I received an email response from the City of Stirling regarding my comments and objection made 6 days ago. I have responded directly to the email but fell its prudent to make my thoughts public. Below is my response:
Thank you for your response to my objection of the proposed medical centre application. I understand the criteria on which the council makes its determination.
The fact that the applicant is proposing 5 new car parking bays does not address my concerns about the limited parking available, both in front of the shops and street parking. The 5 proposed bays at the rear of the stores will only cover the medical personal who will need parking to attend their place of business.
The nature of a medical practice will result in patients arriving early for their appointment whilst the doctors are seeing other patients. This has a multiplier affect requiring many more bays to service the area. For example, if there are 5 doctors practicing that would result in say 10 bays being occupied by patients plus the further 5 bays provided by the applicant for staff.
Also, can you please advise if a pathology practice is being proposed. If so this would add further chaos to the parking as people often go for blood tests etc early morning and as such have to wait around.
You have also raised the matter of advertising of the application. I must say that I find it unusual that there is not a public notice in the area regarding the application. I only found out by accident that there is an application lodged and comments were being sought. I would suspect that the council will receive a far greater number of comments if a public notice was posted at the 4A Bayley St site.
I trust that the council will seriously consider the objections and disallowed the current application.