2 Sewell Avenue, Padstow Heights NSW 2211

Dual Occupancy including Demolition of Existing Dwelling
Planning Authority
Canterbury-Bankstown Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
187 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Canterbury-Bankstown Council. Add your own comment.

70% of Padstow Heights blocks are potential duplex sites. The whole suburb will become appalling looking duplexes and streets with no parking because of this proliferation of duplexes. These older houses used to be great entry level housing for young families - now they are being priced out because of developers who build monolith duplexes with 5 bedrooms (and 1 car garage) each which sell for exorbitant prices and rented out to 6 tenants all with cars (because the rents are so high) and live in the other side for 1 year then cash out and move on (after they’ve destroyed the neighbourhood). Suburbia is doomed in Sydney (time to leave).

Jennifer Pearce
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council

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