All recent comments on applications from Redland City Council, QLD

3 Thorne Road, Birkdale QLD 4159
Development Permit, to Demolition of Dwelling 1A and Shed 10A

Curious how the demolition part of this development comes up but not the actual development application for 5 units on an 850m2 block. Also strange that the previous request to split the block into two houses 6 months ago was rejected but because it’s MDR, 5 units are able to be built at 13m high, and 20cm up to fenceline in some parts. Concerns about the narrow entrance for 10 cars into the building which will no doubt see street parking increase on an already dangerous corner of the street. Can’t do anything about it now, but again amazed at Councils approval processes, again = more rates $$$$$$

James Evans
Delivered to Redland City Council
398 Birkdale Road, Wellington Point QLD 4160
Installation of Five Sub Meters

What are 5 sub meters?

Alison Woodley
Delivered to Redland City Council
6 - 8 Pandanus Street, Birkdale QLD 4159
Reconfiguring a lot for Standard Format for 2 into 15 new lots, 1 drainage lot, new road and access easements

Clearly the council would like a bit more cash in their pockets, so if you can build 2 houses on a block you get two lots of rates. . Dorsal drive had a group of apartments in the prime spot overlooking the Bay, They are the tiniest little places and all of their cars plus the cars from the back of the building now permanently reside on the street, on both sides.
And what about McDonalds, we all needed that didnt we, no there is hardly anywhere to park when you go to the shopping centre and I dont know if anyone else was advised that this monstrosity would be there but I had no idea. What was councillor Bishop doing. He should have advised everyone in his electorate before it was built.

Rowena Plant
Delivered to Redland City Council
29 - 37 Brendan Way, Victoria Point QLD 4165
Reconfiguring a lot for Standard Format 1 into 9 lots

In regards to this application it needs to be referred to all the planning alterations that had to be done for further down the street where there are 16 new lots in the process of being sold that face onto Brendan Way. This may and should include traffic mitigation, road widening and services. Please consider all these facts before allowing this application.
Kind Regards
Kim Harley (owner of 34 Brendan Way)

Kim Harley
Delivered to Redland City Council
6 - 8 Pandanus Street, Birkdale QLD 4159
Reconfiguring a lot for Standard Format for 2 into 15 new lots, 1 drainage lot, new road and access easements

I agree wholeheartedly with Karen Rohweder, with 15 house blocks squeezed onto this site, an access road etc. the blocks will be small.
What is the Planning Department thinking?
What will happen is that garages will be used for storage or gym equipment, cars will be parked outside and the narrow roads will look like a parking lot most of the time.

This whole area of Wellington Point, Birkdale is at saturation point with schools. Again poor planning!

Diana Plowman
Delivered to Redland City Council
6 - 8 Pandanus Street, Birkdale QLD 4159
Reconfiguring a lot for Standard Format for 2 into 15 new lots, 1 drainage lot, new road and access easements

Greed !!! It is ridiculous! We live in a beautiful part of the world and it is being destroyed by greed. No parks for the children or wildlife corridors. These small blocks have no room for a yard with grass for children to play and are a fire hazard when built so close. Units being built without enough carparks. No money put in infrastructure or new roads. But we do have a bicycle lane and bridge that wasn’t needed or wanted and a McDonalds right near three schools ????

Karen Rohweder
Delivered to Redland City Council
6 - 8 Pandanus Street, Birkdale QLD 4159
Reconfiguring a lot for Standard Format for 2 into 15 new lots, 1 drainage lot, new road and access easements

Dividing up a lot to this extent should not be happening!

Delivered to Redland City Council
151 Bay Street, Cleveland QLD 4163
Reconfiguring a lot Standard Format for 1 into 2 Lots and Operational Works for Sewer Extension

Why the secrecy, no documents...??
Unlikely it will stay as 2 x 700sqm blocks as $1.17 million was paid. How many houses will be here 2?, 3?, 4? Townhoused?

Delivered to Redland City Council
32 - 48 Island Street, Cleveland QLD 4163
Park Upgrade

Can we have more details on what exactly is planned please

Fran Knight
Delivered to Redland City Council
999 Daveson Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Raised as test only

What is meant by raised as test only? I have seen that before. at 999 Daveson Rd Capalaba.?

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
86 A Thornlands Road, Thornlands QLD 4164
Class 1a Detached Dwelling with Attached 10a Garage Only

Hi What does a 10a Garage mean ?

Delivered to Redland City Council
9 A Abelia Street, Alexandra Hills QLD 4161
Light Poles (x37) - Class 10b

Should be nice ... having lights installed along pathway to dog park? Cr Huges walked me through there recently and made mention of the plan.
Personally received two awards for my work with a small group of volunteers planting trees both sides of pathway over a ten-year period. I was astounded in seeing height of the trees on walking through the area with much needed shade appreciated for sure in the searing hot summer days ahead. Thank you.

