I've lived in Bayley St since 1992 and over the years have seen many changes to the shopping strip. For the last few years it has been a vibrant local community hub with a noticeable increase in foot traffic attracted to the diverse range of businesses - cafe, newsagency, deli, hairdresser, liquor store and health services (local GP, pharmacy & counselling). The conversion of the deli and newsagency to a medical centre will impact negatively on this diversity. With the Dianella Family Medical Centre on Grand Promenade and the soon to be opened Dianella Medical Centre within a 1km radius of Bayley St it is difficult to understand the need for another such service in a shopping precinct that is currently highly valued and well patronised by the surrounding local community.
All recent comments on applications from City of Stirling, WA
I have only just heard about the medical centre proposal for Bayley St and I am opposed to it.
I am a resident of the immediate area and often attend these shops to grab a coffee, a lotto ticket or a bottle of wine.
There is a community feel to the area and shops that will be ruined by the introduction of a medical centre.
Apart from the issue of parking, (which has already been mentioned) there are medical centres already in the area which are better positioned.
If, like one writer has suggested the speed limit of grand prom poses a risk to the public using one of these medical centres, then the council should support a traffic controlled pedestrian crossing that would negate that issue.
I would suggest that the fact that the City of Stirling haven’t been bothered to post anything in the window or alert the residence of this proposal, they already know this isn’t a good idea and wouldn’t have been received well.
Dianella is an area with an aging population and another medical centre would be a bonus for many. The medical centre would probably provide some extra customers for the business's already there.
The proposed change in land use, can only assume the proposed Medical Centre will dominate the allotted complex, or completely replace the existing centre.
Based on that information and the traffic flow it will generate to the local area compared to what it is currently - a small, local, vibrant community -with businesses like the Cafe having a large positive impact on local amenity - adding a Medical Centre is simply inappropriate.
I vehemently reject the proposal.
There are better, more suitable locations for this type of land use, that are closer to transport nodes, regional centres (land at Dianella Plaza for example) and main arterial roads in the local vicinity - not to mention there are already multiple centres just like this very close to the proposed location.
As a nearby resident and rate payer I oppose the application for change of use. Reasons as follows
1. Increased traffic. Not ideal for a neighbourhood ‘Street’. Medical centers are predominantly on more accessible ‘Roads’ that are capable for facilitating higher than normal levels of traffic.
2. Increased demand for parking will likely effect adjoining businesses customers ability to find parking.
3. Proximity of other medical centers
4. Detrimental to the community vibe and enjoyment.
5. Detrimental effect to the value of closely located residential and commercial properties.
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Yet you've responded again Elaine and to this point have been the one contributing nothing but hearsay.
Trying to pretend this is about healthy eating for you, has to be the most disingenuous claim I've ever seen. Again, the food served at the Cafe is completely irrelevant to the issue of whether a new medical centre should be opened. Your focus on disparaging a wonderful Cafe is telling of your real motivation here.
Yes you're so worried about the elderly and traffic that you're determined to bring the traffic direct to them on Bayley Street.
Your dignity comment is classic, when have I suggested anything different Elaine? I actually see the elderly people you pretend to represent enjoying the Cafe that you're here to attack.
PS - You're only an advocate for yourself and your own interests. Arnah lives in our area now and you don't, you don't seem able to grasp what is relevant to the discussion and bringing up that she lived in New York like it's some kind of crime or diminishes her right to an opinion on this proposal is frankly weird and devoid of any logic. It's clearly personal for you and not about the proposed centre at all.
Stephen, clearly it is not worth my time responding to your comments which in my opinion are all hearsay.
LiveLighter is a campaign by Cancer Council WA and it is strongly promoting community health and well being to reduce the risk of cancer in the general population regardless of the suburb (livelighter.com.au).
I have added my comments on behalf of the elderly living in Dianella as they are mortified with technology and I am on this platform as an advocate for them.
Bayley Street is a safe street for them to access health care without heavy traffic like there is on Grand Promenade with a speed limit of 60. The speed limit is 50 on Bayley Street with reduced traffic compared to heavy traffic on Grand Promenade.
Dignity means a person's life matters no matter where they live Stephen.
PS. The City of Stirling has access to my full name and address and they also know that prior to 2020/prior to the pandemic I was not living it up in New York like Arnah.
I felt the need to comment again after reading your rude and blatantly false comments
I am not as you falsely claim a friend of the owners of Aposto, biased or with a conflict of interest. I live 200 metres down the road, unlike you who doesn't live in the area at all, that you used to live here is of no relevance when deciding the future development of the area.
I have provided my full name and address with my comments so this is verifiable.
The claims myself and almost every other poster has made:
- That there is insufficient parking.
- That the locals enjoy it as a local community spot and don't want it to change
- That there is other medical centres with 2km
Are all verifiable facts as well.
Your comments regarding the food served at a cafe are completely irrelevant, entirely incorrect in this instance and beyond ridiculous. That your argument for the approval of the development had to immediately resort to ad hominem attacks and lies says a lot about the weakness of your position.
