All recent comments on applications from Redland City Council, QLD

143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

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143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

One other thing too. The pub. How will patrons feel being able to eyeball the residents in those units. And how would locals feel about them and their children being spied on from those units at the back. So no privacy for local patrons and their children. God forbid a pedophile bought a unit at playground level. Jeez. Frightening!!! And if the patrons wanted privacy they would have to fence and that would take away the view which is a huge draw card. And thinking about it I can see the new residents complaining about noise so the pub won't be able to play live bands. So no view and no privacy... It will change the character of Redland Bay to being just a bedroom suburb rather than a vibrant community. I think it is just the wrong fit for that land.

Delivered to Redland City Council
143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

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143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

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143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

And another thing, that area is a flood risk. Massive. Look at the flood maps. 2011. Very bad. Whole area was flooded. And we are back in la Nina so it will be bad again. Once those extra 30 units are built, that is so many more people affected. Reckon they could sue the council for damag s. Very irresponsible to let those 30 units be built on a floodplain. And with GLobal warming and sea level rise. They may not be able to get insurance too because councils own flood maps show it is in the red zone. Extreme danger for storm surge. And if the drainage is compromised, which it will be because it has a cliff immediately behind it. Huge storm water run off. That is why it is a wetlands a few hundred metres on. Council have a huge compo bill ahead of them if they let this development go ahead.

Delivered to Redland City Council
143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

I agree. It is very sad.

Sandra Jehan
Delivered to Redland City Council
143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

This building has already started!

Sue Mears
Delivered to Redland City Council
143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

I agree Lucy, the once beautiful rainforest like area below is being decimated by rubbish, falling trees, the council hardly ever clean up the area.

Delivered to Redland City Council
143 - 149 Esplanade, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Units x 30

Such a shame that RCC has allowed another ugly block of units in this area. Already there is rubbish thrown down the Esplanade bushland from the small block building adjacent, where will the wildlife have left to go?

Delivered to Redland City Council
3 Hopewell Street, Point Lookout QLD 4183

Is there sewerage there? Other parts of Point Lookout lack not only 21st century sanitation, but decent public lavatories. For all the money the RCC receives one would expect better. The island is beautiful just the way it is and for the environment that includes, fresh air, the free supply of fresh water, wildlife habitat and just the sheer breath taking beauty so close to Brisbane, and should stay as such. Does Communist Chinese money speak more loudly?

T Menzies (Mr)
Delivered to Redland City Council
21-43 Salisbury Street, Redland Bay, QLD
Building Format Multiple Dwelling (16 Dwellings)

This development in Salisbury street park was slipped thru I did not see any signs informing the community about this. Council is selling off our public land without letting residents know

Jill Fox
Sent to Redland City Council
97 - 101 Unwin Road, Redland Bay QLD 4165
1 into 9 community management development

When will the plans be online to view for consideration and comment? What does 'Community Management Development' involve?

Lynn Adams
Sent to Redland City Council
26 Wilkie Street, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Swimming Pool and Fence

Disappointing to receive this notification from RCC after work has already commenced. Also not able to see actual site plan on PD online.
Noise/chatter travelling from the property (from long periods out on back deck) is already an issue for surrounding neighbours as not able to spend
quiet time to relax in their own properties (homes and yards) daily as voices are loud and sound carries over existing low fencing.
The pool, filter size and increase of visitors/kids during summer will further exacerbate a very sensitive situation.
Property or pool fencing at side and back should be maximum height and sound proofing options implemented to minimise daily noise eminating from outdoor living, entertainment, and work vehicles.

Sent to Redland City Council
67 - 85 Kinross Road, Thornlands QLD 4164
Standard Format - 1 into 50 Lots

What is Redlands council planning to tell all the people that work on Kinross road at the mentioned address when they lose their jobs for another housing development? I will be one of them, you are taking away a business that has been there for 40+ years, another family Australian owned business that will go down the tubes along with its employees, for what? Another housing development with infrastructure that can't cope already? Many of our employees have been there for more than 10 years, I moved my whole family to the Redlands over 7 years ago, what are we supposed to do now? There is very little work in my industry in the Redlands now as many others I will have to leave, you continue to take industry away from the Redlands, there is more to life than hospitality, like us that supply the hospitality industry

Benjamin Wheatley
Sent to Redland City Council
88 - 90 Kinross Road, Thornlands QLD 4164
Change to Development approval RAL19/0052 - Reconfiguring a Lot - Standard Format - 1 into 33 lots (Stage 2) Relates to RAL17/0051 (Stage 1) & RAL17/0050

I also believe the comments above are very correct. The Victoria Point / Thornlands area is becoming so congested due to over population and over development of high density housing it has created many access and infrastructure hazards that are being overlooked. Its a traffic nightmare to move about the area or park due to the lack of satisfactory roads. Emergency services must have serious issues???.

