All recent comments on applications from Canterbury-Bankstown Council, NSW

36 Kiora Street, Panania NSW 2213
Dwelling MOD: Amend the Deck Construction from a Timber Framed Deck to a Slab on Ground Amend the Deck Construction from a Timber Framed Deck to a Slab on Ground

Disgusted a perfectly nice home knocked down, any family would be grateful for such a home always of good karma now bad karma remains in place of it and the history obliterated

Anne Roz
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
8 Robertson Road, Chester Hill NSW 2162
Demolition of existing dwellings, relocation of sewer and construction of a two-storey centre-based childcare facility for 70 children over a basement

We at 7 Robertson rd Chester Hill oppose the building of a child care centre right across the rd from us due to already having heavy traffic on our street from residences in the street with never enough parking and this will also affect our land and home value which we find very unfair.

Jasem Waizani
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
384 Punchbowl Road, Belfield NSW 2191
Dual Occupancy including Demolition of Existing Structures MOD: Remove Retaining Walls Remove Retaining Walls

As you can see from the google maps photo, the house is nearly finished.
how is this possible? construction before submission to council.

Dom Smith
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
10 Orchard Road, Bass Hill NSW 2197
Group home

my house is directly across from this place i was told by the builder this was only going to be a single story now its two story.

Gary Harrison
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
3 Skyline Street, Greenacre NSW 2190

What's the point of publishing development applications with zero data? Seems suspicious that CBCity publishes applications at the last minute with no detail, sometimes bulldozers turning up the next day. Residents have a right to know what is being built near them.

Local Resident
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
5-9 Benaroon Road, Belmore NSW 2192
Use of a ground floor unit as a place of public worship with 12 month trial period

I strongly disagree with the approval of another Mosque as there are enough Mosques in the Lakemba general area for people to congregate No more are needed!

Tom Halamandaris
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
199 William Street, Earlwood NSW 2206
Demolish existing on site structures and construction of a two storey 15 room Boarding House

Excellent idea. We have a housing crisis and we have so much land. I want my kids and grandkids to be able to live in Earlwood.

Harry Targos
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
261 Roberts Road, Greenacre NSW 2190
Demolition of all existing structures Proposed attached dual occupancy

This is a very small block for a dual occupancy. Council needs to ensure that applicants design for adequate parking on-site for new builds or the area will become increasingly littered with illegally parked vehicles.

Local Resident
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
156 Waterloo Road, Greenacre NSW 2190
Additional use to part of the existing restaurant premises (Shop 2) as a fruit ice cream and shakes shop

But part of the shop is serving customers on the footpath, and this is a big obstruction trying to weave your way thru waiting customers to walk down the street, eg. access medical centre on the corner.

Dom Smith
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
74 Wilbur Street, Greenacre NSW 2190
Demolition of existing structure ad proposed attached dual occupancy

Bankstown Council turning a blind eye to the constant removal of tree canopies.
Every new dual occupancy/dual occupancy land space completed with no longer having 1 tree on the property.
Council can check these properties out themselves and provide the statistics.
Google maps does not lie to the existence of the trees previously.

Dom Smith
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
74 Wilbur Street, Greenacre NSW 2190
Demolition of existing structure ad proposed attached dual occupancy

Please save the trees on this block. Previous owners had the most beautiful garden which sadly looks like it will be replaced by wall to wall concrete and yet more characterless pairs of rendered boxes.

Local Resident
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
78 & 80 Cairds Avenue, Bankstown
Construction of a 3-storey boarding house containing 42 rooms and a manager's dwelling, with basement parking for 22 cars This construction certificate application (CC1) is limited to excavation, shoring, retaining walls, foundations, footings and slab on ground construction

I don’t understand why a boarding house is needed in this residential area.
The design of the building which is without balcony’s will look more like a Hotel and would not fit in with the general look of the street and also would be hard to sell in future if it no longer sustains as a boarding house.
I also feel that this sort of building will bring a lot of transient people to the street, who are not house proud and not take any care with the upkeep and general look of the building or have respect for their neighbours and I can see a lot of ongoing problems caused by this.
There is no place for a boarding house in this street. It would be better suited in the business part of Bankstown.
Thank you.
Loretta Spencer.

Loretta Spencer
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
51 Chaseling Street, Greenacre NSW 2190
Demolition of existing structures, proposed 2 storey dual occupancy with basement, inground pool and front fence

this construction is already 50% completed.
is this another example of construction started before paperwork submitted to council ?
also this site is non compliant for traffic control
always have to maneuver around trucks and this site located on a T intersection.

Dom Smith
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
20 Pozieres Avenue, Milperra NSW 2214
Removal of existing primary and secondary dwelling

I am very concerned that with the removal of these structures that asbestos will be disturbed. What measures are being put in place to protect people. ?