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
2 Caledonian Crescent, Alexandra Hills QLD 4161
Reconfiguring a lot for Standard Format 1 into 2

Residences should have mandatory 2 car accommodation. Caledonian is a narrow street. No2 is right on the corner so cars on footpath or edge of road a potential danger. Example 4 houses McMillan Rd. No71d and others. Street parking a nightmare there. Whilst accept these smaller blocks are becoming a reality the Council does have a duty of care to keep parking on the street to a minimum to keep everyone safe both whilst driving and walking

Peter and Gloria Lampard
Delivered to Redland City Council
86 A Thornlands Road, Thornlands QLD 4164

What does fast track dwelling mean ?
Why is it a fast track (Rush job)
Why no pictures of plans ?

Stuart Charles
Delivered to Redland City Council
103 Mount Cotton Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Demolition of Dwelling and Ancillary Structures

I see in photo tall lovely dwelling to be demolished. Why is it being demolished? Redland City Council do not value old growth trees...sadly. Eight within two blocks of where I live have been cut down to stumps. If we had a responsible local government, old growth trees, where residents want a tree reduced for example, due to height worries, tree should have canopy cut to appropriate height, then trimmed to nice shape, thereby still having a tree providing shade in a harsh Q'ld climate, skin cancer capital in the world, and a pleasant streetscape. One neighbour (love him for it) each year has huge backyard tree cut to appropriate size..that also brings repeat business to operators.

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
103 Mount Cotton Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Demolition of Dwelling and Ancillary Structures

What a shame. A lovely house from the 40's. All these blocks getting split yet no improvements to the roads surrounding.

Karen Oliver
Delivered to Redland City Council
19 Cleveland Terrace, Ormiston QLD 4160
New Residential Dwelling & New Block Retaining Wall

How can start date be after completion date please?
What will happen to the vegetation and trees on this block please? If they are to be removed how can you ensure this is done safely and with no impact on electricity supply etc to existing street residents?

Gavin Becker
Delivered to Redland City Council
25 - 27 Quentin Street, Capalaba QLD 4157
Units x 11

Another unit development in Capalaba...11? We are saturated with unit development and becoming accustomed to, when property sold with one house, new owner destroys it to fill the land with units or in some cases, another home as present and previous mayor have done. Seems to be the norm these days that adds to the traffic nightmare we are seeing on our Redland roads today where rush hour traffic a.m. and p.m. is congested. In the a.m. gridlocked. Each unit you can count on two motor vehicles, as we are in Redlands dependent on personal transport. Road pollution kills more people than accidents its said, and lung cancer leading cause of death. Bring on election cars....reduce air pollution.

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
1 - 9 George Thorn Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Age Care Facility

I beg to disagree. The area around the new aged care facility is residential and does not need a shopping centre in its midst. With 'on-line' shopping deliveries and the shopping centre at Island Outlook Avenue provides day to day requirements. If the units at this new care facility are filled then, despite the 'big one' in King Street, then there is obviously a need.

Graham Barnes
Delivered to Redland City Council
1 - 9 George Thorn Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Age Care Facility

Another aged care facility? There is a big one around the corner in Kings street. We need a small shopping centre in this part of Thornlands, which was the original plan. Why do plans get changed without notice to residents?

Sonja van der Riet
Delivered to Redland City Council
2 - 12 Mary Pleasant Drive, Birkdale QLD 4159
McDonalds Restaurant

To all those who are outraged by this just reflect on who you voted for to be Mayor and the clique of councillors who follow her like sheep - for they are the ones who approved this planning scheme that allows this development. There is nowhere in the planning scheme that manages or controls neighbourhood amenity or impact on existing residents or the environment. Think carefully next time before you vote.

Margaret A Hardy
Delivered to Redland City Council
2 - 12 Mary Pleasant Drive, Birkdale QLD 4159
McDonalds Restaurant

Council did reject the application but it was appealed at the Court and there is nothing in Redlands Planning Scheme that prevents it. So the fault lies with RCC and their approved planning scheme that is open slather for developers. I no longer shop there.

Margaret A Hardy
Delivered to Redland City Council
2 - 12 Mary Pleasant Drive, Birkdale QLD 4159
McDonalds Restaurant

1. Why hasn't councillor Paul Bishop been to every house in the area to see if we wanted this. I have not heard anything about this ? I live 5 minutes away and I could get everything I need at our little shopping centre. Now I can't even park there.
2. Why did Woolies allow this to happen on their space ?
3. People wont be able to park in Dorsal drive either because the street is full of cars and vans presumably from the units in front of them.
4. You may find more people LEAVING THIS LOVELY AREA and moving to a place where the council actually listen to them
5 And while I am at it.....what happened to the councillor who sent fake emails from their house and put another persons name on it. Isn't that a crime Let me know if it isn't a crime because I have heaps of people I could write to.

Rowena Plant
Delivered to Redland City Council
2 - 12 Mary Pleasant Drive, Birkdale QLD 4159
McDonalds Restaurant

I thought this was declined , what is going on !? This has been thoroughly rejected by the local community and yet we have to put up with it. Is Council ever taking any notice of it's constituents? I shall avoid the Birkdale Fair Shopping Center

Delivered to Redland City Council
1 - 9 George Thorn Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Age Care Facility

The original plan was much smaller than the current level of development, let alone the extra development being carved out at the end of Thornlands Road. Surely the increased population warrants the original amenity ( small shopping centre) being retained. An Aged Care Facility needs to be much closer to transport, medical facilities and shops, not isolated out in residential areas, where everyone drives a car.

Jan Cox
Delivered to Redland City Council