78 & 80 Cairds Avenue, Bankstown

Construction of a 3-storey boarding house containing 42 rooms and a manager's dwelling, with basement parking for 22 cars This construction certificate application (CC1) is limited to excavation, shoring, retaining walls, foundations, footings and slab on ground construction
Planning Authority
Canterbury-Bankstown Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 10 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
199 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Canterbury-Bankstown Council. Add your own comment.

I don’t understand why a boarding house is needed in this residential area.
The design of the building which is without balcony’s will look more like a Hotel and would not fit in with the general look of the street and also would be hard to sell in future if it no longer sustains as a boarding house.
I also feel that this sort of building will bring a lot of transient people to the street, who are not house proud and not take any care with the upkeep and general look of the building or have respect for their neighbours and I can see a lot of ongoing problems caused by this.
There is no place for a boarding house in this street. It would be better suited in the business part of Bankstown.
Thank you.
Loretta Spencer.

Loretta Spencer
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council

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