Concerned resident
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
20 Pozieres Avenue, Milperra NSW 2214
Removal of existing primary and secondary dwelling

Good Morning,

I am concerned with this application due to asbestos withing the structures.

Thank you

Concerned Neighbour
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
32 Taloma Street, Picnic Point NSW 2213
Alterations and additions to a dwelling

It would be nice if the owner or private certifier had the decency to advise the nearest neighbour as to what is being done. It is my understanding that any neighbour within a 20 mtr radius from any external point of the property must be advised an application has been submitted, as to what is being done, and when the work will be commencing.

Keith Davies
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
29 Queensbury Road, Padstow Heights NSW 2211
Demolition of existing buildings, construction of attached duplex, swimming pools and secondary dwellings

CBC - there are no documents attached to this DA. My understanding is that the documents will be available online for 14 days from submission, so I would expect for these to be visible as it was lodged on 8 April. Please advise or provide these documents to the community surrounding this development. Thank you.

Jennifer Pearce
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
156 Waterloo Road, Greenacre NSW 2190
Use of Shop 2 as a Dougies Grill Restaurant and associated fitout

Dougies Grill left ages ago. And new food outlet is present.
Is this not approved properly or delayed ?
Also have a serving window on the footpath, and you cannot walk by when people are queuing on the footpath. One of many footpath windows on that strip.

D Smith
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
77 Chaseling Street, Greenacre NSW 2190
Demolition of an existing structures and construction of a two-storey attached dual occupancy, with Torrens title subdivision into two (2) lots

Due to lots of duplexes in the street and adjoining streets, parking at night and weekend is very limited. Please make sure each dwelling has the provision for 2 parking spots on both properties. The duplex entry takes away street parking, therefore new residents park in front of other properties, leading to numerous neighbour disputes.

Dom Smith
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
146 Lambeth Street Panania NSW 2213 Australia
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a mixed use development comprising 1 x commercial tenancy and 12 x residential units over basement parking and strata subdivision

Please don't!! I moved to this area because of the community and to get away from blocks of units and high rises. If this development proceeds, there will be overcrowding.

Jodie Shaw
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
17 Chapel Street, Roselands NSW 2196
Intensification of existing concrete batching plant to expand the hours of operation and increase the number of concrete vehicles from five to ten

The road is already heavily congested. The Concrete factory is also sharing a vehicle access pathway with McDonald's . Trucks are already causing severe traffic problems on this rather very short distance to a very busy traffic light. There's always cars backed up on Chapel street in both directions due to the traffic entering/leaving this access to both McDonald's and the concrete factory.
Any increase in number of trucks or working hours will further add to an already bad problem. Council should be looking at solutions for fixing the issue with Trucks already entering and leaving the area not increasing. I would be extremely surprised if this goes through council or they would simply turned a blind eye to imminent loss of life due to this already bad situation

Marc Cast
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
77 Chaseling Street, Greenacre NSW 2190
Demolition of existing structure, construction of new dual occupancy (attached), subdivision into 2 Torrens Titles.

Please provision 2 parking spots on site for each dwelling.
No more street parking available at night.
Also street now has low water pressure by all the double dwellings being built.
Make them pay for water pipe upgrade in the street.

Dom Smith
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
104 Chaseling Street, Greenacre NSW 2190
Two Lot Torrens Subdivision Complying Development Certificate for Dual Occupancy

More parking spaces on site.
Limited street parking and worse during school hours with influx of cars in the street.

Dom Smith
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
116 Penshurst Road, Narwee NSW 2209
Illuminated signage attached to southern facade of Narwee Hotel and freestanding, illuminated advertising pylon sign near junction of Penshurst Road and Hannans Road, both as existing

We are squarely AGAINST this proposal.
There is already way too much illuminated signage at low and high levels that you need sunglasses on just to look at this building since the new owners bought it.

More signage will certainly affect drivers safety and walkers passing by the building as the street is narrow and the building is low.

Not good. Please don't allow any more illuminated signage whatsoever.

P Alavanos
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council
12 Clancy Street, Padstow Heights NSW 2211
Demolition of all existing structures proposed attached dual occupancy

Another one bites the dust in my street, making it even more unbearable to live in with the street becoming a car park because the 4-5 adult occupants in each having a car. No one uses the 1 car garage except for storage and to house their Sea-doo. Once duplexes start in any street it is a snowball effect because current occupants don't want to live in this environment so they decide to also cash in and leave the area. I hear this from my friends and colleagues who live all across Sydney. The only parties benefiting from this activity are developers and builders (sick of hearing the sob stories about the construction industry), real estate agents, and council. Current residents are disillusioned - we chose to live in suburbia for a reason, not to be part of medium density living with twice the number of occupants.

Jennifer Pearce
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council