All recent comments on applications from City of Stirling, WA

4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

Why ? Why ?
We already have medical centers in close proximity.
Please don’t ruin what is already a great small business community
Please reconsider 😞

Nicole Flynn
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

As a local resident I strongly oppose this change. The local shops are a vibrant part of our community and a rare find in the area.

We are surrounded by other medical centres in very close proximity which are more easily accessible by public transport and with parking.

There’s also the issue of traffic in the area which already gets extremely busy with cars coming off Alexander drive. It simply isn’t the right location for a medical centre.

Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

The development application to establish a medical centre at the Bayley Street shopping strip in Dianella is madness. This vibrant neighbourhood hub already struggles in terms of parking and the addition of a medical centre will make the situation significantly worse. The majority of the businesses including Aposto Cafe, a pharmacy, liquor store and newsagent are servicing people who come in and out fairly quickly. A medical centre will see people parking for long periods of time which will negatively impact these small businesses that have worked hard and built loyal clientele. There is already a GP clinic operating at the Bayley Street location and several other larger medical centres and GP Practices operating nearby so how can the proponent justify that another medical centre is necessary? I live in Wordsworth Street and we have noticed a steep increase in 'rat run' traffic over the past few years. I have no doubt that a Medical Centre at Bayley Street will increase local traffic impacting not only the people who live there but residents like us in surrounding streets. A lot of elderly people frequent the Bayley Street strip as they like the convenience of a local pharmacy, newsagent and cafe. Many of them are frail and have mobility issues and I believe the increased traffic and parking chaos that would be generated by a medical centre poses a potential safety risk. Even though a medical centre may be an approved use under the town planning scheme, in this case it is totally inappropriate given the size and restraints of the existing centre and therefore should be rejected.

Carla Shearman
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

As a local resident who visits the Bayley street strip regularly I can tell you now that I and many others will be very opposed to this idea. It is an only a small complex of amenities and I think that’s what draws many of the locals to it.

I know myself personally will chose to go there rather somewhere else saving me the stress and hassles you face in busier places so Introducing a larger medical centre is only going to ruin the relaxing atmosphere that most people go there for. Not to mention the fact that there is already insufficient parking now and many other medical centres in very close proximity of this location.

Aposto cafe have done such a fabulous job in bringing the site back to life and I know that a lot of locals enjoy popping in for coffee, food, catch-ups because it isn’t Hectic, bringing a large medical centre with a large clientele is only going to ruin the experience.

Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

What bad use of a great, much needed community local. There are so many doctors surgeries in the Dianella area it’s unnecessary and not what the locals need or want. This is a great opportunity missed if this goes ahead. How about asking the locals what we want.

Anne Disilvio
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

This really would be a disservice to the existing businesses and locals surrounding the area. There is already a Drs clinic and a pharmacy in the location, so why there should be a large clinic is beyond me especially when there are multiple other clinics within a couple minutes drive. It is a very small area and parking would definitely be an issue. Unless the medical clinic is willing to provide for far more than 5 additional parking spaces, this will not be a beneficial move for this group of shops or surrounding community.

Sajni L
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

I am a rate payer in the City of Stirling and have lived close to Bayley St shops for over 45 years. There has often been little parking outside the shops when I’ve been there. I more often than not, have taken the last bay. Should you convert shops to a medical centre which brings more staff and more visitors to the use these bays you are going to create congestion. Are you enduring that visitors to the other existing shops will not lose their parking. My objection to this development is that there simply is not sufficient parking area to adequately cope with the influx a medical centre will bring. Also there are many other medical centres extremely close by ensuring everyone has sufficient medical coverage and a new one is unnecessary unless you supply sufficient parking for all not just the new centre.

Ruth Krasnostein
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

As someone who frequents the cafe down Bayley St, accessing the parking lot can already be quite difficult due to its popularity. Adding further traffic from a medical centre will negatively affect tue current businesses present and discourage patrons. Considering there are a variety of other medical practices within close proximity, I believe this will adversely affect residents nearby, as well as the current patrons and business owners of Bayley Street.

