio, cabana & swimming pools and related

I also agree. Matchboxes with flat roofs. No character, no style. Its about keeping up with the Jones's.

Maria Difrancesco
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
79 Dennis Street, Lakemba NSW 2195
Demolition of existing structures, Construction of a two storey dual occupancy with Studio, cabana & swimming pools and related

Agree absolutely 100% with above comment. Unfortunately nothing we say will be heard. Canterbury Bankstown houses should have been heritage listed long ago….all too late … box monstrosities are going up every week. It’s all about money.

Enza hossary
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
79 Dennis Street, Lakemba NSW 2195
Demolition of existing structures, Construction of a two storey dual occupancy with Studio, cabana & swimming pools and related

Why aren't these types of homes heritage listed? This house is at least 100 years old and beautifully restored. Absolutely shameful that it will be replaced with yet another box-stacked-on-box duplex with a swimming pool taking up the whole yard.

Local Resident
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
12 Riverview Road, Earlwood NSW 2206
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including construction of a garage at ground level, re-establishment of the original topography of the site, construction of new terrace and floor areas below the level of the existing dwelling and the addition of a floor above.

What exactly is meant by 're-establishment of the original topography'?

William Zappa
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
205A Homer Street, Earlwood NSW 2206
Alterations and additions to existing commercial tenancy and conversion to a 34-place centre-based child care facility

I hope there is a traffic management plan for this DA that considers pick up and drop off locations. Homer St is a major thoroughfare so it will be essential that traffic isn’t blocked at peak times.

Cate M
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
205A Homer Street, Earlwood NSW 2206
Alterations and additions to existing commercial tenancy and conversion to a 34-place centre-based child care facility

This DA is lacking any information about:
Parking for parents for pick up and drop off and impact to traffic. Esp as there is bus zones
Outdoor area for children for the daycare
Size of daycare

Not sure how any DA can be considered without more information

Jacqui P
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
205A Homer Street, Earlwood NSW 2206
Alterations and additions to existing commercial tenancy and conversion to a 34-place centre-based child care facility

Great idea Earlwood needs another day care facility the waiting list for families is very long. Please approve it as there is a high need. There is mainly shops on that side and it’s a good spot. Earlwood is a family area and parents needs to take their kids somewhere it’s their right to child care.

Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
205A Homer Street, Earlwood NSW 2206
Alterations and additions to existing commercial tenancy and conversion to a 34-place centre-based child care facility

I can’t imagine the residents would be very happy with a daycare below, especially people working from home more and more these days.

Also the morning peak and afternoon peak would be greatly slowed with people turning in and out of the complex, homer st is a nightmare as is.

Joseph A
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
205A Homer Street, Earlwood NSW 2206
Alterations and additions to existing commercial tenancy and conversion to a 34-place centre-based child care facility

I can’t imagine the residents would be very happy with a daycare below, especially people working from home more and more these days.

Also the morning peak and afternoon peak would be greatly slowed with people turning in and out of the complex, homer st is a nightmare as is.

Joseph A
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
180 Beamish Street, Campsie NSW 2194
Internal Fitout and use of premises as a hair dressing shop

Hi all,

Just a common sense question in here.

Hiw many barbers or Hairdressers we need in Belmore?!

I think we alread have plenty and what we need its nicer restaurants and not fast foods.

Ricardo Silva
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
6 Allan Avenue, Belmore NSW 2192
Demolition of existing structure and the Construction of a double storey dwelling and a secondary dwelling

Such a shame that these beautiful old character homes cannot be heritage listed. I have admired this property many times and I find it sad that we are slowly erasing our area's history with bulldozers.

Local Resident
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
40-42 Linda Street, Belfield
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a multi dwelling housing development involving six (6) dwellings with basement carparking and attic storage areas.

This is disgusting!

Jane rowe
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
83 Banksia Road, Greenacre NSW 2190
Proposed amalgamation of lots, removal of three (3) trees, demolition of existing structures, subdivision into three (3) lots and construction of three (3) x two (2) storey dwelling houses each with a swimming pool

Please outline how the trees will be replaced and how there will be a net gain in canopy cover in accordance with Premier's Priorities targets. Can you also outline how these developments will comply with planning controls around impervious surfaces and building envelope ratios compared to what is currently in place. Thank you.

Local Resident
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
10 & 11 Edge Street, Wiley Park
Proposed demolition of existing structures and construction of a two storey community centre and one level of basement parking

I was wondering who was running the community centre and what it will be used for? the purpose of the building will affect how much parking is needed, therefore how they were going to cope with parking since they are so close to Wiley Park,where are lot of cars can be parked.

Katherine Hilton
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
83 Banksia Road, Greenacre NSW 2190
Proposed amalgamation of lots, removal of three (3) trees, demolition of existing structures, subdivision into three (3) lots and construction of three (3) x two (2) storey dwelling houses each with a swimming pool

Remove 3 trees and construct THREE massive two story houses on the land instead? Yeah that's fantastic for the environment. Don't you just love greedy developers? Last laughs on them though really, cost of materials rising, tradies deadlines being pushed out delaying projects and interest rates are rising. It's going to be tough to make money back on an investment like this unless they're taking shortcuts.

Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
40 Thomas Street, Picnic Point NSW 2213
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a new two storey dwelling house and inground pool.

I own 38A Thomas St Picnic Point. I am interested to see the possible impact of shadowing across the back yard upon completion of this new home.

I also seek to understand if the proposed residence is being built further back on the lot and the reduced privacy if windows overlook my property.

Can you please provide me with a shadow diagram & a sight plan of the location of the proposed new building relevant to the current property

David Warton
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
109 Acacia Avenue, Greenacre NSW 2190
To seek approval for unauthorised building works in proposed order under section 9.34 (conversion of an attached garage to a secondary dwelling)

I am interested in more information from council about how granting retrospective approval for these poor quality illegal builds aligns with the state planning requirements, especially given the visual impact of this example which fronts the street. If a precedent is set for granting approval of illegal conversions, why do we have planning controls?

Local Resident
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
31 / 177 Banksia Road, Greenacre NSW 2190
Demolition of existing buildings on Strata Lot 31 in SP 88998 and construction of a residential flat building development comprising 71 apartments (55 x 2-bed units and 16 x 3-bed units) ranging in height from 3-6 storeys with basement car parking, and with strata subdivision.

Looking forward for this buildings to be built, as its on the gateway to Bankstown and it will really showcase that Bankstown is truly a city. If you look at eg. Liverpool which has on corner of Hume Hwy and gateway to Liverpool CBD they have some serious highrises which showcases that your entering a genuine City and it means business. We need these additions to Bankstown to compete with the other CBD's of Parramatta and Liverpool.

Robert Hawi
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council