It seems you are the one with the clear bias and conflict of interest here, which you haven't disclosed. May I suggest you spend your time discussing how the area you live in is developed instead of mine.
Also maybe come down and talk to the real locals, there's a reason you are the only one supporting this development and the only one who doesn't live in the area.
Our opposition to this development is because we love this little community spot and not because of any bias or relationship imagined by you
I am strongly opposed to this proposal as someone who lives on the corner of Bayley and Crawford, and is a City of Stirling rate payer.
The parking would be entirely insufficient for such a development and the location being a quiet suburb street is also not appropriate for such a medical centre.
The increased traffic would be a hazard, unwelcome and unmanageable.
The small strip of shops there currently is suitable for the available parking and services the needs of the local community. There is no need for a medical centre as there is another just around the corner in a more suitable location which always has available appointments.
The proposed medical centre would take over this one spot for locals in this small corner of Dianella to meet up and engage with their community, and replace it with something the area doesn't need and cannot support.
Please do not approve this development it would be a huge negative for the area.
This development is an overkill in an area that is already serviced by many Medical Practices with adjoining Pharmacies, I am a rate payer and lived in the area for 30 years and have used this parade of shops on a regular basis all these years. In particular there are other businesses of worth such as the Hairdresser, the Newsagent, the Liquor Store, Psychiatrist. Pharmacist and Aposto.
The need for a large medical practice and laboratory is going to impact on all the businesses in terms of their value to the community and in particular in relation to access and parking for not only these businesses but indeed the local residences.
There have been numerous food outlets where Aposto now resides and it is a terrific addition for local users who desire a family friendly and small cafe that is so much better than a shopping centre experience. They are opened for limited hours whereas a medical centre will bring loads more traffic and parking issues to all concerned during business hours and possibly after hours. This development is unnecessary and will cause considerable problems related to parking access as this site size is not conducive to such a large a large group of medicos and compared to other similar larger practices that have much more parking available for patients and staff.
Please respect the other businesses this will impact on besides Aposto and thus totally opposed to this developement!
Helen M
Brody have you seen the 2022 Cancer Council WA advertisement to inform and educate people like you and the cafe patrons?
It is a male sitting in a cafe eating a chocolate muffin (reduce the junk food/food high in sugar, salt and toxic fat) and reduce your cancer risk. It is for preventative health care Brody.
I have submitted my comments on behalf of my Dianella neighbours (as I was a resident living in Dianella for 35 years).
My Dianella neighbours are elderly and not able to voice an opinion on an online platform. They need a GP clinic on Bayley Street with a pharmacy directly next door as these essential services are keeping them alive and well.
Your ignorance and your lack of care and compassion is very disappointing for the ageing community.
It is perplexing that the Aposto family did not count the number of parking bays on Bayley Street prior to opening their family business. Perplexing indeed.
My comments are a voice for my elderly Dianella neighbours as they feel very safe and comfortable attending a GP clinic with a pharmacy directly next door on Bayley Street.
They need these services to continue as their lives depend on it. These essential medical services (GP Clinic & Pharmacy working closely together) are saving lives Brody. Nothing to laugh out loud about at all Brody.
Elaine you seem to have a personal issue with the aposto family and since you don’t live in the area, this really isn’t any of your concern as the proposed changes will not impact you.
I do not have any ties to the aposto family or business and still think having a large medical facility in this location is detrimental to the community vibe we have going on at the Bayley street shops. Not to mention the lack of parking and additional traffic that has been mentioned in other posts.
Majority of the locals who are rate payers and have lived in the area for years and still do… will also agree that the proposed medical facility is not wanted or appropriate for this location.
And the menu of the cafe has absolutely nothing to do with this so to bring that up is actually laughable. Let us eat our cakes LOL.
I strongly oppose this application, the reasons are in all the above comments. As someone who frequents the strip on a daily basis, I don’t believe a medical centre is appropriate with the layout.
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There is a medical centre that has already been approved for the nearby Dianella Shopping Centre.
It makes more sense to have it there as there is lots of parking options available as well as public transport that services the centre from two major roads.
Hi Elaine,
For the record, and perhaps suggest you do some fact checking my parents are rate payers for the City of Stirling, as I am I! I do not live in Dianella but then again neither do you.
To clarify we aren’t opposed to medical services and support the current doctor, pharmacy or psychiatrist - we are opposing a planned medical centre.
There simply isn’t enough infrastructure to support a business like this - different if it were on a major road. All the local residents I have spoken to are opposed to the idea as there are plenty in of medical cemtres nearby in more appropriate settings.
If you had patronized our business you would know we do not serve junk food. We support a balanced diet.
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With respect to the proposed Medical Complex at 4A Bayley Street, Dianella. I am opposed to the proposed Medical Complex for the following reasons. Firstly, there is a medical centre on Grand Promenade (2 minutes away from Bayley Street, by car). Secondly, there is also a medical centre at Dianella Plaza (4 minutes away from Bayley Street by car). Thirdly, there is simply not enough parking for medical staff and patients alike. This will have an impact on the residents who live directly opposite Bayley Street shops and for those owners of businesses already established at Bayley Street. Bayley Street is mainly a residential area (i.e. not on a main road) and as such additional traffic will adversely impact local residents. As a local resident in the area for over 10 years, we frequent the Bayley Street shops and one of the reasons for doing so is that there are a number of different shops / services available. With the addition of a medical centre this will take away from the diversity of the shops.