Brodie Scicluna
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

I've been a local resident for over 20 years. This is a terrible idea.
We already have limited parking and heavy through traffic thanks to the liquor store. This is the last thing the area needs.
There are plenty of other medical centres locally in my opinion, no need for another.
Our community does not need the extra disruption this development will bring.

Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

As a local resident, who frequents the cafe by foot and often struggles to drive down Bayley Street daily to get to work given the amount of cars already present, a medical centre seems ill-advised. Working in a health care setting myself, I am fully aware of the fast-paced nature of continuous patient arrivals and turnover within a day. The strip would become dangerous for pedestrians (especially the elderly or those with children) and more challenging for local residents to enter their own driveways. Emergency services access and more ACROD bays (which are larger by default) would be required, and would discourage patrons from attending the other businesses. Furthermore, a new medical centre that has not even opened yet in Dianella Plaza is set to provide more services of this nature to the community, less than a 5 minute drive away. Listen to your rate payers and the people who's lives and livelihoods will be affected by this decision.

Emma Scicluna
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

Please don’t turn our quiet, peaceful suburb into a busy zone.
There are limited parking bays on bayley st, no direct public transport access aside from Alexander dr before homer st bus stop 12802 approx 250m away from the proposed location which is too far of a walk for those with limited mobility.
The resulting increase in buses stopping at stop 12802 and the increase in car traffic from medical centre patients is likely to create further congestion at the Homer st/Alexander dr intersection, which is already a pain to enter and exit at existing traffic levels with limited visibility.
There are already 3 medical centres on Grand Promenade/Walter rd, within 2km from the proposed site. I understand the need for more appointments with an ageing population. but as it is, the surrounding infrastructure will not cope and this site is just not suitable.

Dina M
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

Our family frequents Bayley st for the current amenities daily. What it doesn’t need is another medical centre in the suburbs clogging up the carpark and roads. Surely there is more than enough medical centres in the area on main roads in close proximity that we can leave this smaller centre intact!

Melanie Robertson
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

Our family frequents Bayley st for the current amenities daily. What it doesn’t need is another medical centre in the suburbs clogging up the carpark and roads. Surely there is more than enough medical centres in the area on main roads in close proximity that we can leave this smaller centre intact!

Melanie Robertson
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

This proposed medical centre cannot be allowed to proceed. My local community is already suffering the consequences as the convenience store has recently been forced to close. Where do we go now within walking distance for milk, bread and other everyday necessities? The Bayley Street parade of shops is a rare gem, much loved by us locals, and this is now threatened.

We already have a number of medical centres in close proximity. Quite simply any development along these lines is a nonsense. The added pressure in the car park (staff and services to the centre alone will presumably require a dozen bays), the increase in traffic and the volume of vehicular journeys in the neighbourhood will add to road safety issues and obviously hamper the local businesses serving the community. This proposal cannot be allowed to proceed.

Chris Farley
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

This is not a change for the better, the bayley street shops have the opportunity to improve however the addition of a medical center will only destroy what has been created to make this a place for residents of the area to come and enjoy picking up the paper, grabbing a coffee or sitting down for a meal with friends and family. This decision would increase traffic making it a less safe and desirable place for families and dogs attending the close by cafe.

Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

This is not a change for the better, the bayley street shops have the opportunity to improve however the addition of a medical center will only destroy what has been created to make this a place for residents of the area to come and enjoy picking up the paper, grabbing a coffee or sitting down for a meal with friends and family. This decision would increase traffic making it a less safe and desirable place for families and dogs attending the close by cafe.

Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

This is not the right area for a medical center. Along with there being no parking to facilitate a medical center, it is also not wanted by the local community nor required due to the location of other large medical centers nearby. Majority of the locals oppose this so hopefully the rate payers will be listened to. Additional traffic to the area will create a more dangerous place for local families and kids that also ride their bikes, walk and take their prams to the location.
This medical center would do better in a less suburban area with more parking and residents that would embrace the proposal.
This is not the right addition for Bayley street.

