All recent comments on applications from Redland City Council, QLD

2 - 12 Mary Pleasant Drive, Birkdale QLD 4159
McDonalds Restaurant

Ridiculous how many more junk food McDonald's do we need in this country

Delivered to Redland City Council
2 - 12 Mary Pleasant Drive, Birkdale QLD 4159
McDonalds Restaurant

Bit late for a ‘ planning alert’ given construction is well underway. I no longer shop here as the parking situation is diabolical. Agree with previous comment, one thing we don’t need is yet another takeaway

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1 - 9 George Thorn Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Age Care Facility

That block was said to have been put aside as part of the original development for a small shopping centre to serve the surrounding houses of the development - now it is changed to an aged care facility!!

Jan Eva
Delivered to Redland City Council
2 - 12 Mary Pleasant Drive, Birkdale QLD 4159
McDonalds Restaurant

None of the locals want this here and have indicated such previously. It also completely ruins the parking of Birkdale fair and they have already destroyed the homes of dozens of lorikeets.

Eduard Beneke
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90 - 94 Broadwater Terrace, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Development application for demolition of dwelling and ancillary buildings

The waterfront Modernist home at #92 would be considered well worth preservation in an enlightened world. Many original features remain, and the design makes fantastic use of its site.

Sue Mears
Delivered to Redland City Council
90 - 94 Broadwater Terrace, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Development application for demolition of dwelling and ancillary buildings

The waterfront Modernist home at #92 would be considered well worth preservation in an enlightened world. Many original features remain, and the design makes fantastic use of its site.

Sue Mears
Delivered to Redland City Council
4 / 5 - 9 Victor Street, Birkdale QLD 4159
9 x Townhouses Class 1a

No way (literally), there are so many cars parked in the street already, ridiculous...

Robyn Smith
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18 Tremont Street, Capalaba QLD 4157
Dual Occupancy - Rear House

Nereid is cross street from where I live on Sutphin St. Received call from LJHooker yesterday to advise of their having sold 18 Tremont St. On a personal note, have lived at same address since 1986 and saddens me, and I tried hard, to save our specially protected wetland site on Coolnwynpin Creek from development but in an instant, zoning was changed from 'special protection' to 'commercial' the area is today a no go zone for this residential area where I live. At one time you could use walkway entering at 19 Crotona Rd units through to a boardwalk connecting under Moreton Bay Rd bridge built by work-for-the-dole young men, but no longer used by locals. Too risky.

Amy Glade
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89 Princess Street, Cleveland QLD 4163
Reconfiguring a lot - Standard Format - 1 into 2 lots

I have strong concerns about the type of dwellings that will replace the former single storey dwelling on this block.
Our ability to use our backyard with privacy maintained will be severely impacted should any dwelling other than single storey be allowed to be constructed on these sites.
Consideration must be given to the concerns of long term rate paying residents that will be impacted by any construction other than a single storey.

No gifts have been made to any Councillor or Council employee.

Kerry McNeill
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1 Jean Street, Thorneside QLD 4158
Reconfiguring a lot Standard Format for 1 into 2

The owner has stated they intend to have a protected tree that is on council land removed to allow for a second driveway to their new house when it’s constructed with the approval of a sub division. Due to recent progress and tree removal with increasing developments thoroughout this area we now have increased noise and increased traffic and this has destroyed the integrity and tranquility the property owners of this area have previously enjoyed and invested in. This subdivision will further impact on what is essentially a small laneway only with minimal access. Small children and disabled members of the local community regularly use this lane way/ street as parkland access for recreational use. Increasing the vehicle access creates a hazard to them and their carers.

Local residents.
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5 Boom Court, Birkdale QLD 4159
Reconfiguring a lot Standard Format - 1 into 2

The application is strongly opposed:
-The Redland City Plan (Table9. limits street frontages in this area to 10m whereas the application proposes 6.8m for each of the two blocks in the submission.
-The property in question is located on the outside curve of the road into the court and street parking at this property at this time poses safety issues for traffic traversing the street. When vehicles are parked at the corner on both sides of the street, the situation becomes chaotic with little or no view towards oncoming traffic. This development application proposes potential increase in parking and traffic flow at this point in the street, hence decreasing safety at that location. This unsatisfactory situation will be significantly exacerbated for many months during demolition and building construction should this application be approved.

Peter and Sue Moody
Delivered to Redland City Council
5 Boom Court, Birkdale QLD 4159
Reconfiguring a lot Standard Format - 1 into 2

We strongly object to this development proposal for the following reasons:
- as the proposed development is on the outside elbow of the street and has minimal street frontage any additional on-street parking will further impact traffic congestion and chaos to an already hectic corner. There is already minimal on-street parking and it is a blind corner which is always littered with cars.
- the appeal of Aquatic Paradise has been large blocks, this lifestyle will be compromised if blocks are divided and vehicle and marine traffic is increased.
- This would set a precedent for other similar developments on wet blocks in Aquatic Paradise and accordingly, the very reason people moved here will be eroded.

