Please upload the supporting documents to this application.
All recent comments on applications from Canterbury-Bankstown Council, NSW
There are no documents attached to this application - I was told they are available for 2 weeks so with the application lodged on 9 January, I would expect them to be there now - please upload.
Canterbury Bankstown DA portal shows no development documents listed, and Private Certifier is unnamed on the portal.
Rang council as no traffic control company is used to stop street traffic and coordinated double bogey trucks (Truck & Dog). residents patience being tested. council stated that it's out of their jurisdiction and to contact the private certifier, which is unnamed.
No DA details on this site either.
Are we surprised why home builders are flaunting the law and then selling for millions by taking numerous shortcuts?
How can home builders and private certifiers be actually held accountable ?
70% of Padstow Heights blocks are potential duplex sites. The whole suburb will become appalling looking duplexes and streets with no parking because of this proliferation of duplexes. These older houses used to be great entry level housing for young families - now they are being priced out because of developers who build monolith duplexes with 5 bedrooms (and 1 car garage) each which sell for exorbitant prices and rented out to 6 tenants all with cars (because the rents are so high) and live in the other side for 1 year then cash out and move on (after they’ve destroyed the neighbourhood). Suburbia is doomed in Sydney (time to leave).
I support this development, incl. these proposed changes. We need more housing availability around Ashbury, including the range of appartments and town houses that this development will provide.
Just drove past there’s alot of rubbish lying around and electric cables on the wet ground not very safe. Makes parking worse then ever
OK. but patrons must stop blocking the side lane for order pickups.
I strongly support this proposal. It will provide desperately needed housing in an ideal location. The proposed design is of high quality and will substantially improve the urban environment.
It should be approved as quickly as possible.
Can the applicant provide evidence that they have adequately addressed parking for all proposed dwellings, including the proposed secondary dwelling at this property? This is a high density proposal for a small lot size, in an area where street parking is becoming very scarce.
I support the proposed development at 165 Milton St. The current site is underutilized and we need more housing in this area of the city. The proposed development appears to be a good mix of dwelling types.
I am writing to support the proposed development at 165 Milton Street. This project is pivotal in realising Sydney's vision for 'missing middle' housing, providing a diverse mix of terraces and residential units that will cater to our city's growing needs.
The development will offer affordable housing options and introduce beneficial density to our community without compromising the aesthetic or environmental integrity of the area. The planned landscaping promises to enhance the local greenery following the necessary tree removals.
Moreover, the economic uplift from this development cannot be overstressed. It will generate employment opportunities during construction and, subsequently, support local businesses through an increased residential base.
I believe this development will make a significant positive contribution to Ashbury and respectfully urge the Planning Panel to approve this application.
We looked at the plans last Monday for an hour and couldn't find any widths on the doors glass or windows. Also no rooms were labelled eg bedroom 1 etc. There's an enormous pane of glass over 13m square that I'd like to ask about be opposite our living area.
Have you seen this school ? how big are we allowing it to become ?
Now covers 3 streets.
School traffic is horrendous.
Can the student numbers be capped?
Please mandate 4 parking spots on site, 2 for each residence.
No more street parking available at night due to already high density development in the street and nearby cross streets. PARKING IS NOW A BIG PROBLEM here.
The Trees in this school are established, mature and homes to an abundance of natural wildlife and birds in our area. We need to be preserving our trees. For a school, these trees also provide an abundance of shade. We are already loosing a large amount of trees with another local development a couple of blocks away. We need to preserve our ecosystem, our Native birds, our oxygen! The cutting of these trees will be irreversible and catastrophic. Please show more specific details in your application in regards to WHICH and WHAT trees will need to be removed in order for this to go ahead. Nothing can be found on this application?
Can the applicant please provide information on how and where the three (3) trees are to be replaced in the 2:1 or 3:1 ratio to maintain canopy cover, thank you.
Please allocate 2 parking spots on the property itself.
There are no parking spots left at night on Gosling St. We are parking on the grass.
Parking is a big issue in Gosling Street, and causing a lot of friction.
Now high density with lots of parking issues.
Considering the building will be 2 stories. It will be good if they aren't looking into others yards to maintain privacy and the value of the properties.
Is this site going to be a house of worship.
A lot of strange activity happening since Sunday 2nd of July. Lots of cars and lots on men coming and going around the clock.
there will be no parking for residents. already maxed out with all the duplexes in the street.
When will the associated information on the proposed development become available?
Good afternoon,
We need to find out more about what the hold up is with 80-82 Leyland Parade Belmore develepment please?
Can the applicant and/or council please detail how these trees are to be replaced in line with state government commitments to increase canopy cover.
not enough parking in this street for these moltable dwellings ....
planning of parking upon the dwelling area needs to be provided as street access is literally full with no space for reidences garbages to be collected on bin nights with far too many cars to one home which effects every resident within the street !!!
On 22 Gosling street, Greenacre
I suggest that the council should limit the number of cars including trucks for each household to 2 or 3. The street parking outside each household should be used for that particular house. This will solve the problem. At the moment some house holds have 6 or more cars and this creates the congestion that the previous commenter spoke about.