Brody Munyard
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

Please don't ruin a perfect little corner shop strip. I have lived in this area for 45 years. Grew up a few streets away and now live with my own family a few streets away. I have frequented these shops in all their variations during that time and appreciated their simplicity. Bigger is not always better. The residents surrounding these shops deserve to enjoy their homes without the disturbance that increased traffic would cause. It always annoys me that people who don't live in the area get to make decisions for those that do. For once listen to those who will have to live with your decisions.

Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

It would be such a shame to spoil this small and friendly precinct by the addition of a medical centre that is definitely not essential . Parking is difficult enough as it is and a medical centre will add chaos that the locals do not want. If this goes through it deserves further investigation and as many appeals as necessary to get it thrown out.

Dave, Audrey & Evie
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

The proposed Bayley Street Medical Centre is unnecessary and inappropriate. There are already numerous Medical Centres already operating in close proximity. Any business requiring extra parking and increasing the traffic in this residential street would create the increased possibility of accidents. Bayley Street already services the overflow from the available car bays and has to cope with truck deliveries, council watering and refuse collection plus normal daily traffic flow. More would be too much!

Lesley Shore
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

We have lived in the area for over 10 years. My husband and I on a daily basis attend our local shops for various different things. Parking has always been an issue here however generally a spot will come up as people are popping in and out.
This proposal for a medical centre is crazy if you apply common sense to this. There is a total of 26 parking spaces and 1 disabled parking space within the complex which currently services 7 businesses and 1 vacant business. Basic maths says each business has 3.7 spaces each at any given time. To put a medical centre in this already small complex is poor planning by the City of Stirling. There is limited parking at the back of these businesses as Lotus Lane runs behind which has residential houses so I am sure some staff working in this centre take up some of the spaces that are at a premium already. A medical centre would have reception staff, doctors (2,3,4 not sure how many are planned) and nurses. Where are all these cars expected to park their cars? Where are all the patients who would not be "popping in" to the shopping centre park?
This whole proposal seems very nonsensical. There are many free standing medical centres in the immediate vicinity and to clog up an existing and thriving community shopping centre is going to devalue the area. Businesses who we actively support will more than likely not be able to sustain business as people will not be able to park and we just go somewhere else. I also suspect there will be tension within the centre as people desperately try and get a parking space.
If a medical centre was to open up here where would an ambulance park if a patient needs to be conveyed to hospital?
The City of Stirling need to LISTEN to local residence as without them none of these businesses would exist. We have a wonderful community at the current shopping centre and my children have had many positive interactions with businesses and customers over the years.
A medical centre will DESTROY this vibrant community.

Natalee Cunningham
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

This is a great little complex, which is already so popular. There is simply not enough parking to further expand this precinct. On a busy day, many cars are already parking out on the street and it’s already very crowded at times. Adding to this will only exacerbate the problem, making it more of a hazard.

Yasmine Phillips
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

Parking would be a big issue. It's busy enough already. This would be better suited to a different location with better access.

Paul Harding
Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

This carpark already struggles to cope with the current visitor rate during peak times. The expansion of the medical center will only exacerbate this situation given the length of time patients and staff will be requiring parking. Vehicles are often already parked on the street which is dangerous and annoying for residents. As a local of many years I do utilize a number of the shops in the complex and I have to say the cafe has been a wonderful addition creating a real community feel in the area. However I would hate to see the current parking situation be further overwhelmed by the addition of an expanded medical centre, which would also affect the patients turning up for medical appointments.

Delivered to City of Stirling
4A Bayley Street Dianella WA 6059
Commercial - Change of Use to Medical Centre and Alterations

I too am a local resident in the street.
There was is no way that the areas parking can support such a complex. The current parking is pushed to extreme with the current setup causing visitors now parking illegally on verges, usually opposite each other on both sides of the street and there have already been near misses. There are already numerous medical centres in close proximity and the need for an additional one is ridiculous. There is a large amount of vacant land where the Dianella plaza is located and sufficient parking there to accommodate such a thing if necessary.

It would ruin the area, my family is certainly not in favour and would not use the complex.

In addition to the above, the building of the complex and parking required for tradies and the noise associated with it would be disruptive for local residents.

Delivered to City of Stirling