318 Horsley Road, Milperra NSW 2214

Earthworks, demolition of existing buildings, new warehouse and industrial unit complex for 18 units, a cafe and caretakers unit, new access and egress, car parking, landscaping works, and associated signage The application will be reported to the Sydney South Planning Panel for determination. Submissions in respect to this application should be made to Canterbury-Bankstown Council but will be provided to the Sydney South Planning Panel and may be viewed by other persons with an interest in the application
Planning Authority
Canterbury-Bankstown Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
142 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Canterbury-Bankstown Council. Add your own comment.

to the person in charge,
DA785-2020/REF Number CNR-24453
DA lodged on 09-09-2020
Contact person Ryan Bevitt
Sir, please note it is now over two years since the DA was lodged.
all the relevant reports were provided with the DA.
council asked for some clarifications on the storm water and some other concerns.
all the further rectified reports were provided as requested by the council.
after that --we have not heard from any one about the DA.
the approval or refusal has not been provided.
if the council requires more reports we can provide them.
we see few developments (DA lodged after us)of similar nature already being on the market for leases or sale.
two years is a long time for any council to address the DA.
could any one please advise what we are doing wrong?
what is our mistake or what should we be doing ?
we need help---can any one help please?
look forward to the response from the council,
thank you very much
Murli Bhojwani-----The applicant.------0412190751-----murli@mnb.com.au

Murli Bhojwani
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council

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