Rod Bickford
Sent to Redland City Council
88 - 90 Kinross Road, Thornlands QLD 4164
Change to Development approval RAL19/0052 - Reconfiguring a Lot - Standard Format - 1 into 33 lots (Stage 2) Relates to RAL17/0051 (Stage 1) & RAL17/0050

Needs another road through here to dangerous at the moment if you have a fire and the traffic is to heavy when this estate was planned it was suppose to have large green spaces between housing estates this is not happening

S bedford
Sent to Redland City Council
88 - 90 Kinross Road, Thornlands QLD 4164
Change to Development approval RAL19/0052 - Reconfiguring a Lot - Standard Format - 1 into 33 lots (Stage 2) Relates to RAL17/0051 (Stage 1) & RAL17/0050

Needs another road through here to dangerous at the moment if you have a fire and the traffic is to heavy when this estate was planned it was suppose to have large green spaces between housing estates this is not happening

S bedford
Sent to Redland City Council
88 - 90 Kinross Road, Thornlands QLD 4164
Change to Development approval RAL19/0052 - Reconfiguring a Lot - Standard Format - 1 into 33 lots (Stage 2) Relates to RAL17/0051 (Stage 1) & RAL17/0050

Has an appropriate level of risk assessment been performed considering the density of the population in this area currently, and planned population, compared to the lack of multiple egress points should a disaster befall this area and evacuation is required?

Rodney Clarke
Sent to Redland City Council
1 Seawater Street, Thornlands QLD 4164

Hi, could confirm if proposed dwelling is two storey and if the drive enters Seawater St or Freshwater st, thank you

katharine Boddy
Sent to Redland City Council
8 - 12 School Of Arts Road, Redland Bay QLD 4165

Isn't this land currently deemed Koala Conservation or a Koala Corridor? How can consideration for clearing the land and erecting a dwelling in this location even be considered? The City Plan and the State Government have clear guidelines as to Koala Protection and this development falls completely outside these regulations.

If this development is approved, it would see the end of any Koala activity i.e. extinction. If this doesn't happen during construction it would still happen if the home owners keep a dog or any other domestic animal.

It is now time Council lives up to its edict of caring for the Koala population. Come on Council, put your money where your mouth is!

Sent to Redland City Council
7 Westburn Court, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Inground Pool and Pool Fence

sorry got wrong house number problem is with no 12 westburn ct

ray kennedy
Sent to Redland City Council
7 Westburn Court, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Inground Pool and Pool Fence

sorry got wrong house number problem is with no 12 westburn ct

ray kennedy
Sent to Redland City Council
7 Westburn Court, Redland Bay QLD 4165
Inground Pool and Pool Fence

They are working on a sunday with an excavator date 5/4/20 commenced 8am still working 9am this is against council regulations not allowed to work on a sunday

ray kennedy
Sent to Redland City Council
124 - 134 Broadwater Terrace, Redland Bay QLD 4165

This is such an ugly development. The new owners will also have to back out on to the main road from their small lot houses, as there is no room to turn around in their driveways.

Sent to Redland City Council
20 - 28 Burbank Road, Birkdale QLD 4159
Other Change to Approval Code - SB004732 Standard Format Reconfiguration - 7 lots

I would like to strongly object to the removal of the covenant on Lot 1, 20 -28 Burbank Rd Birkdale 4159. The removal of this covenant would be detrimental to the wildlife in the Redlands and Birkdale in particular. Koalas are active in the area and are known to use this particular area for breeding and food. With the devastation of the bushfires though Australia this past summer it is important to maintain these areas for our wildlife as we lost so many in the fires.
We don’t need any more high density housing but we do need more areas for our wildlife, koalas are in need of safe areas to walk and feed in.
I urge the Redland City Council to reject this application.

Leisa Sutton
Sent to Redland City Council