All the comments already made I fully agree. The complex does not need a new medical centre for all the reasons stated. Limited parking, and multiple other medical centres within a 2-5km radius. Also the shopping strip already has a medical practice, just improve that premise and be done with it.
I strongly object to the proposed medical centre at Bayley Street and do not believe it is appropriate for this highly parking constrained shop strip.
Over the last few years this community shop strip has been revitalised since the opening of the Aposto Cafe. This cafe, along with many of the existing adjoining businesses, rely on the ability of customers to find a parking bay, drop in to make a purchase and leave. Currently there are barely enough parking spaces to service the current customer load for all of the existing shops.
Absolutely appalled at the idea of ANOTHER medical centre in the neighbourhood.
This little strip of shops in a residential area is unique to the area and as ratepayer, we do not believe it is necessary. A medical centre will attract more traffic, more people and will destroy the ambience of this strip
Please don’t destroy this corner! It’s suburbia
Sharon and Neville F
I am against the proposed change of use. There is no need for a medical centre in this location. It will change the feel of the community shopping strip. Even with the extra car bays there will be insufficent for the medical centre and therefore negatively impact on the existing businesses, local residents and customers.
The proposed change of use will directly impact our family business. I trust that this will be considered when making your decision.
My parents established their cafe just before Covid and with such wonderful community support they survived when many hospitality businesses didn’t. The business has grown and revived the strip with the continued patronage of many locals. Our business is heavily based on takeaway trade and what is now mostly (I’ll address this below) convenient to drop in and out to pick up their morning coffee, lunch or a quick caffeine fix and treats, would become impossible as the medical center would monopolizethe parking facilities.
The argument that it will bring more business is not true, it will be counterintuitive and take away our loyal customer’s opportunity to pop into our business and the other retailers.
If you are unaware, the current parking is already under pressure and in high demand. We have already had councillors and City of Stirling staff out to see the situation first hand, it seems amiss for town planners to exacerbate the problem by adding a high traffic and long stay parking situations to the problem. I can share videos of the already congested carpark that I have recorded on a regular basis.
We service a wide demographic, many who will be impacted by the consequences of high traffic should this plan go ahead. What has become a hub for locals to pick up essentials, will be something they maybe inclined to then pass by. Additionally, the safety risk with the increased traffic, particularly the more vulnerable including older generation and children. There simply isn’t the infrastructure in place to allow for such a business in a suburban area like Bayley Street shops.
I have already been privy to the response that the development will include five parking bays on site for staff. Doing the simple math this won’t even cover the number of bays for staff required to operate. In the proposed plan there are three doctors, pathology collection in addition to the nursing and reception staff.
If the proposed change of use is approved the council will be prioritizing parking spaces for the new business at the detriment of other businesses on the strip.
I would also like it noted on record. when I called to enquire about the proposal, I was asked how I was informed about the application and that we would be informed by the if town planners decided it was relevant. Considering we are direct neighbours and rate payers what how it be more relevant? Did you think we would not do our due diligence, especially when the new owner posted a sign on their window saying ‘exciting new business’ ironically there was no notification sign of their proposed change of use application.
We have been listening to our customers , your rate payers, and they strongly oppose this proposed change. I have yet to hear anyone excited by this plan.
Please keep the character of Bayley street alive, please don’t destroy what has recently been revived.
Don’t disappoint us and take away what our family and the local community have created by approving this application we strongly oppose.
It has come to my attention that there are plans for a medical centre on Bayley Street Dianella which is our local shops.
I live up the road from Bayley Street Dianella and attend on a daily basis the small row of shops located here.
As a local rate payer I found out about this proposal for the medical centre but not via the City of Stirling. From my experience local shire councils seek public comment on whether the local residents support such proposals.
This is a proposal for a medical centre which is quite significant in the area and the City of Stirling has failed to contact the local residents and request feedback and support of this medical centre. There appears no transparency by the City of Stirling and there has been no consultation with the local residents.
On a regular basis I run along Bayley Street at the front of the chemist and at the laneway behind the chemist and other shops and regularly find used syringes around the area.
On top of that there is not enough parking for local residents to utilise the existing shops so where do the locals park if taken over by a medical centre?
There is already enough medical centres in the area so why approve another one and further without consultation of the local residents?
If the City of Stirling are transparent it might be an idea to give the opportunity to the locals to comment on the medical centre which will have little support.
I am not happy that the City of Stirling appear to be underhanded and have failed to notify the local residents about the proposal of this medical centre as I would not have supported another medical centre in the area. This will now cause more chaos with the parking and encourage more undesirables to come to the area.
My gripe is the failure of City of Stirling failing to advise the local community of this. Is there anything else going on ???