Debra & Andrew Cossart
Delivered to Redland City Council
26 Claremont Street, Birkdale QLD 4159
Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Shed

Another mid century home in the Bayside bites the dust. :( Shame these new owners didn't have vision and style. This Era of home has followers, website and Instagram accounts finding them and sell for ALOT of money fully renovated due to the rarity.

What a shame RCC haven't thought to protect this style of home.
My parents have lived around the corner in Eric Street for over 50 years (still there).

This home at No 26 is one of the older ones like theirs, the Redlands Coast should update the age of homes protected, how about that idea council?

It has flow on affects like MORE trees for Koalas, their natural habitat not destroyed. There has been a mating pair that always came to my parents backyard right up till about 6 years ago.

Anyway nothing can be done, I lately feel like RCC is a toothless tiger.
Enter McDonalds down the road for us.
I wonder if council would say 'whoops, that was a loop hole' if it was going ahead in downtown Cleveland? Probably not, more would be done to stop it.

Maxine Goodman
Delivered to Redland City Council
144 Old Cleveland Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Special Structure Pole for Osprey Nest

where is location of pole for osprey nest? I consider this a caring gesture for birdlife.

Amy Glade
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1 - 27 Meissner Street, Redland Bay QLD 4165
CANCELLED REFER TO RAL18/0120.02 Change to Development Approval - RAL18/0102 Change to Development Approval ROL006001

More small lot houses, these do not fit in with Redland bay lifestyle, is there no end to this over development of Redland bay?

Lucy Atkins
Delivered to Redland City Council
30 Base Street, Victoria Point QLD 4165
Residential Dwelling x 8

I live next door to this proposed development and would like all the information needed to know how badly this is going to impact on myself and my way of living. Both houses that are to be demolished to make way for these units are full of asbestos. The removal of this is of great concern to me, as I am currently watching a house being demolished in Base street, and a man holding a hose on the asbestos sheets being torn down doesn't seem to be a safe way to remove it. I would appreciate all the appropriate information needed, being right next door to this unappealing development in our sleepy little cul de sac. hoping to hear from someone very soon, Lynda Smith

Lynda Smith
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Grenoble Place, Ormiston QLD 4160
Drinking Fountain

Please can you install the type of drinking fountain that is compatible to filling up drinking bottles, cycle bottles, cups from. With the type that have just the sipping from area at the top, so much water is wasted as you try to catch the water to fill up a bottle. Also in the days of COVID it is not hygienic to use the sipping area where so many other peoples mouths have being near.
With the type that have a lower tap and catching bowl below for dogs to drink from is not hygienic to fill a water bottle or cup from.
Thank you

Delivered to Redland City Council
10 Cumming Parade, Point Lookout QLD 4183
Reconfiguring a lot - Standard Format 1 into 3

Point needs more housing. Locals cannot find accommodation

Harry Peterson
Delivered to Redland City Council
10 Cumming Parade, Point Lookout QLD 4183
Reconfiguring a lot - Standard Format 1 into 3

Point needs more housing. Locals cannot find accommodation

Harry Peterson
Delivered to Redland City Council
20 - 24 Riley Peter Place, Cleveland QLD 4163
Water Bubbler

Please can you install a water bubbler of the type that you can fill up an actual water bottle/cycling drinks bottle/cup from. For example the water bubblers at The Thornlands Community Park 278 Cleveland-Redland Bay Rd are brilliant. (The type that you can only sip water from the top of the bubbler and dogs can drink from the tap & water collection bowl below are not suitable for topping up drinks bottles or drinking cups from. 1) it is really unhygienic for a drinks bottle to be filled from the tap that dogs drink from. 2) When trying to top a drinks bottle up from the top sipping section of the bubbler so much water is wasted as the water can not be aimed in to the bottle. 3) In times of Covid it is not ideal to only have a sipping water section that so many others have had their mouths near. A drinks bottle tap is more hygienic). Thank you from a regular user of the water bubblers in the area.

Denise Marchant
Delivered to Redland City Council
41 - 107 Manning Esplanade, Thornlands QLD 4164
Water Bubbler

There is already a bubbler inside the off leash area and another less than 2m outside the leash area as well as yet another at the playground by the boardwalk entrance. Where abouts is this proposed for please? It would be better placed near the open space where the path leads on to George Thorn Drive. Many people access this area also and further housing development is planned at 124 Thornlands Rd. Thank you

Belinda Shelley
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28 Cumming Parade, Point Lookout QLD 4183
Dwelling & Studio

What is a studio? Why is the information below, i.e. name, email and street address, required?

T. Menzies
Delivered to Redland City Council
7 Plumer Street, Wellington Point QLD 4160
Standard Format - 1 into 2 lots and access easement

I disagree with turning single blocks into subdivided lots each with a separate dwelling. Infrastructure is already lacking in the area for denser housing to be considered... with respect

C. Waterman
Delivered to Redland City Council
143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

I think you are right Stacey. My mistake.

Sandra Jehan
Delivered to Redland City Council
143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

It would appear that Sandra Jehan's comments relate to the proposed development below the Redland Bay pub, not the Bay House development that has commenced construction at 143-149 Esplanade.

Stacey Lewis
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